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Wooxman 02-02-15 15:43

Looks like Ashton Kutcher to me. :pi:

sackboy123 06-02-15 16:00

I've finished this game on Hard :jmp:

It took a while but I made it

TSUSMC9 16-03-15 18:13

So I have a question I want to ask about some TR merchandise but I'm afraid to link a picture of it due to the content. I'll try my best to describe it, since I'm sure one of you know what I'm talking about. I was browsing through peoples picture of their Tomb Raider collections, and I cam across a rather decently sized statue/figure of classic Lara. Thing is, she was nude. Now, it's not a big deal, I'm just a bit surprised to see that there is an official statue/figure of Lara nude.
My question is, where did it from? Like who made this and when was it introduced?

Sorry to ask, I'm just really curious.
And I apologize that this isn't exactly the right place to ask but I couldn't find the thread that I was wanting to post this too and assume this is just as good as any for someone to know..

VictorXD 16-03-15 18:33

^ OMG, what the hell lol

Are you sure it is official?

Linoshi Croft 16-03-15 18:53

Larafan25 made it, did they not?

TSUSMC9 16-03-15 19:16

I've seen a few different versions of the statue/figure.

One for example,
I'd post the unedited version if I didn't think it'd cause issue.

I've seen others that have her with bottom undergarments on just like the one above and just one nipple being exposed. This one though, you can see the nipple and her kitty.

This is the image I came across.

VictorXD 16-03-15 19:41

Oooooooh, I remember that long one. Hadn't seen it in so many years.... well I still hate it:p

I'm kinda surprised if these are indeed "official" in some way... I mean I know Lara used to be a sex symbol and 85% of people only loved her for her tits, but this is too much IMO:o I mean just blatand boobs and underwear action on a statue of that would be considered offcial merchandise by Eidos is over the top.

TSUSMC9 16-03-15 20:26

That's why it surprised me. I may not be official but it sure enough looks that way. Which it could just be a really well done to look like it is. Either way, I'm not necessarily offended by it but it's bit much even for the sexual attention Lara got back in the day.

The one in the 2nd picture is tame to the one I blacked out. I could over-look a nipple. But a detail puddycat is stepping it far. To each their own I guess. I'm not judging. Surprised it exist though.

Vintage Croft 19-03-15 15:08

Foud a recent video chat interview with Earl Baylon (Jonah) talking about his role in Tomb Raider if anyone is interested.

Rai 19-03-15 15:31


Originally Posted by Vintage Croft (Post 7307859)
Foud a recent video chat interview with Earl Baylon (Jonah) talking about his role in Tomb Raider if anyone is interested.

That's pretty cool. Thanks for posting :tmb:. It was pretty awkward in the first few minutes though.

Lara_Fan1 19-03-15 17:12


Originally Posted by TSUSMC9 (Post 7306207)
One for example,
I'd post the unedited version if I didn't think it'd cause issue.

What is this abomination? I know Lara was always sexualized but I think this takes it too far. If this is, in-fact official then I am shocked they allowed it.

Trenton 19-03-15 20:44


Originally Posted by TSUSMC9 (Post 7306207)
I've seen a few different versions of the statue/figure.

One for example,
I'd post the unedited version if I didn't think it'd cause issue.

I've never seen that one before. A bit over the top perhaps, but cool nontheless! :)

Mikky 20-03-15 02:01

No way that figure is official. Can't imagine Eidos would ever license or endorse something that sexual. I mean, I know they liked to sexualize Lara back then, but they had limits, frontal nudity being one of them.

ThuroPendragon 20-03-15 02:02

Wow. She looks like she swallowed a bag of steroids and rage inducers.

SebCroc 20-03-15 06:41

Oh my goodness why did I look >_>

TSUSMC9 20-03-15 09:37


Originally Posted by ThuroPendragon (Post 7308198)
Wow. She looks like she swallowed a bag of steroids and rage inducers.

My first thoughts, too. Obviously after. What the actual ****.


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 7308197)
No way that figure is official. Can't imagine Eidos would ever license or endorse something that sexual. I mean, I know they liked to sexualize Lara back then, but they had limits, frontal nudity being one of them.

I really hope you're right. I mean, this is okay I guess for those who want it. But I would be pretty disappointed if it turned out to be an official by Eidos. For the very reason you stated. This, is definitely too far IMO if they did.


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 7307935)
What is this abomination? I know Lara was always sexualized but I think this takes it too far. If this is, in-fact official then I am shocked they allowed it.

Me too. That's why I brought it oin here to see if it was. Hoping that it's not.


Originally Posted by SebCroc (Post 7308262)
Oh my goodness why did I look >_>

My apologies. I hope I didn't offend anyone by posting this here.

michaeldt 20-03-15 09:59

I've seen that statue a few times now.

The sad thing is... It's a well-made statue. It'd be perfect if Lara had clothes.

SebCroc 20-03-15 10:01


Originally Posted by TSUSMC9 (Post 7308309)
My apologies. I hope I didn't offend anyone by posting this here.

Oh, no no, not offended, I was just a little disturbed :o I never liked the notion of Lara as a sex symbol (as others seem to agree), and avoided the sexualised renders like the plague. This was just really extreme.

James_Rutland 21-03-15 16:45

I remember that statue traumatised me as a child. It looks like an abomination, conveniently torn clothing or not. ;)

We're almost in the fourth month of the year already... Another four months and there will be so much media of the game which will be just round the corner :)

Shirley_Manson 21-03-15 19:05

I think that statue is so weird because Lara looks so manly with lots of muscles poised for action, and yet she's highly sexualized. :ponder:

Enya Brennan 21-03-15 20:22

This has nothing to do with the statue topic...

