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MyRaider4Life 24-02-13 07:19


Originally Posted by eem20 (Post 6666928)
Today we'll have the 20 first minutes of the game in french !

Where from?

I can't want to see what the den looks like now. D:

FearEffect 24-02-13 07:20


Originally Posted by eem20 (Post 6666928)
Today we'll have the 20 first minutes of the game in french !

Really ?

eem20 24-02-13 07:23

Sure. We will have it today.

FearEffect 24-02-13 07:27

What time ? :D And where ? Source ? :D

eem20 24-02-13 07:37

You'll See.

Lukass 24-02-13 07:39


Originally Posted by eem20 (Post 6666935)
You'll See.

Are you being serious? :confused:

Don't mention anything when you don't want to tell us more...

KasumiBlosssom 24-02-13 07:42


Originally Posted by EscondeR (Post 6666927)
OK. One more post asking or telling about stuff we all are not supposed to know yet and I'll close the thread for a while.

Let's just hope that someone won't intentionally come in here and do exactly that to get this closed... :(

FearEffect 24-02-13 07:48


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6666936)
Are you being serious? :confused:

Don't mention anything when you don't want to tell us more...

+1 :mad:

And what are they waiting to show us thecomparaison screenshots ?? :(

eem20 24-02-13 07:49

Yes I am serious ! I am French and yesterday there was an event and people played the game and someone filmed the 20 first minutes of the game and it will be upload on YouTube today.

Lukass 24-02-13 07:50


Originally Posted by eem20 (Post 6666939)
Yes I am serious ! I am French and yesterday there was an event and people played the game and someone filmed the 20 first minutes of the game and it will be upload on YouTube today.

And it was really big problem to tell us straight away, huh?

Anyway, thanks for answering.

FearEffect 24-02-13 08:06

The game at Max Linder was subtitled in french, not french...

Are u talking about this ?

SpyrosMonster 24-02-13 08:19

*Reads the whole stuff*

Me: O_O

*Leaves the forum for a while*


eem20 24-02-13 08:24


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6666954)
The game at Max Linder was subtitled in french, not french...

Are u talking about this ?

You're serious ? :mad:
So sad...

FearEffect 24-02-13 08:29

And it's not the final build :(

eem20 24-02-13 08:48


But we'll see the beginning of the game ! :jmp:

Lukass 24-02-13 08:52

I really wanna see the cavern...

EscondeR 24-02-13 09:10

Cooldown period initiated.

Some people wonder why. 5 posts with link to leaked gameplay video and discussion of it were deleted. That why.

-- Edit --

Well, after necessary action is taken, we can try giving it another chance.

Folks, try to understand, you're spoiling yourself and being harmful to yourself only.

tomee 24-02-13 09:39

Sweet jesus, what a mess. Oo
I hope we won't have any further trolls.

CBS_TombRaider 24-02-13 09:42

Oh finally. I woke up this morning and apparently I missed all the crazy. Oh well, at least I didn't get spoiled :o:p

hayden 24-02-13 09:44


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6666996)
Oh finally. I woke up this morning and apparently I missed all the crazy. Oh well, at least I didn't get spoiled :o:p

Lucky for you! :p

CBS_TombRaider 24-02-13 09:50


Originally Posted by hayden (Post 6666997)
Lucky for you! :p

I suppose. I'm typically the one that goes hunting for spoiler :p This time however, I'm trying to avoid it. Tomb Raider is somewhat special after all ^^

So anyways, guys, I've been running around with an idea in my head. I have read some people on this forum say they were going to do a Let's Play of the reboot. I'm a big fan of Let's Plays and I was actually wondering if starting a thread around them might've been a good idea. I PM'ed Rai about, but she wasn't really sure, so I'm still sort of stuck.

I'd like to give the LP'ers (not just the forum members, but also other people online) some exposure through this thread. And perhaps we could discuss them as well? I'm not sure :o If you have any advice on how I could execute this, or if you're just like "Nah, that's a crappy idea", then uh, please post a reply or something. I want to do this, but I need to know if you guys would like the idea. And, at least we're not discussing possible spoilers this way ^^

KasumiBlosssom 24-02-13 09:56


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6667002)
I suppose. I'm typically the one that goes hunting for spoiler :p This time however, I'm trying to avoid it. Tomb Raider is somewhat special after all ^^

So anyways, guys, I've been running around with an idea in my head. I have read some people on this forum say they were going to do a Let's Play of the reboot. I'm a big fan of Let's Plays and I was actually wondering if starting a thread around them might've been a good idea. I PM'ed Rai about, but she wasn't really sure, so I'm still sort of stuck.

