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Linoshi Croft 13-07-12 23:04


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6322555)
Exploding bird?

You can kill the birds in the hunting hub.

[Xmas] 13-07-12 23:04

Yes, the one Lara barely touches with her arrow and it explodes into million pieces

larafan25 13-07-12 23:05

And their feathers fly up into the air when you quickly squat down and shank em.




just*raidin*tomb 13-07-12 23:06


Originally Posted by [Xmas] (Post 6322559)
Yes, the one Lara barely touches with her arrow and it explodes into million pieces

I see feathers. Not an explosion. ._.

[Xmas] 13-07-12 23:07


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6322563)
I see feathers. Not an explosion. ._.

It's a feather explosion I wonder if PETA will be all right with it

larafan25 13-07-12 23:10

This shot is funny to me, Lara cutting up a bird...

Too bad we don't actually have to eat. :'(

SpyrosMonster 13-07-12 23:11


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6322575)
This shot is funny to me, Lara cutting up a bird...

Too bad we don't actually have to eat. :'(


larafan25 13-07-12 23:12

lol, then the bird disappears.

just*raidin*tomb 13-07-12 23:12

Yeah that's dumb. :/ We should have to collect food to heal. But no, we just automatically heal. REVOLUTIONARY.

[Xmas] 13-07-12 23:12


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6322575)
This shot is funny to me, Lara cutting up a bird...

Too bad we don't actually have to eat. :'(

I was like: when I saw it :p It's so gross... Why would she even do that?

SpyrosMonster 13-07-12 23:14

Where is Larua Croft? I haven't seen her online for a long time!! :confused:

larafan25 13-07-12 23:14


Originally Posted by [Xmas] (Post 6322586)
I was like: when I saw it :p It's so gross... Why would she even do that?

Well because realism is a factor in the game, and making Lara human, she has to eat.

But you don't actually have to eat, so she's doing it to gain experience.

*shakes head*

just*raidin*tomb 13-07-12 23:17


Originally Posted by [Xmas] (Post 6322586)
I was like: when I saw it :p It's so gross... Why would she even do that?

Because there isn't a McDonald's in sight.

Killercowz 13-07-12 23:24


Originally Posted by [Xmas] (Post 6322586)
I was like: when I saw it :p It's so gross... Why would she even do that?

She saw Lady Gaga's face and was disgusted, to ease out said disgust she went on a killing rampage.

[Xmas] 13-07-12 23:29


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6322591)
Well because realism is a factor in the game, and making Lara human, she has to eat.

But you don't actually have to eat, so she's doing it to gain experience.

*shakes head*

Eating birds is realistic? Since when? That's like eating a snake or smelly cats [IMG]http://i47.************/dlkl4x.png[/IMG]

Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6322596)
Because there isn't a McDonald's in sight.


Originally Posted by Killercowz (Post 6322601)
She saw Lady Gaga's face and was disgusted, to ease out said disgust she went on a killing rampage.

I knew it! I knew GodGa will be featured in the game!

Killercowz 13-07-12 23:30


Originally Posted by [Xmas] (Post 6322610)
I knew it! I knew GodGa will be featured in the game!

Of course, Lara needs motivation to get off the island somehow!

Stevo505 13-07-12 23:38


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6322590)
Where is Larua Croft? I haven't seen her online for a long time!! :confused:

I think she got herself banned again =/

Spong 14-07-12 00:14


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6322575)
This shot is funny to me, Lara cutting up a bird...

Too bad we don't actually have to eat. :'(

She's just retrieving the arrow isn't she? She's not cutting the bird up or anything, which is why I commented in the other thread about the blood splashes on the lens being a bit OTT.

WWETombRaider 14-07-12 00:18

I want the statue.

TheRCroft 14-07-12 00:20

I want the person who's seeing the statue.

Spong 14-07-12 00:22


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6322691)
I want the person who's seeing the statue.

LOL, I was gonna say that too :p

Linoshi Croft 14-07-12 00:23

I have an odd image of you two dragging her away in a sack..


Killercowz 14-07-12 00:46


robm_2007 14-07-12 01:05


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6322542)
I think you can only burn cloth. :/

She's burnt rope in that cage puzzle, and I believe she burnt wood in that room where you get the Old Pry Tool/Crappy Axe for the first time.

