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TRItheMaster 19-01-13 23:41


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6612864)

Oh boy!! :jmp: After all my nights of bitching about her hair, they finally fixed it! :'D

Billy959 19-01-13 23:53


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6613097)
Hey y'all.
Just wanted to say that i've made an Tomb Raider Meme thread.


TippingWater 20-01-13 00:23


Originally Posted by TRItheMaster (Post 6613101)
Oh boy!! :jmp: After all my nights of bitching about her hair, they finally fixed it! :'D

I actually think that her face looked better before :p

Maybe it's just the lighting..:D

GUMI 20-01-13 00:26


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6613129)

I actually think that her face looked better before :p

Maybe it's just the lighting..:D

And i like ketchup :P

Stevo505 20-01-13 00:35


Originally Posted by TRItheMaster (Post 6613101)
Oh boy!! :jmp: After all my nights of bitching about her hair, they finally fixed it! :'D

Finally someone who doesn't call it photoshop :). It looks real to me.

TippingWater 20-01-13 00:46


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6613132)
And i like ketchup :P

Thank you for being disrespectful. Much appreciated.

TippingWater 20-01-13 01:03


Originally Posted by Jason Graves Music (Post 6613151)
Final soundtrack for Tomb Raider in the can!! 74 minutes of survival bliss. :).

Dark_Messiah 20-01-13 01:04


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6613140)
Finally someone who doesn't call it photoshop :). It looks real to me.

The purpose of editing an image is to make it look real. :p

The hair does not resemble the one in game. First of all, consoles would not be able to handle that many strands (you saw what happened with the pre-alpha hair that was supposed to look like the one in the image) and secondly why would they do awesome hair just for one outfit?

Lara has awesome hair on most of the marketing material/renders, but the game is a whole different story.. sadly.

Watch the trailers and you'll see the hair Lara will have :)

Underhoe 20-01-13 01:10


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6613173)

Hopefully the last 5 minutes will be nice at least.

TRItheMaster 20-01-13 01:12


:p :vlol:

Jami393 20-01-13 06:30

So I remember hearing the theme, at least I think it was the theme, at the end of the first gameplay footage from 2012 I think it was, and I'm just wondering who composed it because it sounded brilliant.

anotherAODfan 20-01-13 06:32

Jason Graves

Jami393 20-01-13 07:41


Originally Posted by anotherAODfan (Post 6613423)
Jason Graves

Does he also compose the music for all the game, or just the theme?

Stevo505 20-01-13 07:43


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6613475)
Does he also compose the music for all the game, or just the theme?

He composes everything for the game. He did the Turning Point and Survivor trailers, as well as the game's entire score.

Phlip 20-01-13 07:49

What happened to Aleksandar Dimitrijevic? Didn't they just ditch him for no reason?

Lukass 20-01-13 07:50


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6613483)
What happened to Aleksandar Dimitrijevic? Didn't they just ditch him for no reason?

They fired him as far as I know. Graves was better I guess.

Stevo505 20-01-13 07:55


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6613483)
What happened to Aleksandar Dimitrijevic? Didn't they just ditch him for no reason?

I think he was only contracted to score the Turning Point trailer originally.. but I guess they didn't like what he did?

Spong 20-01-13 07:59


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6613483)
What happened to Aleksandar Dimitrijevic?

Did your dog just run across the keyboard or is that a real name?

Lukass 20-01-13 08:00


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6613499)
Did your dog just run across the keyboard or is that a real name?


lcroft_lc 20-01-13 08:09


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6613499)
Did your dog just run across the keyboard or is that a real name?

:vlol: :vlol: :vlol: :vlol: :vlol: :vlol: :vlol: :vlol: :vlol:

LNSNHGTDS 20-01-13 08:51


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6613058)
OMG I was about to post the same screen. Although it has the S word so you should remove it.

I edited it out.

Oh your right, sorry :) .

:vlol: Truth tea EVERYWHERE!!!


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6613499)
Did your dog just run across the keyboard or is that a real name?

:vlol: I CAN'T! Oh Russian names :'D !!!

