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Weemanply109 08-05-12 16:31

Oh, I understand. Makes sense. I don't understand why they'd include Tomb Raider if that wasn't the case. So you're probably right. :tmb:

motoleo 08-05-12 16:31

That's because it's missing the whole address.

Think link is literally this -> ""

The "..." represents the missing part of the address.

Edit: Yup, that's it.

Lukass 08-05-12 16:33

Try this one

Weemanply109 08-05-12 16:39

Oh, It works. :D

Lukass 08-05-12 16:44

Go to 4:30 mins

Weemanply109 08-05-12 16:45


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6156943)
Go to 4:30 mins

I did, I also watched more because they had interesting previews. :pi:

I see Tomb Raider. Lara's cleavage.

Lukass 08-05-12 16:46

Now let's hope it meant something they showed her :p that would mean 22 days to go.

Weemanply109 08-05-12 16:47

What's the deal with the Twitter campaign "What would you like to see" thing (Shown just after they talk about the multiple previews)? Does that mean it's possible that we won't see any TR previews? I don't get it.

Lukass 08-05-12 16:49

Besides the world premiere trailers she also said something about gameplay videos. I think people can vote what they would like to see. If we voted TR, we might get a gameplay video with the trailer? IDK...I think it would be too easy to get it. And I also think CD would tell us about it.

Weemanply109 08-05-12 16:54

^I hope we don't miss out on anything. ;_;

Imagine if we did vote on it and got a gameplay trailer? :o

I'm so hyped up for this, more than ever. I can't wait for this game. I need the system specifications for the PC version soon.

NRO. 08-05-12 16:58

There is a link to vote for TR? WHY ISN'T THERE A THREAD YET?!

Lukass 08-05-12 17:00

I think it's lame. Why didn't they say which games people can vote for and for how long, you know what I mean...? :/

I think you'll need mega powerful graphics card D:

Weemanply109 08-05-12 17:04

Nah, it won't need a high-end one. Probably a GTX 260 at max, which is considered mid-end by today's standards and is quite cheap, but is a powerful card. I hope the PC version gets DX11 graphical features, though I doubt it. ;_;

The worlds most powerful card right now is Nvidia's latest one which is GTX 690 which has a price tag consisting of 4 digits. :o (Why am I mentioning this? :/)

motoleo 08-05-12 17:06


Lukass 08-05-12 17:08


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6156967)
There is a link to vote for TR? WHY ISN'T THERE A THREAD YET?!

I don't see any link.


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6156977)
Nah, it won't need a high-end one. Probably a GTX 260 at max, which is considered mid-end by today's standards and is quite cheap, but is a powerful card. I hope the PC version gets DX11 graphical features, though I doubt it. ;_;

The worlds most powerful card right now is Nvidia's latest one which is GTX 690 which has a price tag consisting of 4 digits. :o (Why am I mentioning this? :/)

I don't really understand these things, so...idk :p I just hope the game's look will blow our minds. Even the unfinished alpha footage looks extraordinary.

lcroft_lc 08-05-12 17:17


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6156967)
There is a link to vote for TR? WHY ISN'T THERE A THREAD YET?!

I never seen any voting @Lukass. But Geoff Keighley's Twitter status said this:

Today I'm starting to think about our E3 plans. Which games would you like to see on our Spike stage?!/geoffkeighley...66980028850176

Posted this before on this thread during that time.

Weemanply109 08-05-12 17:17

^Oh, so it's not a voting process, but just a fan communication thing? Oh, that's better then.

@Lukass: Ikr? The graphics are good so far. I understand your confusion about graphics cards. :vlol: They can be confusing.

lcroft_lc 08-05-12 17:24

BTW, when GTTV said they will show some trailers on May 31? :confused:

Mikky 08-05-12 17:24


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6157007)
I never seen any voting @Lukass. But Geoff Keighley's Twitter status said this:!/geoffkeighley...66980028850176

Posted this before on this thread during that time.

Yeah, but the video footage lady says to tweet @GTTVSHOW for whatever game you wanna see, so...

Weemanply109 08-05-12 17:44


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6157019)
BTW, when GTTV said they will show some trailers on May 31? :confused:

In that video Lukass just posted...

lcroft_lc 08-05-12 18:04


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6157053)
In that video Lukass just posted...

Hmm. got crappy net speed to watch. :o

Lukass 08-05-12 18:12

Gah nvm

motoleo 08-05-12 18:22


Weemanply109 08-05-12 18:54

^What the ****?

larafan25 08-05-12 19:15

This is the most confusing thread to read my God.

Lukass 08-05-12 19:16


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6157099)
Hmm. got crappy net speed to watch. :o

How are you going to watch the trailer then? :vlol:

Mikky 08-05-12 19:19 are premiering the new trailer tomorrow. Who's excited? lol jk

larafan25 08-05-12 19:20


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6157256) are premiering the new trailer tomorrow. Who's excited? lol jk

Me. I'm excited.

Bomb Fighter 08-05-12 19:20


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6157256) are premiering the new trailer tomorrow. Who's excited? lol jk


larafan25 08-05-12 19:20

White text.

Lukass 08-05-12 19:20


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6157259)

White text :pi: see the white text....

Larafan25: Go away! :p

Bomb Fighter 08-05-12 19:22


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6157262)
White text.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6157263)
White text :pi: see the white text....

Larafan25: Go away! :p

Oh...right. I´m really tired. This was pretty exciting day :vlol:

Mikky 08-05-12 19:25


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6157259)
What???? are showing the new trailer for the first time tomorrow. Apparently the trailer will focus on Lara anticipatively waiting for something near the beach, with the words "SOON" written on the sand, and it will show gameplay of Lara riding her pink pony. I guess they decided to bring the horse thing back.

klona 08-05-12 19:26

The was trailer leaked! (A part from it as i see)
AMAZING. :eek:

just*raidin*tomb 08-05-12 19:29

Anything new at all? (besides trolling)

NRO. 08-05-12 19:29

That's not even funny. You make Karl sad.

Edited for even sadder effect.

larafan25 08-05-12 19:29


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6157288)
Anything new at all? (besides trolling)

A magazine is going to have "exclusive" TR info on the 6th of June, which is pointless.

Mikky 08-05-12 19:31


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6157291)
A magazine is going to have "exclusive" TR info on the 6th of June, which is pointless.

I literally just laughed my ass off at this.

Lukass 08-05-12 19:32


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6157291)
A magazine is going to have "exclusive" TR info on the 6th of June, which is pointless.

:vlol: LAWL

just*raidin*tomb 08-05-12 19:34

But we'll likely see a trailer and gameplay before then so what a **** time to have an exclusive.

I know a lot of magazines say exclusive when what they actually mean is STUFF YOUVE PROLLY ALREADY SEEN BUT WE HAVENT PUBLISHED.

cuz they lie~

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