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Tabuu 16-09-12 22:31

natla= lukass

lara= crystal dynamics

just*raidin*tomb 17-09-12 00:25


Originally Posted by tomekkobialka (Post 6438032)
This is the sort of gameplay trailer I'm after:

38 seconds. It's nothing special, but it tells quite a lot about the game. Oh, and can anybody see any plot spoilers in there?

Not the static, boring stuff we've been getting so far. :pi:

Oh man. The TRA trailers got me way too excited for that game. Not in a bad way. I especially love the St. Francis Folly one.

TippingWater 17-09-12 01:04

Too bad Anniversary did not have a proper marketing campaign.

JsotoTRSaga 17-09-12 02:39


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6438046)
I love how they keep saying they don't want to go into much detail, they don't want to spoil anything, they can't talk about it at the moment, they're not ready yet, but they revealed her first kill.

*like Natla*

"I've never seen such delicious irony"


They revealed Natla in TRU rather than keeping her as surprise. CD always reveal what they are not supposed to reveal , When they are supposed to reveal something they don't do it even if it is an important factor of the game that all fans want to see (Tombs, Puzzles, Action, Exploration etc.) but they prefer showing the non relevant things about the game which sadly helps them little in their marketing campaigns. It is one of the reasons their games (while good) didn't sell more than Core's games, They sold rather solid and nicely but not as good as some of the other TR games.

Bomb Fighter 17-09-12 07:16


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6438041)
Complex areas that we all love usually come by the 2nd hour of every TR game so i assume that they are supposed to show us something more complex instead of showing us unrelevant points (in terms of marketing campaign) like the ones shown so far.. the things that where shown really don't influence many on buying the game. Lara's first kill was one of the things that should have not been spoiled and kept as surprise and should have been replaced in the trailer by showing some cool puzzle or a Tomb.

They decided to promote this game by showing Lara's character developpement. As they spent huge amount of time talking about how this adventure changes the vulnerable young girl we recieve at the beginning they are playing with the emotional site.that's why what we've seen so far was cinematics-heavy. Everything what we've seen so far was just one big tutorial level.
Den -how to move Lara and understanding your environement and how the physics work
Cliffs - basic traversing
Coastal forest - how base camps works, hunting
Night forest with Whitman - collecting items to upgrade skills
Burning village - sneaking, most likely gun gameplay

So it's still like a tutorial, which will probably end with Lara getting the pistol. Then the real gameplay will begin. If you consider how changed Lara is in the Mountain Descend part (and thats only two hours after the beginning) they are huge gaps we have no idea about whats gonna happen, especialy after that part. I'm pretty sure the action -packed gameplay will change into more explorational. And they will show and promote this aspect closer to the release so everyone will have it fresh on their minds once the game is released. That's logical. They cant reveal the best things at the beginning.

They dont want to show her first tomb, possibly because it will be a very important part of the game, even more important than the first kill.they arectombs in the game, we know it for sure. I'm more concerned by the amount of puzzle because so far we've seen one...

Peep Show 17-09-12 09:13

^Very well said, agreed with all of it.

Spong 17-09-12 14:43


Originally Posted by tomekkobialka (Post 6437673)
The TR2013 emphasis league table:









exploration .___.


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6437699)
more like

Batman and James Bond
Lara's emotional development
Lara's drive

Huge hubs That we're not willing to show
Iconic moments That we also won't show
The bow

Other cast


Originally Posted by Anja (Post 6437707)
You're all doing it wrong


Pretty much any mix of those is how I view the game's content so far (based on what we've seen). While what Bomb Fighter is correct in saying that all we've seen is essentially the game's tutorial, Crystal certainly hasn't plugged their hype that way. By choosing not to balance the footage out, they infer that what we see is all we're getting. And to be honest, if the footage we've seen so far was indicative of the game as a whole, I probably wouldn't get it. A linear game with an intrusive story isn't my idea of fun.

Lukass 17-09-12 20:11

I can't stand the silence. :/

JsotoTRSaga 17-09-12 20:14


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6439233)
I can't stand the silence. :/

UGH... me either it is getting so boring & annoying lately there's nothing to discuss about either :/ they need to be more concerned about the fans i hate it when they get so silent... something bad usually happens.

Lukass 17-09-12 20:18


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6439242)
UGH... me either it is getting so boring & annoying lately there's nothing to discuss about either :/ they need to be more concerned about the fans i hate it when they get so silent... something bad usually happens.

Not to mention there's nothing to look forward. They're not showing anything any time soon. :/ It's frustrating. I'm leaving till December, I think.

Mikky 17-09-12 20:20

Although, I care a little, tiny bit.

Lukass 17-09-12 20:21

Ahahahaha :vlol:

JsotoTRSaga 17-09-12 20:23

LOL! :vlol: at least we still have the never dying Humor in this forum :vlol:

Lukass 17-09-12 20:29

This has been posted 30-01-12, 03:54


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 5945254)
OMG. If they don't release info in February we will have to Spam threads til'l they Release new info! :p They better Do something fast! and by the way, new fans of the series and non fans will probably forget about the game if they Keep the silence. ;)


JsotoTRSaga 17-09-12 20:32

LAWL^ Gorl i still remember that post :vlol: It is very true though...probably half of the world forgot about TR as of today :ton: Once Again.

