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Lukass 05-10-12 20:51


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6466697)
This is how we wish it would (mind fringe and colour) but I doubt that they can make it that great.

Not wanting to belittle CD but Tecmo is the king of amazing graphics!

Meagan said, that she played the latest build and that hair improved a lot since the E32012/GC/CC etc build.

larafan25 05-10-12 20:52

Imagine if we saw


If they did a trailer to reveal the costumes instead of jkust na image? And her hair had improved?

CBS_TombRaider 05-10-12 20:53


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6466721)
Imagine if we saw


If they did a trailer to reveal the costumes instead of jkust na image? And her hair had improved?

Haha, the forums would go mad :vlol:Imagine all the hair threads popping up.

I do want to see how much they improved it though :pi:

Lukass 05-10-12 20:53


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6466721)
Imagine if we saw


If they did a trailer to reveal the costumes instead of jkust na image? And her hair had improved?

Tabuu 05-10-12 20:56

should her hair look like:

Lukass 05-10-12 20:57

^ No, I want that fringe and bangs.

larafan25 05-10-12 20:58


Originally Posted by Tabuu (Post 6466738)

Yes, tie the bangs back, she'll look cooler, more fierce IMO.

CBS_TombRaider 05-10-12 20:58


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6466742)
^ No, I want that fringe and bangs.

Here here. I like the new Lara's hairstyle. The graphics just need a bit of improving.

Lukass 05-10-12 21:02


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6466749)
Yes, tie the bangs back, she'll look cooler, more fierce IMO.

She would look like Jolie in Cradle of Life. It's a no no.


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6466751)
Here here. I like the new Lara's hairstyle. The graphics just need a bit of improving.


Tabuu 05-10-12 21:03

sry lol i thought i could leave it i will try to fix it or any other problems

Tabuu 05-10-12 21:04


Originally Posted by Tabuu (Post 6466763)


Lukass 05-10-12 21:05

Why do you compare Lara's long ponytail to Drake's short hair is a mystery for me...

Evan C. 05-10-12 21:05

Uncharted have some REALLY HD textures.

CBS_TombRaider 05-10-12 21:07


Was there any reason to post that gigantic image? That's a render anyways, not the way their hair looks in the official game. I do remember seeing some cutscene or other from Uncharted 2 where Chloe's hair was just fabulous; one loose strand that dangled across her face almost hypnotically. Man, I would hope the hair in Tomb Raider is anything close to that :D

But I wouldn't die if the hair remains more or less the same as the demo I played. The only thing I don't want is for the ponytail to have crazy wind physics I saw in one video. That was just ugly :pi:

The1andOnlyTR 05-10-12 21:19


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6466651)
The problem is that we don't see any improvements. They recycle not only the same part of the game but the same build too. Really CD?

Just cause they're showing the same build of the game, doesn't mean they haven't improved it and have it elsewhere. Maybe they don't wanna show us the improvement yet. :p

skylark1121 05-10-12 21:36


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6466824)
Just cause they're showing the same build of the game, doesn't mean they haven't improved it and have it elsewhere. Maybe they don't wanna show us the improvement yet. :p

Exactly. :p And usually with improvements come new bugs. It's kind of a never ending chain development-wise. So, they probably won't be showing new builds for quite a while.

Rai 05-10-12 21:42

Tabuu, please resize that pic or put into a link instead, thanks.

Have we heard anything from Australia yet?

SeanCordernay 05-10-12 22:37

There's a new video of "The Descent" posted in that thread with the convention that starts with an "I". But it's not new gameplay, but it looks good IMO. :)

Tabuu 05-10-12 22:45


Originally Posted by SeanCordernay (Post 6466992)
There's a new video of "The Descent" posted in that thread with the convention that starts with an "I". But it's not new gameplay, but it looks good IMO. :)

i saw im glad the shotgun was used allot

TippingWater 05-10-12 22:59


Originally Posted by Tabuu (Post 6467003)
i saw im glad the shotgun was used allot


SeanCordernay 05-10-12 23:02


Originally Posted by Tabuu (Post 6467003)
i saw im glad the shotgun was used allot

Agreed. But who was playing that demo though :confused:


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6467022)


Lukass 05-10-12 23:04

^ Meagan :)

SeanCordernay 05-10-12 23:14


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6467030)
^ Meagan :)

Gracias Chico :p

trfanX34 05-10-12 23:17

...I had to try YT's CC with Final Hours #2. OMG YouTube just refuses to write Rhianna's name correctly :p It says things like "Re-Energizing" or "Three And A Project" :vlol:


edit 2: Omg FH's CCs are hilarious :vlol:

Tabuu 05-10-12 23:21

http://www.planet-tombraider.tombrai...-campfire2.png where is this lol

Tonyrobinson 05-10-12 23:45

Speaking of FH's CC. This made me chuckle! :vlol:

Later on he says "Exclusive first look bikini review." :D

Zebra 05-10-12 23:49


Originally Posted by Tabuu (Post 6467048)

I don't think we've seen this location yet (only in that screenshot).

Only TR lover 05-10-12 23:51

It's the part in the den where the scavenger attacks Lara for the first time... right after she blows up the first red barrel and goes into a small gap... That's not a fire in the camp, it's the torch on the floor.

Tonyrobinson 05-10-12 23:51

Another one! :vlol:

Tabuu 05-10-12 23:51

im so bored

Tabuu 05-10-12 23:52


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6467068)

holy :cen: is he making fun of camilla shame on you youtube :smk:

Only TR lover 05-10-12 23:54


Originally Posted by Tabuu (Post 6467048)
03:54 - just a different angle.

Tonyrobinson 05-10-12 23:55


Originally Posted by Tabuu (Post 6467070)
holy :cen: is he making fun of camilla shame on you youtube :smk:

Why would they do such a thing!? :mis:

Tabuu 05-10-12 23:59


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6467073)
Why would they do such a thing!? :mis:


BinRaider 06-10-12 00:06

OMG I am actually crying with laughter! Poor Can't Spell Cam D:

just*raidin*tomb 06-10-12 01:54

Oh em bajeebus.

Tonyrobinson 06-10-12 02:40

One interesting thing I am excited for is CD's reveal of the main villain I am surprised they haven't been mentioned yet but they are in there somewhere judging by one of the podcasts. :)

larafan25 06-10-12 02:41

Oh right.

The Scavengers are apparently the main antagonists, I guess their leader will be the main villain.

I hope we have a huge boss battle showdown.

Tonyrobinson 06-10-12 02:50

Didn't Karl say we'd have to fight the main bad guy at the end or something in a podcast? :)

My bets are on it being Roth. :p

larafan25 06-10-12 02:52

I doubt it'll be Roth, I don't think we've met the main baddy yet.

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