And the wooden crates are flammable from the combat scenes we saw at E3. Oh, and the people can burn, too! :cln:

Weemanply109 14-07-12 01:21


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6322695)
I have an odd image of you two dragging her away in a sack..




larafan25 14-07-12 01:39


Originally Posted by WWETombRaider (Post 6322688)

OMG Camilla!


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6322681)
She's just retrieving the arrow isn't she? She's not cutting the bird up or anything, which is why I commented in the other thread about the blood splashes on the lens being a bit OTT.

Oooooh right, yeah arrow retrieval. That's what she's doing.

lcroft_lc 14-07-12 04:49


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6322441)
Oh, yes, I agree.

The map reminds me more of Kya though.

It looks like Arkham Asylum map to me.

Weemanply109 14-07-12 05:04

^Exactly what I thought. You can clearly see the Batman Arkham Asylum inspiration in this game.

larafan25 14-07-12 05:20


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6322980)
It looks like Arkham Asylum map to me.

Oh wow, yes indeed. I've been playing Arkham City most recently, but that does look a lot more like Treboot's map.


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6322997)
^Exactly what I thought. You can clearly see the Batman Arkham Asylum inspiration in this game.

Yep, it's inspired alright.

TRexbait 14-07-12 06:18

I don't think I'm going to buy any of the skills that make the exploration/discoveries easier (unless I've already beaten the game and legit am ripping my hair out). Anybody else feel this way?

ItIsOkBro 14-07-12 06:24


Originally Posted by TRexbait (Post 6323069)
I don't think I'm going to buy any of the skills that make the exploration/discoveries easier (unless I've already beaten the game and legit am ripping my hair out). Anybody else feel this way?

I'm like 99.9% sure everyone will feel the same way! Those are game-purpose-defeating skills right there.

SpyrosMonster 15-07-12 16:38

Hehe... Have you seen that?

MyRaider4Life 15-07-12 16:46

I was just rewatching the TR stage demo and y'all know that rocky area thing in view when Lara slides down the rope? It's got a plane crashed into it. I only just realised and don't think anybody else has said anything, so yeah. PLANE CRASH, GUIZ. Maybe that's where the plane crashes that Lara's running from?

larafan25 15-07-12 16:47


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6326480)
I was just rewatching the TR stage demo and y'all know that rocky area thing in view when Lara slides down the rope? It's got a plane crashed into it. I only just realised and don't think anybody else has said anything, so yeah. PLANE CRASH, GUIZ. Maybe that's where the plane crashes that Lara's running from?

I noticed it, seems like an area we can explore.

As for the plane could be that lane, or one of the other bagillion lanes on the island. Which I what I think as the other plane seems to land in the ocean.

MyRaider4Life 15-07-12 16:54


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6326483)
I noticed it, seems like an area we can explore.

As for the plane could be that lane, or one of the other bagillion lanes on the island. Which I what I think as the other plane seems to land in the ocean.

That plane definitely did not crash within that lane, it was way too high to land there. It would've kept going for a while and landed past the already crashed plane we can see in the shot of Lara jumping.

larafan25 15-07-12 16:56


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6326498)
That plane definitely did not crash within that lane, it was way too high to land there. It would've kept going for a while and landed past the already crashed plane we can see in the shot of Lara jumping.

I just remember the Game Informer article says the sequence ends with Lara hanging off a cliff, and the husks of the plane eject into the ocean. So I assume it all goes to the ocean.

MyRaider4Life 15-07-12 17:00


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6326502)
I just remember the Game Informer article says the sequence ends with Lara hanging off a cliff, and the husks of the plane eject into the ocean. So I assume it all goes to the ocean.

Oh, interesting. I never read that.

Weemanply109 15-07-12 18:05

Oh. Informative.

Why does LaraFan know almost everything about TR? D:

larafan25 15-07-12 18:06

Because I read the Game Informer article from 2011 and since then the rest has been rehash.


JK, but a lot of information is gone over multiple times it seems.

Bomb Fighter 15-07-12 18:10

^ Wasn't it in Dec 2010?

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