I decided to reinstall the reboot, and noticed that when Lara aims with the bow (and I guess with every weapon), she frowns and clenches her teeth, just like in the past TRs. I may be mistaken, but I think she does it. First time I see this :o

Trenton 21-03-15 23:49


Originally Posted by michaeldt (Post 7308322)
The sad thing is... It's a well-made statue. It'd be perfect if Lara had clothes.

Why don't you buy it and knit some clothes for it then? :pi:

SalemTheCat 27-03-15 15:05

I've played all TRs so far except this one. I'm just not very fond of Crystal Dynamics. Is it worth it? I hear people say everywhere it's a good game, but just not a Tomb Raider. Besides I'm a little annoyed about the REBOOT-Part. They should have kept the story instead of changing Lara's Bio.

Daring Do 27-03-15 15:27

That statue...just...yeesh that's scary!

TRItheMaster 27-03-15 16:39


Originally Posted by SalemTheCat (Post 7313547)
I've played all TRs so far except this one. I'm just not very fond of Crystal Dynamics. Is it worth it? I hear people say everywhere it's a good game, but just not a Tomb Raider. Besides I'm a little annoyed about the REBOOT-Part. They should have kept the story instead of changing Lara's Bio.

Definitely is, but you gotta remember that they're trying to please old fans and welcome new fans at the same time. So to do that, they just refresh it a little. They just make it more modern. It still is Tomb Raider, but not classic Tomb Raider. They develop Lara's character in game rather than jumping straight into superb action to engage an audience, which really works.

anniversarytr11 08-04-15 20:12

Can someone please help me get the Artilleryman trophy for PS3? All I need is someone to join me in a private match for 20 or so minutes. I just need to get 20 kills with the mounted machine gun, I can help someone else with the trophy if they need it too.

I'm a trophy hunter and I really want to get the platinum, especially when this is the only TR I don't have the platinum for :hea:

Trenton 08-04-15 20:15


Originally Posted by anniversarytr11 (Post 7321276)
I'm a trophy hunter

Yihaa! Play for sports just like Lara! That's the spirit! :tmb: :D

TRItheMaster 16-04-15 19:40

I was going over the Edurance Announcement trailer and I found something super freaky! :eek: I'm not sure if anybody else caught it though. :confused: Anyways, right after Lara falls and steps out, there's someone actually in the water before her, but somehow, he never ends up getting to where Lara is, or anywhere close! Does he die? Who is he? :eek:

larafan25 16-04-15 19:54

It looks like the guy from Sleeping Dogs tbh.

Must be a random.

That trailer. It is so iconic I cannot.

TRItheMaster 16-04-15 20:33


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 7327025)
It looks like the guy from Sleeping Dogs tbh.

Must be a random.

That trailer. It is so iconic I cannot.

I was thinking more like a casual Adam Jensen :p


Lara_Fan1 16-04-15 20:36

Endurance Crew Member.
He's nothing special lol.

TRItheMaster 16-04-15 20:40


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 7327044)
Endurance Crew Member.
He's nothing special lol.

Yeah but they announced all of them, so, how did this little ****er get on the Endurance? :whi: :vlol:

Lara_Fan1 16-04-15 20:43


Originally Posted by TRItheMaster (Post 7327048)
Yeah but they announced all of them, so, how did this little ****er get on the Endurance? :whi: :vlol:

The endurance was a huge ship, so reality side. There are going to be a heck of a lot more people on the ship then the ones we've seen ;)! That's why he slipped through us. Trailer side, he is probably just a stand in as an extra. To show everyone's panicking as Lara emerges out of her cabin.

He's nothing important. Same as every character in the game tbh :p.

Patrick star 16-04-15 20:59


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 7327050)
He's nothing important. Same as every character in the game tbh :p.

Exactly this :vlol:
I can still remember my reaction when I first watched the TP trailer ...I nearly died :cln: how days run fast ..

Rai 16-04-15 21:00

Good catch! He's just a random crew member, just like the guy on the other side with Roth before Lara jumps or the guy who gets shot by Vlad during Lara's escape.

tomee 16-04-15 21:25


Originally Posted by TRItheMaster (Post 7327012)
I was going over the Edurance Announcement trailer and I found something super freaky! :eek: I'm not sure if anybody else caught it though. :confused: Anyways, right after Lara falls and steps out, there's someone actually in the water before her, but somehow, he never ends up getting to where Lara is, or anywhere close! Does he die? Who is he? :eek:

[img][/img ]

Mikky 17-04-15 00:00

Lol, it does actually look like Drake.

AimlessThunder 18-04-15 03:15

Just got me thinking.. When Lara got the pack back to Roth, couldn't she fix her wounds instead of cauterizing them later on? Now that I think about it the game is filled with stuff like this.

tomee 18-04-15 05:20


Originally Posted by AimlessThunder (Post 7327758)
Just got me thinking.. When Lara got the pack back to Roth, couldn't she fix her wounds instead of cauterizing them later on? Now that I think about it the game is filled with stuff like this.

Her wound had "healed" by that time. It was after crashing into that tree during the parachute segment that the wound opened up again and she needed to close it quickly.

AimlessThunder 18-04-15 12:11


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 7327771)
Her wound had "healed" by that time. It was after crashing into that tree during the parachute segment that the wound opened up again and she needed to close it quickly.

Good point.

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