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Lio123 07-01-12 07:11


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5903475)
I really want the Glee cast to do the main theme for this game. :)


Stevo505 07-01-12 07:31


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 5904543)
Her looks really good in this screenshot for some reason. Probably the best I've seen in a game... (1st column, 2nd screen)
But for some reason it doesn't look as good in other screens

Yeah, it looks like a rag in other screens. Was this one taken later when improvements had been made?

TRexbait 07-01-12 07:33

....Where the hell did larafan get such high quality screens from?! :yik:

Stevo505 07-01-12 07:36


Originally Posted by TRexbait (Post 5904555)
....Where the hell did larafan get such high quality screens from?! :yik:

He probably screencapped the gameplay video in HD on youtube?

Lukass 07-01-12 07:47

Luv her face expression here....

and here....

Looks beautiful....

Stevo505 07-01-12 07:50


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5904570)

Why is she so freaking lovely? The game is going to be absolutely beautiful.

Lukass 07-01-12 07:55

The game already IS absolutely beautiful even if we've seen unfinished gameplay yet! Just imagine how epic (lol) the gameplay trailer is gonna be. We are about to see finished footage, with her hair done and everything! :jmp:

klona 07-01-12 08:20


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5904572)
The game already IS absolutely beautiful even if we've seen unfinished gameplay yet! Just imagine how epic (lol) the gameplay trailer is gonna be. We are about to see finished footage, with her hair done and everything! :jmp:

Don't say that...
But yeah, I also think the game is going to be awesome just by looking at what we've seen so far!
I'm totally hyped right now. :p

Stevo505 07-01-12 08:28

I went back and watch that leaked footage and it is so beautiful. And that was from months ago. I can only imagine what it looks like now, and what it'll look like when it's finished.

Lukass 07-01-12 08:32


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 5904586)
I went back and watch that leaked footage and it is so beautiful. And that was from months ago. I can only imagine what it looks like now, and what it'll look like when it's finished.

:jmp: yay!!!!

I know I'll spend hours of just lurking around without doing anything, I'll just be enjoying how Lara and the environment looks perfect!

Dream_Raider 07-01-12 08:58


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 5904586)
I went back and watch that leaked footage and it is so beautiful. And that was from months ago. I can only imagine what it looks like now, and what it'll look like when it's finished.

Aww man I was inactive on trf back then... what leaked footage???

Spong 07-01-12 09:01


Originally Posted by Dream_Raider (Post 5904607)
Aww man I was inactive on trf back then... what leaked footage???

Footage of a cutscene with Lara & Roth, then some gameplay of Lara exploring an abandoned village on her way to the wolf den to get the radio.

Dream_Raider 07-01-12 09:12


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5904608)
Footage of a cutscene with Lara & Roth, then some gameplay of Lara exploring an abandoned village on her way to the wolf den to get the radio.

sounds awesome :jmp:

How many people want/expect Roth to die? I think it'll be kinda cheesy if he dies, but I think I'm kinda expecting it to happen :p

Spong 07-01-12 09:19


Originally Posted by Dream_Raider (Post 5904618)
sounds awesome :jmp:

It was okay, yeah. Lara had a ridiculously unbelievable wall scrabble move though, it sucked.


Originally Posted by Dream_Raider (Post 5904618)
How many people want/expect Roth to die?

For me, I both want and expect him to die.

Lukass 07-01-12 09:26


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5904620)
It was okay, yeah. Lara had a ridiculously unbelievable wall scrabble move though, it sucked.



Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5904620)
For me, I both want and expect him to die.

:pi: ...

MyRaider4Life 07-01-12 09:26

I expect he'll die too, tbh. It'd be a good 'sad' moment in the plot for Lara.

Also, are we allowed to talk about the leaked gameplay footage, coz I wanna share my opinion on something I noticed in it. :p

Lukass 07-01-12 09:28

^ I think we can discuss it as there are some TRF members (Gabi, jackali) who've seen the demo and they were talking about it without problems :p Bring it on...

Spong 07-01-12 09:32


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5904623)

When Lara, at one point, jumped up the side of some hut, she scrabbled up to grab the roof (the game pauses and shows some hint text to tap whatever button was required). It looked lame.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5904623)
:pi: ...

Suck it up. Roth is an idiot and deserves to burn in hell :mis:

Lukass 07-01-12 09:35


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5904629)
When Lara, at one point, jumped up the side of some hut, she scrabbled up to grab the roof (the game pauses and shows some hint text to tap whatever button was required). It looked lame.

Suck it up. Roth is an idiot and deserves to burn in hell :mis:

Aha....yeah, it looks weird...Doubt anyone alive could do that.

Of course he'll burn in hell, but NOT Lara! :ohn:

I wanna be a witness of his brutal execution. The scavengers know exactly what to do :p

Dream_Raider 07-01-12 09:50

Poor Roth... :p He's dead to us already :pi:

Lukass 07-01-12 09:59

I just noticed something in the footage too. It's such shame we can't post screenshots from it....or can we?

klona 07-01-12 10:14


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5904643)
I just noticed something in the footage too. It's such shame we can't post screenshots from it....or can we?

