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Lukass 20-10-12 23:45


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6489316)
Even if we did, our delusions wouldn't make the multiplayer that IS there disappear. :mis:

It's not there. Trust me, honey:vlol:

leglion 20-10-12 23:46


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6489317)
It's not there. Trust me, honey:vlol:

Ok, we'll be deluded together until the game is released and we find out there is multiplayer tbh. :hug: :ton:

Rai 20-10-12 23:49

Definition of Entirely:

Main Entry: en·tire·ly
Function: adverb
1 : to the full or entire extent : COMPLETELY <I agree entirely> <you are entirely welcome>
2 : to the exclusion of others : SOLELY <entirely by my own efforts>

From: Here

With regards to this:


Will there be any multiplayer or co-op at all?
Crystal Dynamics is entirely focused on single player.

Phlip 20-10-12 23:50


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6489323)
Definition of Entirely:

From: Here

With regards to this:


I fear they're lying, don't know the definition, or have a kind of sub-team working on it.

leglion 20-10-12 23:51


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6489323)
Definition of Entirely:

From: Here

With regards to this:


Which just means that they handed it off to somebody else to do Ma Cherie.

Rai 20-10-12 23:56

I'm sensing a touch or ton load of stubbornitus on this forum :pi:.

It's obviously catching.

Love2Raid 20-10-12 23:58

I also think that there will be multiplayer, they are just being all sneaky and secretive about it. Look at the pictures in LF25's post (a few pages back) for proof. They have clearly played with the idea of multiplayer, even hired people for it. There is no denying that. Why don't they just say that they 'tried different things, but in the end decided that it didn't fit or didn't add enough to the experience', instead of this rather vague answer that we have been hearing so far? An answer that just doesn't sound definite enough.

Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6489289)
I am a bit thrown back by the fact that the game has multiplayer, mainly because I just can't see how it would work. But if the game has MP then I do believe them when they say that the hubs are massive. Only time will tell if this will work out for Tomb Raider or not. MP could prove to be the ace up their their sleeve. I am still against it, because the graphics and gameplay will undoubtedly take a blow but at least we will be able to do more with the game after we finish playing it and while we wait for the next Tomb Raider.

Why? If you are thinking about disc space, there are many games out there that look great and have multiplayer. Blu Ray can hold a lot of data, for the 360 they could put the game on more discs if necessary. MP maps could also be offered as DLC.
Also, don't you like how the game looks now? If you learned that they will do MP in the near future, would that change your opinion of what you have already seen?

just*raidin*tomb 21-10-12 00:00


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6489329)
I'm sensing a touch or ton load of stubbornitus on this forum :pi:.

It's obviously catching.

I know! :eek: well i can suspect that there is multiplayer all i want and theres not a single thing anyone can do about. :ohn:

Rai 21-10-12 00:01


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6489333)
I also think that there will be multiplayer, they are just being all sneaky and secretive about it. Look at the pictures in LF25's post (a few pages back) for proof. They have clearly played with the idea of multiplayer, even hired people for it. There is no denying that. Why don't they just say that they 'tried different things, but in the end decided that it didn't fit or didn't add enough to the experience', instead of this rather vague answer that we have been hearing so far? An answer that just doesn't sound definite enough.

No one's denying that they may have thought about it. And they have, in an interview, said that they considered it and felt they couldn't do it justice in the time frame they had.

larafan25 21-10-12 00:03

I remember Karl said something along the lines of "we wouldn't do it if we couldn't give it special focus or make it unique or somethang" but that's obviously a terrible paraphrase and we don't have that interview on hand.

It's somewhere though.

just*raidin*tomb 21-10-12 00:04


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6489340)
No one's denying that they may have thought about it. And they have, in an interview, said that they considered it and felt they couldn't do it justice in the time frame they had.

show me the interview please.

Love2Raid 21-10-12 00:04

Oh... I don't really remember that tbh. :pi::pi:

Still... it could mean that CD doesn't have the time for it now, but that it could come later. :cln:
Or maybe they have delegated the MP related tasks to another studio. :cln:

Tommy123 21-10-12 00:04

I wanna play Sam in multiplayer

larafan25 21-10-12 00:05


Originally Posted by Tommy123 (Post 6489346)
I wanna play Sam in multiplayer

This so much.

Rai 21-10-12 00:08


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6489344)
show me the interview please.

I don't know which one it was :o. Plus Meagan isn't the only one to say that they're concentrating entirely on single player.

I have stubbornitus too :pi:

Tommy123 21-10-12 00:08

I wonder if her hair will move in game too slightly.

Peep Show 21-10-12 00:09

Btw i'm still crying about the fact that Lara wasn't able to punch and kick in the demo, I hope it's in the final game cause i'm not here for that.

larafan25 21-10-12 00:10


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6489350)
Btw i'm still crying about the fact that Lara wasn't able to punch and kick in the demo, I hope it's in the final game cause i'm not here for that.

IDK I think she doesn't. :(

Love2Raid 21-10-12 00:14


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6489350)
Btw i'm still crying about the fact that Lara wasn't able to punch and kick in the demo, I hope it's in the final game cause i'm not here for that.

There is a melee button, right? So that is great, at least the melee action isn't (all) contextual. I don't know what she will do, if she will just swing that axe or do more, like punching and kicking... I would love it if she could perform at least a few combos, lol.

Adrenaline 21-10-12 00:17

I want some punch and kick action too. :/

larafan25 21-10-12 00:18

I'd love something similar to the basic melee of UC2.

I just really anjoyed that, it was simple yet effective.