Jami393 20-01-13 08:52

This Aleksandar Dimitrijevic, was he suppose to compose TReboot before Graves, or was they going to work together on the composition of the game, or did they get rid of him all together and replace him with Graves.

Stevo505 20-01-13 08:55


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6613534)
This Aleksandar Dimitrijevic, was he suppose to compose TReboot before Graves, or was they going to work together on the composition of the game, or did they get rid of him all together and replace him with Graves.

As far as I know, he was only going to score the first trailer.

Jami393 20-01-13 08:59


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6613535)
As far as I know, he was only going to score the first trailer.

Just the first trailer score. So he composed the first trailer while this Graves was contracted to compose the actual score for the game itself.

tomee 20-01-13 12:40


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6613083)
I think I might have not, which is not really surprising, given that I'm very slow with jokes.

Having said that, I am sure I got the joke, now that I've read it again, not sure that you understood my remark though.

The creator of the picture thinks TR games are bad. They are "****ty". There's no contradiction, not in his opinion anyway.

Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6613076)
He wants to make ****ty games and yet he's dressed as Lara Croft? That's a bit of a contradiction there :confused:

IceColdLara 20-01-13 13:31

I HATE the new PSN store...when you search TR nothing comes up for the new game. Not even the trailer, which I had downloaded before the switch,....and why doesn't the US ever get any TR avatars!?

I wasn't really looking forward to the relaunch, but there are some actiony sequences outside that I'm like "whoa cool"

eem20 20-01-13 13:45

Don't know if someone already post them :

trfanX34 20-01-13 13:45


Originally Posted by IceColdLara (Post 6613700)
I HATE the new PSN store...when you search TR nothing comes up for the new game. Not even the trailer, which I had downloaded before the switch

IKR?! I hate it too.

LNSNHGTDS 20-01-13 14:06


Originally Posted by IceColdLara (Post 6613700)
I HATE the new PSN store...when you search TR nothing comes up for the new game. Not even the trailer, which I had downloaded before the switch,....and why doesn't the US ever get any TR avatars!?

I seriously don't know what they were thinking when they changed it? Too much sake maybe? I don't know, I just wish they change it again SOON!

FearEffect 20-01-13 14:32


Originally Posted by eem20 (Post 6613711)

Already posted, by me , it's not official :D

Bomb Fighter 20-01-13 15:34


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6613766)
Already posted, by me , it's not official :D

They are amazing. My I use them in my broadsheet campain, please?

FearEffect 20-01-13 15:41

Of course :D

TheRCroft 20-01-13 15:55


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6613669)
The creator of the picture thinks TR games are bad. They are "****ty". There's no contradiction, not in his opinion anyway.

Well, that's exactly what I understood, you didn't understand my statement though. I was implying that TR is not a ****ty game, hence my confusion as of why he would be dressing as Lara, but I knew what the author meant.

ItIsOkBro 20-01-13 16:30

The footage of Lara manhandling the wolf at 0:30 is from?

FearEffect 20-01-13 16:43

From this :

ItIsOkBro 20-01-13 16:46


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6613903)
From this :

Oh god what is this O_O

Rai 20-01-13 16:54


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6613896)
The footage of Lara manhandling the wolf at 0:30 is from?

Short but nice preview :tmb:

Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6613903)
From this :

I find it hilarious that Lara watches Conrad deal with the wolves for about a minute before going to his aid :p.

LNSNHGTDS 20-01-13 17:08


Lara looks and acts so real :cln: !!! I WANT THE GAME!

Bomb Fighter 20-01-13 17:22


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6613918)
Short but nice preview :tmb:

I find it hilarious that Lara watches Conrad deal with the wolves for about a minute before going to his aid :p.

Exactly. I mean of course she stays behind, not to run into his fire but when she scream "Roth, I´m coming!", it comes too late. :vlol:

ItIsOkBro 20-01-13 18:20

Oh God, I can't

Why is Sam posed like this in multiplayer

Why is everything Sam does so peculiar

It looks like she's doing Crane fighting style

Sam is so awesome

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