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HAHA LOOOL XD 28-03-13 21:44


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6728072)
Uh, does anybody have any idea why I'm stuck at 98%?

I have both the No Stone Left Unturned* and the The Professional** achievements so I'm supposed to be done, right?

* All documents, relics, and GPS caches found.
** All weapons fully modded and completely upgraded.

Did you find all of the base camps

Phlip 28-03-13 21:47


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6728059)
Receipts please?
You could do that easily with TexMod :p

Excuse me? :confused:
And that may be difficult turning the blood shape into smoke.

Mikky 28-03-13 21:47


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6728053)
*random idea* If there was an option to turn blood off on TR10, the blood could be replaced with grey smoke. How cool would it be to be shooting enemies and have smoke come from them, as if the bullets are ripping through them at lightning speed!

Why grey smoke? O_o

CBS_TombRaider 28-03-13 21:48


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6728072)
Uh, does anybody have any idea why I'm stuck at 98%?

I have both the No Stone Left Unturned* and the The Professional** achievements so I'm supposed to be done, right?

* All documents, relics, and GPS caches found.
** All weapons fully modded and completely upgraded.

Challenges? The one in Cliffside Bunker is very missable.

Phlip 28-03-13 21:48


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6728079)
Why grey smoke? O_o

Because of why I said it would look cool. It worked in Medal of Honor, Underground and I think Frontline.

tomee 28-03-13 21:50


Originally Posted by HAHA LOOOL XD (Post 6728073)
Did you find all of the base camps

Yes, I did. At least if I can trust the map.

Spong 28-03-13 21:50


Originally Posted by HAHA LOOOL XD (Post 6728073)

Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6728072)
Uh, does anybody have any idea why I'm stuck at 98%?

I have both the No Stone Left Unturned* and the The Professional** achievements so I'm supposed to be done, right?

* All documents, relics, and GPS caches found.
** All weapons fully modded and completely upgraded.

Did you find all of the base camps

Completed all the challenges? Got all of Lara's skills?


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6728081)
Because of why I said it would look cool. It worked in Medal of Honor, Underground and I think Frontline.

Different coloured smoke would be better IMO :cool:

Mikky 28-03-13 21:50


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6728081)
Because of why I said it would look cool. It worked in Medal of Honor, Underground and I think Frontline.

Lol, other games have actually done this before? It sounds like the dumbest thing ever. Why not just make the blood invisible? :p

tomee 28-03-13 21:51


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6728084)
Completed all the challenges? Got all of Lara's skills?:



Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6728080)
Challenges? The one in Cliffside Bunker is very missable.


Phlip 28-03-13 21:52


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6728084)
Different coloured smoke would be better IMO :cool:

Sounds a bit gay to me, but each to his own. With emphasis on the "his" part. ;)

Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6728085)
Lol, other games have actually done this before? It sounds like the dumbest thing ever. Why not just make the blood invisible? :p

Yeah it sounds weird but it works. XD

trfanX34 28-03-13 21:54


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6728077)
Excuse me? :confused:
And that may be difficult turning the blood shape into smoke.

I was just kidding :p And not really. You could make it semi-transparent on the center and fully transparent on the edges and I think that it would look okay.

Spong 28-03-13 21:54


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6728086)


Have you tediously checked through all the inventory stuff (docs & relics & stuff) to make sure it's all at 100%? If it is, and if everything in each of the hubs is listed as 100%, then it sounds like the percentage is bugged. I've seen others saying they've had similar problems with the percentage listed on the save slot screen.

Phlip 28-03-13 21:55


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6728092)
I was just kidding :p And not really. You could make it semi-transparent on the center and fully transparent on the edges and I think that it would look okay.

Would be cool but I don't have or plan on getting the PC version, even if I could run it. :p

Spong 28-03-13 21:56


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6728094)
Would be cool but I don't have or plan on getting the PC version, even if I could run it. :p

You never know, Sony might pay Crystal for some PS3 exclusive smoke DLC :tmb:

Phlip 28-03-13 21:57


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6728096)
You never know, Sony might pay Crystal for some PS3 exclusive smoke DLC :tmb:

You must be smokin' something particularly unique to even come up with that idea. :p

Mikky 28-03-13 21:57


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6728096)
You never know, Sony might pay Crystal for some PS3 exclusive smoke DLC :tmb:


Spong 28-03-13 21:58


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6728100)
You must be smokin' something particularly unique to even come up with that idea. :p

It could happen. Never give up hope :ohn:

tomee 28-03-13 22:01


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6728093)
Have you tediously checked through all the inventory stuff (docs & relics & stuff) to make sure it's all at 100%? If it is, and if everything in each of the hubs is listed as 100%, then it sounds like the percentage is bugged. I've seen others saying they've had similar problems with the percentage listed on the save slot screen.

Well I didn't check the invontory itself, but the map says every hub is 100%.

Although there was this book in research book that was labeled as unknown or something, and I might be remember wrong, said that unknown stuff 1/2.

trfanX34 28-03-13 22:04

^ Secret documents. That means that you don't have all the GPS caches. Are you sure you completed the Cliffside Bunker? Check through the map that you access by pressing tab rather than the fast travel menu.

tomee 28-03-13 22:08


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6728118)
^ Secret documents. That means that you don't have all the GPS caches. Are you sure you completed the Cliffside Bunker? Check through the map that you access by pressing tab rather than the fast travel menu.

Yes, I can assure you that I have all the GPS caches. Lara said "Aha" when I found the last one and the secret chime from the classics kicked in. + the achievement also confirms this. Cliffside bunker is 100%, I burnt all four posters/flags.

trfanX34 28-03-13 22:10

Do you have the Inconceivable! achievement?