But of course it would need to be gritty and survival-ish.

edit: Which means u punch and it turns into a QTE wrestle.

Peep Show 21-10-12 00:18


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6489353)
IDK I think she doesn't. :(

Please don't say that, it makes me sad to even think about it.

I hate to bring up Uncharted but its h2h combat is flawless, if only TR had something similar...

larafan25 21-10-12 00:19


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6489367)
I'd love something similar to the basic melee of UC2.

I just really anjoyed that, it was simple yet effective.

But of course it would need to be gritty and survival-ish.

edit: Which means u punch and it turns into a QTE wrestle.


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6489368)
Please don't say that, it makes me sad to even think about it.

I hate to bring up Uncharted but its h2h combat is flawless, if only TR had something similar...


I find it hard to believe she'd do nothing if we pressed the melee button and she didn't have any weapon in her hand, but maybe she would draw the axe by default?

Peep Show 21-10-12 00:25


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6489370)

I find it hard to believe she'd do nothing if we pressed the melee button and she didn't have any weapon in her hand, but maybe she would draw the axe by default?

I didn't even see your post. :vlol:

That would suck tbqh, please gimme a punch how hard can it be?

larafan25 21-10-12 00:26


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6489379)
I didn't even see your post. :vlol:

That would suck tbqh, please gimme a punch how hard can it be?

maybe i doesn't fit with their image of lara, i donno.

I'd expect to see it in the next game though.

Peep Show 21-10-12 00:38

One more thing

do you guys think the dead bodies of the enemies or animals will disappear from the ground after a while?

larafan25 21-10-12 00:40

I hope not.

That would be an immersion killer.

They fixed it in TRU.

I'd love to push a scavenger off the edge of a high spot and be able to go down and see where his body lands if it's within the confines of the hub.

Love2Raid 21-10-12 00:41

I don't know about punching, I'd rather see axe-kick combos. Just look at that giant Russian rapist guy, then compare him to tiny Lara. Imagine how Lara would punch him with her tiny fist. You think that would hurt? :p

A knee to the balls on the other hand, that could be more effective. XD

Peep Show 21-10-12 00:44


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6489394)
I hope not.

That would be an immersion killer.

They fixed it in TRU.

I'd love to push a scavenger off the edge of a high spot and be able to go down and see where his body lands if it's within the confines of the hub.

Couldn't agree more, I just love to see all the dead bodies on the ground after I kicked all their asses.

larafan25 21-10-12 00:47


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6489398)
I don't know about punching, I'd rather see axe-kick combos. Just look at that giant Russian rapist guy, then compare him to tiny Lara. Imagine how Lara would punch him with her tiny fist. You think that would hurt? :p

A knee to the balls on the other hand, that could be more effective. XD

I don't mind either as long as it feels right.

Maybe a wack with the axe and a kick in the butt.


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6489405)
Couldn't agree more, I just love to see all the dead bodies on the ground after I kicked all their asses.

I'd love to be able to drag bodies, but that might be unnecessary.

just*raidin*tomb 21-10-12 01:30

Punching would be badass, but with melee using the axe, arrow, (and possibly machete?) I don't really see there being much point.

If you were trying to survive and had an axe would you be like...meh I'm just gonna use my bare hands. Leik a bawss.

larafan25 21-10-12 01:30

Do you think button prompts will appear during stuff like this?

Tommy123 21-10-12 01:35

God i hope not. I find the big giant buttons appearing during scenes to be distracting and cheesy as it is. I find it funny CD is claiming to have this game be emotional and engaging and yet they have big giant buttons appearing over the emotional stuff.

MyRaider4Life 21-10-12 01:48

LF, why would you even think that? ._.

larafan25 21-10-12 01:49


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6489462)
LF, why would you even think that? ._.

It has to have been done in some game,

Like, you know when you're supposed to press a button soon enough, or else the enemy will punch you, but when they go you can counter it if you press your attack soon enough? Basic stuff like that? I could see us having a button prompt for each of those instances.


I'm just nervous I guess. >_>

SeanCordernay 21-10-12 01:56


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6489463)
It has to have been done in some game,

Like, you know when you're supposed to press a button soon enough, or else the enemy will punch you, but when they go you can counter it if you press your attack soon enough? Basic stuff like that? I could see us having a button prompt for each of those instances.


I'm just nervous I guess. >_>

Like that Uncharted demo I played :pi: ...I swear, all bullets like stopped flying when I engaged in Hand to Hand,,,

larafan25 21-10-12 02:00


Originally Posted by SeanCordernay (Post 6489469)
Like that Uncharted demo I played :pi: ...I swear, all bullets like stopped flying when I engaged in Hand to Hand,,,

Well I think that's good, in a way.

There were button prompts in Uncharted 1, weren't there?

I like the melee in UC2 Multiplayer Survival. No button prompts.

just*raidin*tomb 21-10-12 02:03


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6489474)
Well I think that's good, in a way.

There were button prompts in Uncharted 1, weren't there?

I like the melee in UC2 Multiplayer Survival. No button prompts.

There are no button prompts in the first Uncharted because I'm replaying it right now. There were at first, but not anymore. Plus I have it on hard.

larafan25 21-10-12 02:05


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6489477)
There are no button prompts in the first Uncharted because I'm replaying it right now. There were at first, but not anymore. Plus I have it on hard.

Right, in UC2 can't the mercenaries stomp on ur hand when you try to pull them off a ledge? I think there might have been prompts there.

But there were definitely some prompts in the cargo hatch of the plane during that boss fight thingy in UC3.

MyRaider4Life 21-10-12 02:07






what even. i am disappoint, larafan.

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