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CBS_TombRaider 30-10-12 21:05


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6505937)

It's a spoof website. Look at its front page, there's a story about Geoff Keighley dying after going on a Mountain Dew and Doritos binge (maybe someone should tell him), and a story about Capcom admitting they can't patch RE6 to make it good.

Oh, thank the lord for that. Why do I keep falling for stuff like that?

Rai 01-11-12 01:20

Guess who is #9 on GamesRader's list of 100 heroes in video games. :cool:

I may be late with this, so, sorry if so.

In case you didn't guess or figure it out, #9 is Lara.

Edit: Is down for other people too? Oh's working now.

LNSNHGTDS 01-11-12 11:46

Oh, top 10 for Lara, yay :jmp: !

But... Link first :pi: ...?

klona 01-11-12 12:15


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6507754)
Oh, top 10 for Lara, yay :jmp: !

But... Link first :pi: ...?

I have no problems with Link, he's memorable, amazing, long lasting.
But... Nathan Drake...? 3rd Place?
Oksrsly? Memorable? Last time I remembered him was when I finished UC3.
There has to be a mistake.
9. Nathan Drake
3. Lara Croft


LNSNHGTDS 01-11-12 12:16


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6507767)
But... Nathan Drake...? 3rd Place?
Oksrsly? Memorable? Last time I remembered him was when I finished UC3.
There has to be a mistake.
9. Nathan Drake
3. Lara Croft


Like totally! And Bayonetta 100th?! What?! WHAT?!

This list is biased, let's burn the creator and make our own biased list :pi: !

SKing 01-11-12 17:11


Forget raiding tombs – we’d rather leap from rooftop to rooftop with the sensibly realized Faith, who manages to be athletic, stealthy and attractive without relying on suggestive camera angles or physically impossible cleavage. She’s also dressed for success, wearing clothes runners actually don while hopping through parking garages. Time to buy actual pants, Lara.

I'm still laughing :vlol:

LNSNHGTDS 01-11-12 17:15


Originally Posted by SKing (Post 6507942)

:vlol: Bitches tryin' to get the queen down but it's not happening!

She can put her "normal pants" and non-cheap camera angles (I'm not sure if they were even serious, because they obviouslt exist in Mirrro's Edge :vlol: ) as deeper as she can in her ass as Lara has some normal ones too ;) .

And shorts are pants too so the point they tried to make is obviously invalid.

Not to mention that people worshipping the flawless queen are far more than those worshipping the cheap hoe.

Gotta go hate on the article, see you all in a minute :) !

Love2Raid 01-11-12 18:53


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6507768)
Like totally! And Bayonetta 100th?! What?! WHAT?!

This list is biased, let's burn the creator and make our own biased list :pi: !

We already have our list. :p

But seriously, they dared to pick Drake over Lara...

LNSNHGTDS 01-11-12 19:24


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6508058)
We already have our list. :p

But seriously, they dared to pick Drake over Lara...

Oh, I didn't know that list existed :p !

That's like my default reaction every time they are mentioned in the same phrase :p !

brand.seph 03-11-12 09:39

Are the Q&A's still open? I wanted to know wether we can get the 7 min(?) CGI Turning Point trailer of the game in any way, maybe as a downloadable or included in the game, maybe in the Collectors Edition?

BlueJ97 03-11-12 09:53

Why is drake on that list ? :rolleyes: Glad to see samus, lara and link make it to the top 10 though :P

Hairhelmet12 03-11-12 09:55


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6505955)
I am SO done.

omfg wow.

That picture tho. I'm assuming that is real. That's just ridiculous.

klona 03-11-12 09:56


Originally Posted by brand.seph (Post 6509890)
Are the Q&A's still open? I wanted to know wether we can get the 7 min(?) CGI Turning Point trailer of the game in any way, maybe as a downloadable or included in the game, maybe in the Collectors Edition?

the 7 minutes were just an idea from Karl, but it never saw the light of day, so I am afraid I have to say that it doesn't exist.

LNSNHGTDS 03-11-12 12:06


Originally Posted by BlueJ97 (Post 6509896)
Why is drake on that list ? :rolleyes:

It officially doesn't count as an actual list in TRF's eyes :p !

Tear 03-11-12 14:36

We need more NEWS. TRF is so BORING.:p

klona 03-11-12 14:40


Originally Posted by Tear (Post 6510057)
We need more NEWS. TRF is so BORING.:p

get out. :pi:

tomee 03-11-12 15:07

TRF is so BORING. :p

SpyrosMonster 03-11-12 18:26

I played UC2 for the first time today and I just finished it in 3 hours! Was it really that short or just extremely easy?

klona 03-11-12 19:21


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6510286)
I played UC2 for the first time today and I just finished it in 3 hours! Was it really that short or just extremely easy?

Wrong thread? :whi:


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6510286)
Was it really that short or just extremely easy?

It was... BOTH. :p

pipermaru 03-11-12 21:51

UC2 feels to me like a déja vu of TR2/TR4 in HD.

Linoshi Croft 03-11-12 21:53


Originally Posted by pipermaru (Post 6510461)
UC2 feels to me like a déja vu of TR2/TR4 in HD.