King.Louie 28-03-13 22:21

Has anyone bought the second hitman weapons pack? If so, are they worth purchasing?

tomee 28-03-13 22:27


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6728126)
Do you have the Inconceivable! achievement?

Yes, I do.

JackMarco 28-03-13 22:31

Do you have all of Laras journals?

trfanX34 28-03-13 22:31

And you say that there's one document that's blocked in the documents menu, right? Weird. Did you pick up the Unknown: Mysterious Instructions document at the research base?

tomee 28-03-13 22:32


Originally Posted by JackMarco (Post 6728166)
Do you have all of Laras journals?

Don't everybody? I mean you just have to sit down at a basecamp and Lara will start talking.

These are the only SP achievements I don't have. Do they count?

JackMarco 28-03-13 22:33


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6728170)
Don't everybody? I mean you just have to sit down at a basecamp and Lara will start talking.

Not if you don´t use a basecamp. Do you have 10/10 journals?

tomee 28-03-13 22:41


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6728167)
And you say that there's one document that's blocked in the documents menu, right? Weird. Did you pick up the . document at the research base?

This is the book I'm talking about.
I guess there's another one?

I can't seem to enter the relics menu manually BTW. Do you know how to do that on PC?


Originally Posted by JackMarco (Post 6728173)
Not if you don´t use a basecamp. Do you have 10/10 journals?

Yes, I do.

trfanX34 28-03-13 22:45


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6728191)
This is the book I'm talking about.
I guess there's another one?

I can't seem to enter the relics menu manually BTW. Do you know how to do that on PC?

Tab -> Pg Up. I'm gonna take a look at that video now :)
Edit: That's the document I was telling you about. Have you picked it up? And yes there is another one that you find automatically when you collect all the GPS caches.

tomee 28-03-13 22:51


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6728203)
Tab -> Pg Up. I'm gonna take a look at that video now :)
Edit: That's the document I was telling you about. Have you picked it up? And yes there is another one that you find automatically when you collect all the GPS caches.

Yes, I picked up the book and also collected every GPS cache. Will check the inventory in a moment.

lord gaga 28-03-13 22:53

Got the game today! :yah: (I know i'm so late!) I'm LOVING it so far. At the base of the radio tower and defeated the Shield boos guy. Can't wait for more tomorrow :cln:

tomee 28-03-13 23:02

Okay, so I have that second secret document too. :|

Does searching and finding additional information on relics count? Because I was beyond 75% of the story when I realised that I can check them. :o

trfanX34 28-03-13 23:04


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6728229)
Okay, so I have that second secret document too. :|

Does searching and finding additional information on relics count? Because I was beyond 75% of the story when I realised that I can check them. :o

I don't know about that. Try it, there aren't too many relics that you can investigate. They are marked with a magnifying glass icon :)

Spong 28-03-13 23:04


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6728229)
Okay, so I have that second secret document too. :|

Does searching and finding additional information on relics count? Because I was beyond 75% of the story when I realised that I can check them. :o

I don't know for sure, but you should do it anyway, only a few of them need extra examination and it only takes a second. The game recognises the fact you find the extra detail, so I wouldn't be surprised if it counts towards the percentage.


Originally Posted by lord gaga (Post 6728210)
Got the game today! :yah: (I know i'm so late!) I'm LOVING it so far. At the base of the radio tower and defeated the evil Bowser Can't wait for more tomorrow :cln:

LOL, you're playing catchup. But I'm sure you don't care about that right now :p

tomee 28-03-13 23:05


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6728234)
I don't know about that. Try it, there aren't too many relics that you can investigate. They are marked with a magnifying glass icon :)


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6728235)
I don't know for sure, but you should do it anyway, only a few of them need extra examination and it only takes a second. The game recognises the fact you find the extra detail, so I wouldn't be surprised if it counts towards the percentage.

Alright, BRB. :p

Edit: I inspected them, and... drumrolls please... that wasn't it. :vlol:

JackMarco 28-03-13 23:17

Is it a bug perhaps? Do you have all weapon upgrades? Have you found all treasure maps?

tomee 28-03-13 23:21

probably a bug. I have done everything at this point(Challenges, upgrades, skills, relics, documents everything.). Oh well, not that it matters, I have the achievements.

Is it prehaps expecting me to complete the tomb of the lost adventurer? (Which I don't have :pi:)

JackMarco 28-03-13 23:22

The only thing I could imagine, is that it is something in the Cliffside Bunker, since it doesn´t have an entry on the map. You´ve probably been asked but you have both GPS documents right?

tomee 28-03-13 23:31


Originally Posted by JackMarco (Post 6728269)
The only thing I could imagine, is that it is something in the Cliffside Bunker, since it doesn´t have an entry on the map. You´ve probably been asked but you have both GPS documents right?

Been there, done that. I completed that area.
I'm not even sure why people bring that area up so many times. Sure it doesn't have a fast travel camp, but I cone just hover over there in the map to check it and it's definitely 100%

LNSNHGTDS 28-03-13 23:33

So, I think I finally understand why Crystal has been dumbing down the difficulty of puzzles and making white ledges; average gamers are compleetly stupid!

I mean, I was watching a playthrough video on YouTube and there was this guy and he just couldn't tell where to climb even if there were white ledges EVERYWHERE! I mean, I'm usually not harsh on people for stuff like that but they couldn't have made it anymore obvious that YOU CLIMB THERE, the next step would have been neon lights, not to mention the abuse of the Survival Instincts, I mean, once in a while is titally acceptable but why play if you press it every three steps you take? And the worst of all; "LaUra Croft" -_- ...!

Anyway, sorry for the bitching post but I just needed to share my thoughts with someone.

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