Lukass 17-09-12 20:36

Yeah, I feel like here we go again!

And lol @ how we believed we get new info in February. Naive.

JsotoTRSaga 17-09-12 20:44


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6439315)
Yeah, I feel like here we go again!

And lol @ how we believed we get new info in February. Naive.

Yes i'm feeling this way too, hopefully there will be no delays again :mis: but what next? really i'm so bored and annoyed by the Trolling (:p) CD have been giving us fans ever since the game was announced in 2010. It is almost noticeable that they are not planning to show us anything until Xmas and that is if we are lucky. Perhaps we will get yet another Blurry picture like the one we got in March 2012 to ''find out who it is'' :rolleyes:. And lol yes I remember how excited and innocent (:/) we where to think that we where getting new info on February at the end we got nothing. Their marketing campaigns are nothing to look foward to though since they tend to announce things the other way around in their trailers.

Mikky 17-09-12 20:45


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6439315)
Yeah, I feel like here we go again!

And lol @ how we believed we get new info in February. Naive.

IKR? Sometimes I find it hard to believe we made it out alive after all those months without anything. :p

Lukass 17-09-12 20:59

I seriously miss those days, when we have only blurry scans, we didn't know a bit about the story, we had no idea there's Sam, Whitman and the others. I liked it better. It was just Lara, Roth, primitive tribe of scavengers and mysterious island.

Do you still remember this? Oh God! God! I remember us keep saying how beautiful she is! There still was the magic about the game...I want it back!

Uh, they've changed her A LOT!

italibabee 17-09-12 21:04

Her hair is different.
But I still think she looks the same?

Mikky 17-09-12 21:04


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6439362)
I seriously miss those days, when we have only blurry scans, we didn't know a bit about the story, we had no idea there's Sam, Whitman and the others. I liked it better. It was just Lara, Roth, primitive tribe of scavengers and mysterious island.

I was the same back then. My vision for the game was so different then, but everything changed when the Crossroads trailer was released. Oh, well.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6439362)
Do you still remember this? Oh God! God! I remember us keep saying how beautiful she is! There still was the magic about the game...I want it back!


Uh, they've changed her A LOT!


She does look a bit different, but I think it's more down to the angles of those night hub screenshots and her facial expressions than anything else that make her look different. :p

Lukass 17-09-12 21:06

^ My excitement became lower with Crossroads.

Anyway, I think she looked younger before.

JsotoTRSaga 17-09-12 21:41

My excitement died a bit after August passed away, it's so boring now they only care about competitions, cosplays, Repeat. :/ There was more magic back then and even more magic before they declined the supernatural creatures.

Tabuu 17-09-12 21:43


Lio123 17-09-12 22:04

Talking about the lost of excitement@ JsotoTRSaga i remember a post about it.

JsotoTRSaga 17-09-12 22:07


Originally Posted by Lio123 (Post 6439464)
Talking about the lost of excitement@ JsotoTRSaga i remember a post about it.

Sorry i don't understand what you mean by this :o, loss of excitement is everywhere in this forum i suppose.

Lukass 17-09-12 22:11

Just ****ing release the game already! D':

Lio123 17-09-12 22:11

Am talking about a thread moths ago that was asking if we will ever loss the excitement. Your comment just remind me of it.

Mikky 17-09-12 22:12


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6439467)
Just ****ing release the game already! D':


Haven't you heard? It got cancelled. lul

Lukass 17-09-12 22:15


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6439470)

Haven't you heard? It got cancelled. lul

I'm not far from believing that. It does feel like that at the moment, doesn't it? :p

Mikky 17-09-12 22:16

Yep. :p

Lukass 17-09-12 22:22

It's funny how they all of a sudden have no partners. Looks like Geocaching gave up :vlol:

But what really pisses me off is, that the beautiful artwork with the fallen pagoda has been taken down! They really can please me...every day something new! :/

TheRCroft 17-09-12 22:32


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6439486)
Looks like Geocaching gave up :vlol:

Them and me both :p

Mikky 17-09-12 22:32

You can still see it on the Crystal Habit.

I'm amazed they've still haven't released it officially. Tbh, I don't think they are anymore. :/

Lukass 17-09-12 22:35

^ Thank you and God!


And do you know there is still one screenshot (yeah, screenshot) from the first GI article that they've never gave us in HQ, yet? :p

Mikky 17-09-12 22:38


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6439503)
^ Thank you and God!


And do you know there is still one screenshot (yeah, screenshot) from the first GI article that they've never gave us in HQ, yet? :p

You're welcome. :D

Yeah, it was that one of Lara falling, holding the torch and you could see her face, right? :p

Lukass 17-09-12 22:39


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6439506)
You're welcome. :D

Yeah, it was that one of Lara falling, holding the torch and you could see her face, right? :p

Can't exactly tell if she's falling, but it's this one...

Mikky 17-09-12 22:40

Yeah, that's the one. She looks like she's falling or jumping. Whatever. :p

JsotoTRSaga 17-09-12 22:41

I was wondering what happened to that picture/render above as well good thing i wasn't the only one.

Lukass 17-09-12 22:49

I also fail to see the point of making the fringe strand thicker. It looks so dumb now :/ I liked her better before. What on bloody Earth made them think she'll look better with the strand being thicker :/



They've changed her eyes color too. :/

Edit: And her face shape too.

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