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Stevo505 23-05-12 02:03

I hope they stay away from dubstep for the gameplay trailer.

larafan25 23-05-12 02:03

8 freaking days, wow.


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6183550)
They'll probably show the plane crashing briefly without any button prompts.

The plane crashing itself probably won't have any buttons prompts.

As I believe it's a cutscene until Lara throws herself over a cliff and you begin steerings her as she slides and tumbles avoiding and jumping over tumbling wreckages.

Stevo505 23-05-12 02:25


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6183509)
8 freaking days, wow.

The plane crashing itself probably won't have any buttons prompts.

As I believe it's a cutscene until Lara throws herself over a cliff and you begin steerings her as she slides and tumbles avoiding and jumping over tumbling wreckages.

Oh, phew, good. I was hoping I would be able to just sit back and enjoy the explosions and stuff.

just*raidin*tomb 23-05-12 02:25

Yeah. As I said I can't wait for the Tomb Raider Is Copying Uncharted threads...

So yeah basically a week until GTTV. Cool. :cool:

But really, I don't want anymore QTEs. :/

larafan25 23-05-12 02:26

^QTE will bother me oless once I see le island and big hubs.

I will feel ....crapless when I see a large open space, green, blue, Japanese buildings. It will look soo hubby, with so many places to see.


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6183561)
Oh, phew, good. I was hoping I would be able to just sit back and enjoy the explosions and stuff.

Yep. I hope the plane smashes into the radio tower, sending debris flying, tons of smoke and fire and falling pieces as Lara hurls herself down a slope!

just*raidin*tomb 23-05-12 02:27

Maybe it's the cause of the village fire and we have to rush back down to save Roth. :eek:

skylark1121 23-05-12 02:28


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6183565)
Maybe it's the cause of the village fire and we have to rush back down to save Roth. :eek:

That would be like totally amazing. :eek:

Poor Lara is going to get so stressed out if this happens.

Stevo505 23-05-12 02:29


This is going to be an epic game.

larafan25 23-05-12 02:30

wowah, like the plane causes the fire in the village!? D:

But the husks eject into the ocean, and Lara's slidy path ends with a cliff edge in which we have one final button prompt to secure out grip on the edge.

I seriously think the scavengers destroyed the village and Lara seeing it from the mountain and is like "oh **** Roth!".

just*raidin*tomb 23-05-12 02:31

I bet they took Roth then (something else took Roth oh dear)...

Dang this is island hell. Like literally.

larafan25 23-05-12 02:34


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6183570)
I bet they took Roth then (something else took Roth oh dear)...

Dang this is island hell. Like literally.

YES! But Roth doesn't seem like someone you kidnap.

In case anyone wants some excitement...


Originally Posted by AHHHH
Lara gains momentum as the player navigates her to relative safety, trying to find a path in the hillside that will leave her the least bruised and broken. If she survives without being pancaked by a turbine or impaled on debris, one final command will secure her grip on the cliff's edge, keeping her from plummeting into the ocean below.

skylark1121 23-05-12 02:37

^ Omg, it sounds completely and utterly amazing. @_@

just*raidin*tomb 23-05-12 02:39


larafan25 23-05-12 02:39

BTW guise, I asked Dark_Messiah about that shot of Lara hanging from the plane, and he says it is from the night hub when it breaks beneath Lara! :D :jmp:

Siresly. This week will go by so fast, then next week will craaaawl on by.

Stevo505 23-05-12 02:40

Yay for impaling :D

^So does that mean that if the plane is a way of getting somewhere, we'll have to find an alternate path?

just*raidin*tomb 23-05-12 02:42

Or climb up it before it falls maybe.

larafan25 23-05-12 02:42


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6183580)
Yay for impaling :D

^So does that mean that if the plane is a way of getting somewhere, we'll have to find an alternate path?

Well maybe we can climb up it, but if not that means

OH ****.

That's what





That's what the axe areas in the night hub are for, and when you fall into the river you return to camp and get the axe.

skylark1121 23-05-12 02:44


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6183580)
Yay for impaling :D

^So does that mean that if the plane is a way of getting somewhere, we'll have to find an alternate path?

For some reason, I get a horrible mental picture of propeller blades flying through the air and impaling Lara against trees. :(


Larua croft 23-05-12 02:44


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6183506)
I hope they stay away from dubstep for the gameplay trailer.

Me too dubstep :cen:ing sucks.

larafan25 23-05-12 02:46


Originally Posted by GI article
Changing weather conditions, Lara's physical evolution, and her influence on the island itself are intended to keep locations feeling fresh when revisited.

So true, as Lara's abilities and gear will advance, and she will break crap in the hubs, and the weather will change, it will be soo fun to go back.

just*raidin*tomb 23-05-12 02:47

Damn these next few days. ;_ ;

Stevo505 23-05-12 02:50


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 6183586)
For some reason, I get a horrible mental picture of propeller blades flying through the air and impaling Lara against trees. :(


...Ooo. Imagine a propeller flying at her and cutting her in half :vlol:

just*raidin*tomb 23-05-12 02:52

I hope there are some boss fights.

larafan25 23-05-12 02:52

^OH SAME. I want boss fights where I can use whatever I want to kill the boss, and can run away and hop around the hub to escape.

