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Mikky 14-05-12 17:48


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6167767)
We all know she is :)

We all know she is what? 0_o

Alexander990 14-05-12 17:49


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6167804)
We all know she is what? 0_o

beautiful probably

Richard_Croft 14-05-12 17:51

Beautiful :o

Pietras 14-05-12 17:52


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6167744)
I think that was taken from this pic/message...

Where's this from daddy? :yik:

lcroft_lc 14-05-12 17:57


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6167751)
Yeah, I just saw that on the official site. I want them to release it properly.

I asked Meagan if she can give us the screenshot without writing then she said she will ask for permission.

Mikky 14-05-12 17:58


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6167830)
I asked Meagan if she can give us the screenshot without writing then she said she will ask for permission.

Darrel will clear it in the next podcast.


I hope we at least get the playable demo at Christmas.

_Awestruck_ 14-05-12 18:00

The fact that they blacked out whatever she's shooting at...:vlol:

The lighting in that screenshot is nice.

Richard_Croft 14-05-12 18:01


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6167834)

I hope we at least get the playable demo at Christmas.

I hope we can get it before that :o

Linoshi Croft 14-05-12 18:01

Fat chance :p


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6167837)
The fact that they blacked out whatever she's shooting at...:vlol:

The lighting in that screenshot is nice.

It's a deer isn't it?

_Awestruck_ 14-05-12 18:03

It is? How do you know?

Alexander990 14-05-12 18:04

Yes it is. Someone posted a lighter version of that pic. Deer 100%. :)

Mikky 14-05-12 18:05


Originally Posted by Alexander990 (Post 6167854)
Yes it is. Someone posted a lighter version of that pic. Deer 100%. :)

What? Where? I wanna see.

Linoshi Croft 14-05-12 18:05


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6167848)
It is? How do you know?


..and this

_Awestruck_ 14-05-12 18:09

Poor deer. :vlol:

Mikky 14-05-12 18:11

So, we'll hunt deers to... eat them?

Lukass 14-05-12 18:13

I knew about the deer like 5 hours ago as someone already posted it D: she'll eat its raw meat lol

Richard_Croft 14-05-12 18:17

Poor deer :o

Pietras 14-05-12 18:17


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6167882)
she'll eat its raw meat lol

:mis: Ohh you mean survival xD

Richard_Croft 14-05-12 18:21


Originally Posted by Pietras (Post 6167895)
:mis: Ohh you mean survival xD

And poor Lara :vlol:

NRO. 14-05-12 18:26

I'm not a PETA-person, but I really don't want to shoot the deer in the game. I see them pretty much on a regular basis and they aren't that harmful. That's not a stereotype about Finland. I live walking distance from a forest filled with animals.

Holy crap I'm turning into a nymph.

just*raidin*tomb 14-05-12 18:27


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6167858)

And people said there weren't going to be deer.

Oh guess what Lara's hunting for? Food? Maybe? :cool: Realism hella yeah.

And I have deer all in my area and I love them to death, but in the name of survival I will kill one if it means food...sorry deer.

Mr. Giraffe 14-05-12 18:37


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6167915)
And people said there weren't going to be deer.

Oh guess what Lara's hunting for? Food? Maybe? :cool: Realism hella yeah.

And I have deer all in my area and I love them to death, but in the name of survival I will kill one if it means food...sorry deer.

Maybe you can tame the deer, name it, and ride it around. Deer is the new horse.

Mikky 14-05-12 18:39


Originally Posted by Mr. Giraffe (Post 6167939)
Maybe you can tame the deer, name it, and ride it around. Deer is the new horse.

That would be... ridiculous.

Mr. Giraffe 14-05-12 18:41


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6167946)
That would be... ridiculous.

:P I can imagine it now. Dual Pistols on a deer, and chasing scavengers.

klona 14-05-12 18:43


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6167912)
I'm not a PETA-person, but I really don't want to shoot the deer in the game. I see them pretty much on a regular basis and they aren't that harmful. That's not a stereotype about Finland. I live walking distance from a forest filled with animals.

Holy crap I'm turning into a nymph.

You don't want to hunt food for Lara!? :(
JKlololololoolol, but you'll make Lara hungry! imagine life with no food!

Mikky 14-05-12 18:43

Right... Moving on... Lara has a walkie talkie. I wonder if we'll actually be able to use it to contact other people. I swear to God, Conrad better not be talking to Lara via that thing giving us game hints. I would die. >.>

Lukass 14-05-12 18:43


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6167955)
Right... Moving on... Lara has a walkie talkie. I wonder if we'll actually be able to use it to contact other people. I swear to God, Conrad better not be talking to Lara via that thing giving us game hints. I would die. >.>

Conrad is the new Zip :/

Linoshi Croft 14-05-12 18:44

Conrad is not the only person who could be on the other end..

Mikky 14-05-12 18:45

^ Yeah, of course. Ship guy could be on the other end, too.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6167959)
Conrad is the new Zip :/

Don't even joke. :pi:

NRO. 14-05-12 18:46

If Condrad is like Zip I'm going to do a headshot on him.


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6167954)
You don't want to hunt food for Lara!? :(
JKlololololoolol, but you'll make Lara hungry! imagine life with no food!

I can hunt animals, just not deer.

klona 14-05-12 18:47

I guess Conrad will give us hints, since she has a transceiver. :p

Richard_Croft 14-05-12 18:49


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6167959)
Conrad is the new Zip :/

Oh, I see :pi:
"Lara, I peed myself."
"Roger that" :vlol:

klona 14-05-12 18:58


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6167982)
Oh, I see :pi:
"Lara, I peed myself."
"Roger that" :vlol:


Mr. Giraffe 14-05-12 19:22


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6167955)
Right... Moving on... Lara has a walkie talkie. I wonder if we'll actually be able to use it to contact other people. I swear to God, Conrad better not be talking to Lara via that thing giving us game hints. I would die. >.>

No, I think it is just for show. Just like how the bow is just for show.

For real though, there could be plenty of people that can communicate with Lara other than Conrad. We have no idea how many people survived the ship, or who else was on the island before the ship wreck occured. If there is a military base people could have that technology. I am thinking it can be used for rescue missions or extra missions to gather supplies.

just*raidin*tomb 14-05-12 19:28

There are plenty of people on the island so I think she'll use it a lot, but I don't expect to be as annoying as Legend. There's a story they're trying to tell here while Legend just had voices cracking jokes at you that weren't even funny.

b.gluch 14-05-12 19:31

hopefully it runs out of batteries at some point... :pi:

tampi 14-05-12 19:36


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6167982)
Oh, I see :pi:
"Lara, I peed myself."
"Roger that" :vlol:

:vlol: heard, charlie-bravo

just*raidin*tomb 14-05-12 19:36


Originally Posted by b.gluch (Post 6168083)
hopefully it runs out of batteries at some point... :pi:

Well think about it. If she's trying to communicate with Conrad at some point how else will she? It's part of the story. I don't think it's going to be a hindrance and I know they aren't going to be constantly talking. I wouldn't jump to conclusions based on Legend. :/

Alexander990 14-05-12 19:37

Look how they improved over time. :p

klona 14-05-12 19:38

I love CrystalD. :p
Their changes are just... Dynamic.

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