I'd like to give the LP'ers (not just the forum members, but also other people online) some exposure through this thread. And perhaps we could discuss them as well? I'm not sure :o If you have any advice on how I could execute this, or if you're just like "Nah, that's a crappy idea", then uh, please post a reply or something. I want to do this, but I need to know if you guys would like the idea. And, at least we're not discussing possible spoilers this way ^^

I actually like this idea. Let's Plays are becoming increasingly more popular, people who both own and don't own the game like them. Plus it can accrue more interest in the game. I'd say having a thread dedicated to Forum Only Members would be something that should start off with as things may get too hectic with random people thrown in there.

I could definitely see a use for it. I would love to do one myself if I had a capture card of course. :p

tomee 24-02-13 10:03

I'd love to do a blind LP of TR, but it seems my PC won't be able to run it at max settings so running Fraps andother programs simultaneously would kill my PC. :whi:

LNSNHGTDS 24-02-13 10:14


Originally Posted by Bittersweet (Post 6665187)
I haven't really visited since they released the video but has anybody pointed out how unrealistic the rope arrow function is?

No, because it's not :p !


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6665194)
If the store had those... I WOULD SPEND ALL MY MONEY!
Especially for the last one.




Well these are actually decent ones, unlike the ones in the store, CD, Y U NO MAKE DECENT T-SHIRTZ???!!!


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6666996)
Oh finally. I woke up this morning and apparently I missed all the crazy.

Same here D: !

dantedmc 24-02-13 10:22

Why cut-scenes graphics always suck?

Lukass 24-02-13 10:24


Originally Posted by dantedmc (Post 6667040)
Why cut-scenes graphics always suck?

What do you mean?

Only TR lover 24-02-13 10:26


eem20 24-02-13 10:30


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6666961)
And it's not the final build :(

Send me a pm !

dantedmc 24-02-13 10:36


KasumiBlosssom 24-02-13 10:40

I'm not sure if this has been mentioned but has anyone figured out what this could be yet?

*May contain a spoiler*

Peep Show 24-02-13 10:42


Originally Posted by dantedmc (Post 6667040)
Why cut-scenes graphics always suck?

Um what? All cutscenes for this game are in-game so the graphics are the same.

just_love_her 24-02-13 10:45


Originally Posted by KasumiBlosssom (Post 6667053)
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned but has anyone figured out what this could be yet?

*May contain a spoiler*

This is interesting, where did you got that screen from? :)

dantedmc 24-02-13 10:47


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6667042)
What do you mean?


Originally Posted by Only TR lover (Post 6667044)


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6667055)
Um what? All cutscenes for this game are in-game so the graphics are the same.

I know, but I kind of feel a difference. Gameplay graphics look much better to my eye. whatever...

It's a pity they removed the horse.


KasumiBlosssom 24-02-13 10:49


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6667056)
This is interesting, where did you got that screen from? :)

It's a screencap from the 3rd Guide to Survival. It looks to me to be some sort of weight or something. Although I don't know how a weight would be used with her arsenal. I was thinking the arrows but I doubt they'd go too far with something like that attached to them. :p

just_love_her 24-02-13 10:56


Originally Posted by KasumiBlosssom (Post 6667063)
It's a screencap from the 3rd Guide to Survival. It looks to me to be some sort of weight or something. Although I don't know how a weight would be used with her arsenal. I was thinking the arrows but I doubt they'd go too far with something like that attached to them. :p

Maybe it's on of the "epic, innovative physics based" puzzles? :whi:

dantedmc 24-02-13 10:59


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6667068)
Maybe it's on of the "epic, innovative physics based" puzzles? :whi:

Or maybe she's just enhancing her boobs lol

Peep Show 24-02-13 11:06

Walkthrough for TR is up on youtube, **** off leakers this is pissin' me off (I didn't watch), i'll try to report it.

MissJodieG 24-02-13 11:06


EscondeR 24-02-13 11:09


Originally Posted by Gabi (Post 6665420)
TRF does not condone piracy in any shape or form.
With effect from the time this statement has been posted, members who post any game content/material that has not been released officially or ask for it on our forum will have their account suspended.

Do you ever read the announcements before posting?

MissJodieG 24-02-13 11:14


Originally Posted by EscondeR (Post 6667082)

Do you ever read the announcements before posting?

I haven't seen this yet.
I'm really sorry, I'm going to edit my post.

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