Ask the mods? :p

Lukass 07-01-12 10:19

They'd say no :-//

klona 07-01-12 10:34

Since we aren't allowed to post pictures from it.
Can we draw it by ourselves and post the drawings? :pi:

Lukass 07-01-12 11:01


Originally Posted by klona (Post 5904656)
Since we aren't allowed to post pictures from it.
Can we draw it by ourselves and post the drawings? :pi:

Yes, I'd guess.

LOL I love how people on TRF are creative :vlol: :vlol: :vlol:

brand.seph 07-01-12 13:08

CD mentioned there'll be other survivors. Do you think they'll survive along with Lara until the end, assuming she finds ( Or there is ) Transport to escape from the island. Except for Roth obviously. :p

Oh BTW, Another idea. Like example, before the main menu starts, There'll be a Black screen with the logo "A Survivor is Born", then the main menu starts.

I don't know about you guys but that logo attracts me a lot.

tomee 07-01-12 13:17

Wow this thread was worth opening after all.
Reading through all these posts made me exited again, even though you made up most of the stuff. :tmb:

TRexbait 07-01-12 16:27

Anybody think we'll get a map of the island at some point? If it's as big and open as CD says it is, I think that it's the only way we'll be able to navigate without getting lost.

danraid 07-01-12 16:37


Originally Posted by TRexbait (Post 5905013)
Anybody think we'll get a map of the island at some point? If it's as big and open as CD says it is, I think that it's the only way we'll be able to navigate without getting lost.

Yes, I think there will be a map, even LCGOL had a map and that game wasn't even that big

TRexbait 07-01-12 16:40

...I did not know that.

Hmm... I wonder if it'll look anything like the one we saw in the trailer.

Mikky 07-01-12 16:40


Originally Posted by TRexbait (Post 5905013)
Anybody think we'll get a map of the island at some point? If it's as big and open as CD says it is, I think that it's the only way we'll be able to navigate without getting lost.

I would be awesome sauce if a real map came with the game, like with Oblivion. :cln: And obviously an actual in-game map in case we lose that one. :p

TRexbait 07-01-12 17:05


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5905036)

I would be awesome sauce if a real map came with the game, like with Oblivion. :cln: And obviously an actual in-game map in case we lose that one. :p

I wouldn't even use the real one for navigation, I would frame it.

Mikky 07-01-12 17:06


Originally Posted by TRexbait (Post 5905074)
I wouldn't even use the real one for navigation, I would frame it.

Oh, yeah, same here. :vlol: Well, maybe not frame, but definitely keep it safe and in good condition. :p

larafan25 07-01-12 17:51


Originally Posted by TRexbait (Post 5905013)
Anybody think we'll get a map of the island at some point? If it's as big and open as CD says it is, I think that it's the only way we'll be able to navigate without getting lost.

We've got a bit of one...

Those light areas appear to be the hubs and the dark surrounding areas just the rest of the island, by the looks of it.

I wonder if we can explore these dark surrounding spaces...


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5904570)

lol She looks like she's rapping. :p

ajrich17901 07-01-12 17:52

Rumor going around the game will be delayed to 2013, joy...

leglion 07-01-12 17:53

^ She looks flawless in that screen! :D

just*raidin*tomb 07-01-12 19:30


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5904629)
When Lara, at one point, jumped up the side of some hut, she scrabbled up to grab the roof (the game pauses and shows some hint text to tap whatever button was required). It looked lame.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5904632)
Aha....yeah, it looks weird...Doubt anyone alive could do that.

Really? It's completely believable and realistic. Do we have to go over this again? Ever heard of parkour?

It's a pretty simple move if you have the athletic ability to pull it off. All you need is good momentum and a couple steps against wall, which pushes you up just high enough to grap a ledge.

I'll admit it's very tricky, but possible. I was able to do it on the lower part of my house last summer but I didn't have the upper body strength to climb and it hurt my fingers, but still.

leglion 07-01-12 19:31


Originally Posted by Carbon (Post 5905439)
No, IT'S THE FOUNDATIONS! Do you hear yourself?

The foundation is the most basic level. It's the first thing you lay down.

*carried on from the rumor thread.*

Carbon 07-01-12 19:33


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 5905449)
The foundation is the most basic level. It's the first thing you lay down.

*carried on from the rumor thread.*

Yes, so not the ground!?

Anyways, i'm not taking it anywhere from now on... you can argue about things all day but not right now, bye!

leglion 07-01-12 19:55


Originally Posted by Carbon (Post 5905454)
Yes, so not the ground!?

Anyways, i'm not taking it anywhere from now on... you can argue about things all day but not right now, bye!

I don't know, what's the most basic part of the game engine? Anyways, from the ground up means they're not leaving out the core of the game engine when it comes to the overhaul, the core being the foundation everything is built on.

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