...How does it?

pipermaru 03-11-12 22:07


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6510463)
...How does it?

The train part in UC2 = Desert Railroad/TR4
The main artifact is a dagger = Dagger of Xian/TR2
The brown coat used by Drake = the brown coat used by Lara/TR2
The big red monastery in the mountains = Barkhamg Monastery/TR2
The whole Tibet/snowy mountains stuff = Tibetan Foothills/TR2

NYCL@R@ 04-11-12 04:42


Originally Posted by pipermaru (Post 6510481)
The train part in UC2 = Desert Railroad/TR4
The main artifact is a dagger = Dagger of Xian/TR2
The brown coat used by Drake = the brown coat used by Lara/TR2
The big red monastery in the mountains = Barkhamg Monastery/TR2
The whole Tibet/snowy mountains stuff = Tibetan Foothills/TR2

Ive never took notice of that.

Peep Show 04-11-12 10:41


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6510286)
I played UC2 for the first time today and I just finished it in 3 hours! Was it really that short or just extremely easy?

Did you play it on easy? Try it on crushing and it will take you much longer.

Although I don't believe that it really took you 3 hours especially on your first playthrough unless you skipped all the cutscenes which would be pretty dumb..

klona 04-11-12 12:09


Originally Posted by pipermaru (Post 6510461)
UC2 feels to me like a déja vu of TR2/TR4 in HD.


While I was playing the game, I was like... this is too familiar, I've seen it somewhere.
Oh by the way, Nathan feels like a copy of Comic Book Lara. :p

pipermaru 04-11-12 13:41


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6510864)

While I was playing the game, I was like... this is too familiar, I've seen it somewhere.
Oh by the way, Nathan feels like a copy of Comic Book Lara. :p

Yes hahaha. And when I first played UC3 and got to the desert, there is a chapter where Drake is running after the bad guys in the desert. Made me remind SO MUCH of the Valley of the Kings/KV-5 in TR4.

SpyrosMonster 04-11-12 14:06


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6510805)
Did you play it on easy? Try it on crushing and it will take you much longer.

Although I don't believe that it really took you 3 hours especially on your first playthrough unless you skipped all the cutscenes which would be pretty dumb..

It was actually 3 hours and 48 minutes. So let's just say 4 hours. I didn't skip any cutscenes...

Valentino 04-11-12 14:59


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6510948)
It was actually 3 hours and 48 minutes. So let's just say 4 hours. I didn't skip any cutscenes...

Umm..riiiight, well cutscene together are almost 2 hours long if I can remember or even longer! Soooo, yeah. And this was your first playthrough was it??

SpyrosMonster 04-11-12 15:10


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6510972)
Umm..riiiight, well cutscene together are almost 2 hours long if I can remember or even longer! Soooo, yeah. And this was your first playthrough was it??

Yup. But! I've already played the first 4 chapters. Is there any way to see how much time it took you to finish the game?
Because I've rent it and I gotta take it back to store :p

Edit: I searched and all the cutscenes togother are less than 1 and half hours. I skipped those that I've already seen.

Phlip 04-11-12 15:13

The subtitles better look good in this game. In the trilogy they were displayed weirdly where you should only look at the bottom line, and too many games nowadays have subtitles in tiny minute text, with a barely visible shadow which makes it hard to differentiate between a light background with details, and the shadow of the white text. Seriously.

SpyrosMonster 04-11-12 15:14


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6510983)
The subtitles better look good in this game. In the trilogy they were displayed weirdly where you should only look at the bottom line, and too many games nowadays have subtitles in tiny minute text, with a barely visible shadow which makes it hard to differentiate between a light background with details, and the shadow of the white text. Seriously.

I have to agree and those black bars were kinda pointless IMO.

Phlip 04-11-12 15:24


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6510984)
I have to agree and those black bars were kinda pointless IMO.

I want black bars if they actually allow the text to be readable against any background, like this:

SpyrosMonster 04-11-12 15:35


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6510999)
I want black bars if they actually allow the text to be readable against any background, like this:

I don't know why but I don't like those. It would be better to add shadows under the words..

Tear 04-11-12 15:53

Didn't Legend's subtitles look like that?

SpyrosMonster 04-11-12 15:57


Originally Posted by Tear (Post 6511021)
Didn't Legend's subtitles look like that?

All the subtitles from the LAU trilogy were like that...

Tear 04-11-12 16:05

Oh. I only remember Legend's subtitles.:p

I didn't care as much to turn them on for Anni and Underworld.

SpyrosMonster 04-11-12 16:09


Originally Posted by Tear (Post 6511032)
Oh. I only remember Legend's subtitles.:p

I didn't care as much to turn them on for Anni and Underworld.

I couldn't find any TRU videos with subs :p

Phlip 04-11-12 19:34


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6511006)
I don't know why but I don't like those. It would be better to add shadows under the words..

As I say, with shadows if there's a bright background with other details, it can be very difficult to differentiate the details from the shadows.

tomekkobialka 04-11-12 19:46

^ They should have that as an option, along with black bars behind the text and nothing behind the text.


Linoshi Croft 04-11-12 19:48

Tombraider Underworld With Subtitles.

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