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_Ninja_ 07-03-13 15:38

So I got to after Shanty Town and a little beyond. I'm bloody stunned to be honest. I did not think the game could surprise me any more, but it did.

Peep Show 07-03-13 16:03


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6690596)
So I got to after Shanty Town and a little beyond. I'm bloody stunned to be honest. I did not think the game could surprise me any more, but it did.

It will surprise you even more, there are so many unexpected moments.

Dark_Messiah 07-03-13 16:08

Finished the game an hour ago. The ending was.. rather cliché and the story was predictable but I loved it (the game - not the ending :p) . It was so much fun and I can't wait to play the sequel!

MrGaga 07-03-13 16:19


Is Roth really the father of Reyes daughter?

Dark_Messiah 07-03-13 16:20

^ You.. may want to put a spoiler tag on that one. And - I don't know I think it was mentioned in some kind of file you could collect..

MrGaga 07-03-13 16:24


Originally Posted by Dark_Messiah (Post 6690694)
^ You.. may want to put a spoiler tag on that one. And - I don't know I think it was mentioned in some kind of file you could collect..

I have and cheers I'll have a look around :)

FearEffect 07-03-13 16:26

Before ----------------------------------------------------------- NOW

Sorry, i prefer the old one. :cln:

Lukass 07-03-13 16:46


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6690704)

Before ----------------------------------------------------------- NOW

Sorry, i prefer the old one. :cln:

what's that?

klona 07-03-13 17:00


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6690704)

Before ----------------------------------------------------------- NOW

Sorry, i prefer the old one. :cln:

What on earth is that? O-o

FearEffect 07-03-13 17:02

It's a video of another version of the game on the final hours from Steam

klona 07-03-13 17:05

It looks like the old Lara model from the leaked Mountain Village gameplay from 2011.

FearEffect 07-03-13 17:12


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6690757)
It looks like the old Lara model from the leaked Mountain Village gameplay from 2011.

Yup, and the one from the scavenger den ( E3 2011 )

TippingWater 07-03-13 17:30

Megan Farquhar was the model for the CGI model :o. Lol that's a mouthful.


_Ninja_ 07-03-13 17:33

So I'm playing in windowed mode using this program to make it fullscreen:

And the game definitely looks better now. I got around it but they definitely need to fix it.

Moosey 07-03-13 17:59

You had one job...

Taken from 9gag :D

King.Louie 07-03-13 18:02

Lol :p

Evan C. 07-03-13 18:06

I still haven't played the game, luckily I will next week ^__^

:}hello friend 07-03-13 18:12

Is it me or is this game pretty much unplayable on a laptop? Running it in all the lowest settings and it still has low framerate and lags. And don't get me started on aiming and controlling the camera.

Linoshi Croft 07-03-13 18:22


Originally Posted by :}hello friend (Post 6690906)
Is it me or is this game pretty much unplayable on a laptop? Running it in all the lowest settings and it still has low framerate and lags. And don't get me started on aiming and controlling the camera.

I really do hope you've plugged in a mouse :pi:

Moosey 07-03-13 18:22

Well, if you were going to play it on a laptop you should've expected that tbh.

daventry 07-03-13 20:14

Is there a Diffrence in giving a Youtube Review and playing the Game Review.

Only TR lover 07-03-13 20:28


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6690925)
I really do hope you've plugged in a mouse :pi:

:vlol: :vlol:

Heartache 07-03-13 20:30 :vlol:

tomblover 07-03-13 21:13

Is there anyone else who can't get access to the Optional Movie Extras or haven't they been released yet? :p
And will Lara's different outfits be released on the PC? I think the 360's already got all of them. :confused:

Jeissy 07-03-13 21:15


Originally Posted by Heartache (Post 6691194)

:vlol: This made my day!


Originally Posted by tomblover (Post 6691268)
Is there anyone else who can't get access to the Optional Movie Extras or haven't they been released yet? :p
And will Lara's different outfits be released on the PC? I think the 360's already got all of them. :confused:

They are available for PC but I think only the NA pre-orders had them.

tomblover 07-03-13 21:24


Originally Posted by Jeissy (Post 6691273)
They are available for PC but I think only the NA pre-orders had them.

I mean they were released for everyone, but I guess at a price. :p

FearEffect 07-03-13 21:58

WTF ? !

Jeissy 07-03-13 22:00


Originally Posted by tomblover (Post 6691300)
I mean they were released for everyone, but I guess at a price. :p

I guess if you count the pre-orders? But I hope they put them up for everyone someday. They are really nice :p

SEN1138 07-03-13 22:02


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6691386)


tomblover 07-03-13 22:12


Originally Posted by Jeissy (Post 6691391)
I guess if you count the pre-orders? But I hope they put them up for everyone someday. They are really nice :p

They are up for everyone, but only on the 360 marketplace as far as I know! :p

b0bb13 07-03-13 22:25

Who else loves swinging around on them bars? @.@

tomekkobialka 07-03-13 22:45


Originally Posted by b0bb13 (Post 6691471)
Who else loves swinging around on them bars? @.@

"Lara will be able to turn while jumping."

Yet another area of the game where Crystal excelled.

can she turn while jumping. :ton:

ItIsOkBro 08-03-13 02:01

How many people thought they found a tomb but it turns out it was just the first night hub tomb but in the day? :p

King.Louie 08-03-13 03:12

^OMG me!!!!!! I was confused!! The hub looks so much different in the day -_-

renspyro 08-03-13 03:13

Did just Karl say at Twitter the game Sold 1M allready?! :jmp::jmp::jmp:


Wow, 1m gamers playing in less than 48hrs! @tombraider fans, you're AMAZING Hearing some stores are running low..more copies are on the way!

voltz 08-03-13 03:19

So how is this holding up to Underworld? We pass that mark yet?

motoleo 08-03-13 03:28

They really do show a lot of this game in the trailers.

Horus-Goddess 08-03-13 03:29

I just hope TR doesn't become a forgotten memory after all this is calmed down (speaking in terms of the general public).

renspyro 08-03-13 03:30


Originally Posted by voltz (Post 6691977)
So how is this holding up to Underworld? We pass that mark yet?

Well, TRU sold only 1,5m in 1 month (November-December), so... :D

TheBloodRed 08-03-13 03:31


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6691985)
They really do show a lot of this game in the trailers.

Crossroads trailer definitely showed more than needed, so I agree. Also the whole "gameplay trailers" were a totally bad idea IMO. I never watched them.

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