I've just noticed in wolf screenshot, Lara is actually stabbing it..Everyone, was saying she stabbed it with a broken bottle but you can clearly see it's an arrow. I always thought she just had her arms up as a reaction.
The bottle is a "joke" about working at a bar and supposedly having drunks come at her with a smashed bottle/ shard of glass.
"A wolf's got nothing on a broken bottle". |
But still I never noticed her actually stabbing the wolf in the screenshot. |
TBH, Lara and the wolf have probably been stabbed by a number of things by now, everywhere you turn it's a metal spike, a sharp piece of wood, an arrow, another metal spike, a bottle, etc... :p
That is a bad ass screenshot though, and it seems wild to me that she apparently stabs it seven times. |
Seven times :eek:? Is the wolf wet, it looks slimy. Eww.
I hope it's not just a red glare when killing it, I want her covered in it's blood.
I want it to be realistic. Just the right amount of blood.
The blotches on the screen do look out of place. I'm not fond of gore, but a bit of blood seems...normal for the situation. Nothing over the top, just enough. It is an M game after all.
Who said the scene with the wolf is full of blood? Dark_Messiah, Gabi...? One of those people who have played it :) Yeah, there will be a lot of blood! :D
Well, if she bleeds a lot and blood clots, she can make a bridge to escape of the island. :cln: |
I like that light refraction technique in games when liquid splashes on the lens :tmb:
But each blood spot should slightly blur the background beyond it (as liquids do), it's not doing that in the wolf pic. |
They should just get rid of that all together. It's annoying.
CD, take notes. I want to kill scavengers and I want to do it brutally. :mis: [note 01:22] |
Ah man, that's awesome.
I've reported too many posts in this thread recently, tbh. Too many oversized gifs from the newbies. God. Get with the program. I'm sure you've been told a ****load of times. Quote:
Shame my PC kept having graphics glitches with her hair disappearing and her eye balls floating (which I have a phobia of) so I have to stop playing. ;_; |
http://www.tombraiderforums.com/showthread.php?t=185793 |
I was reading this article on Gameaustra, and it gave me an awesome idea for multiplayer even though this Tomb Raider will not have it of course, when the interviewee at Epic Games gave his suggestion about how to revamp numerous games. In this case, it was Uncharted.
Now there's an idea that's not bad.
I like that idea.
Is this thread really dead?
The topic about swimming should be here! >:I
Hello. I am writing in a dead thread. :ton: There is just nothing new about tomb raider. yet.
Operation Revive This thread has commenced. :cool:
Since this is general tomb raider discussion, let me just express my hatred for Underworld right now. I was doing a replay after like 3 years and I was actually really enjoying it. Much more so than the first time around. But dammit, that stupid glitch where the first ramp is down for whatever reason in Xibalba happened to me and now I can't continue. So ****ity ****. Thanks for ruining a rather fun playthrough, Underworld. :mad: |
I had this one too several times. Annoying :\
I can't (kind of) continue too. I was replaying Underworld last week and I found out one really weird thing. The game has autosaves, right? When I entered Xibalba the game stopped saving. Yeah, all of a sudden the game won't save anymore even if there already was a lot of checkpoints. I was playing the game like 4 times and everything was fine before. ://
That sucks. But seriously, I just wish that they released a patch or something to fix it. So unprofessional of them. I'm sorry, but I'm glad a lot of them are no longer working there. >_>
Also I looked it up and the ramp thing happens if you die between getting the jaguar and skull statue heads or something and I did exactly that... smh. |
Oh well I'm over it. :pi: If one of these types of bugs are in Tomb Raider, I be very upset, CD. |
Ugh, I won't even replay TRU because you have to play through the whole game to get to replay the later levels.
I can practically speedrun Med sea, Thailand, and Croft Manor, but when I get to Mexico onward, I'm always lie, "Wait... what do I do here?" Annoying that's there's only "revisit location" not "replay level". But, anyway, I'm pretty sure this thread is only for new TR discussion, but whatev. :p |
^ You can discuss here whatever you want :D
I was bored today so I decided to play Legend. I've put the disc in the console and started to play from the beginning. I can tell you it took 5 minutes until I switched the console off. It was just meh :/ I find Legend soooo boring now. I think I'm going to give it a rest. 10 years maybe, then I'll try it again...if only :p |
--- I have played Legend so many times; I know what's around every corner. I might go mad if I play it again. o.o |
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