Sooo...reading this passage about player-driven exploration, discovery, and dynamic traversal makes me hope that all of our missions don't involve cameras showing us the way. ._.

skylark1121 23-05-12 02:55


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6183592)
...Ooo. Imagine a propeller flying at her and cutting her in half :vlol:

OMG. :vlol:

What if one cuts her head off, and she keeps running for like 2 seconds? D:

just*raidin*tomb 23-05-12 02:55

For god sake I hope they get rid of those camera hints. I mean even just having the wolf up there would be good enough. We don't a camera to show us.

That and the QTEs are my only qualms I have of the game so far.

trlestew 23-05-12 02:56


Originally Posted by Larua croft (Post 6183587)
Me too dubstep :cen:ing sucks.

"Adventure chose me..." WUB-WUB-WUB-WUB---
*BOOM!* "A famous explorer" *BOOM!* "Once-once-ssssaid" *BOOM*
"The EXTRADORINARY IS NOT-NOT-Not no NOOOttttt in who we are but" *BOOM* "what we do" WUB-WUB---

Tomb Raider 2013, dubstep trailer.
Music by Skillrex.

larafan25 23-05-12 02:57


OH God. I just realized it's now TR 2013. >_>

I'm about to explain something weird...

When I look at screenshots of the night hub, and notice a little shack up near the top of the mountain, and bridges, and platforms. It makes me want to laugh, because I strongly believe yet forget and have reoccurring doubts, that the hubs in the island will surprise us and present....really new amounts and types of exploration that we just haven't really had much of in recent games. But I'm sure the hubs are going to be super explorable.

I just wonder, how far into the game is the radio tower mission, being one mission after the wolf's den, and how many hubs are there?

Will they get more complex? Larger?

Stevo505 23-05-12 03:08


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6183598)
For god sake I hope they get rid of those camera hints. I mean even just having the wolf up there would be good enough. We don't a camera to show us.

That and the QTEs are my only qualms I have of the game so far.

Yes. The camera hints remind me of a cheesy PS1 kids' game.

larafan25 23-05-12 03:09

The hubs and platforming remind me of a cheesy PS2 kids game masked in grit which I why I love it. <3

Stevo505 23-05-12 03:10

I wonder, are Lara's moves like running, walking, etc. being motion-captured like Underworld? Or are they just motion-capturing the cutscenes?

Gamd1011 23-05-12 03:11


Originally Posted by trlestew (Post 6183599)
"Adventure chose me..." WUB-WUB-WUB-WUB---
*BOOM!* "A famous explorer" *BOOM!* "Once-once-ssssaid" *BOOM*
"The EXTRADORINARY IS NOT-NOT-Not no NOOOttttt in who we are but" *BOOM* "what we do" WUB-WUB---

Tomb Raider 2013, dubstep trailer.
Music by Skillrex.


omg!! I'm literally lmfao-ing right now!!:vlol:

just*raidin*tomb 23-05-12 03:12


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6183614)
I wonder, are Lara's moves like running, walking, etc. being motion-captured like Underworld? Or are they just motion-capturing the cutscenes?

I'm pretty sure just the cutscenes are being motion captured. And some contextual moments probably.

larafan25 23-05-12 03:13


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6183614)
I wonder, are Lara's moves like running, walking, etc. being motion-captured like Underworld? Or are they just motion-capturing the cutscenes?

They're just capturing the cutscenes and some in game moves might be similar animations from cutscenes for rare actions, which might be motion-captured. But the gameplay moves are apparently not.

scremanie 23-05-12 03:13

They're hand animated, I believe.

Stevo505 23-05-12 03:14

That makes me happy. I loved the way Legend and Anni's hand-animated moves looked.

larafan25 23-05-12 03:14

^Yeah, they were nice and....animated, organic, fluid, and or square feeling. Although I do like the TRU run. But nothing compared to the jump in TR9.

OH EM GEE this game has sprint!


Originally Posted by scremanie (Post 6183620)
They're hand animated, I believe.


A monkey could do it with their feet. :pi:

just*raidin*tomb 23-05-12 03:17


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6183622)
That makes me happy. I loved the way Legend and Anni's hand-animated moves looked.

Yeah the animations are virtually flawless in terms of fluidity. They should have just did that with Underworld and the would have been much better. :/

leglion 23-05-12 03:18


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6183625)
Yeah the animations are virtually flawless in terms of fluidity. They should have just did that with Underworld and the would have been much better. :/

Yeah, my only beef with underworld, the animations. :\

larafan25 23-05-12 03:19

The animations are like...the heart of the movements it seems. If they don't look right then for some reason it doesn't feel right, and it becomes less enjoyable.

Fix the animations in TRU, get rid of combat entirely, shove in tons more tombs and puzzles because the puzzles with blocks were awesome, and I'd love TRU.

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