Well I hope TR10 is as good as I can imagine it to be. |
And, glad you at least managed to get that achievement. I wish I know what I've missed. Quote:
TR was -75% on steam 2 days ago (Its -50% now)
So my friend decided to buy it and I'm telling you he was playing it like 22 hours straight and he finished it! Now he's collecting all the relics and stuff. He really likes this game which is amazing because he never was into TR. We played some multiplayer too and he kinda kicked my ass (twice). :pi: |
^ I played TR with two friends today and they loved it but... let's just say that TR isn't that easy for everyone... :vlol:
I was like this all the time... |
you may be right ...tomb raider fans were somehow used to the hard classics but I heard many times from my freind that this game isn't that easy !
Then I discovered a conversation with Sam at Shipwreck Beach that none of the guides mentioned. You can talk to her after returning from the sunken galleon with the block & tackle, but before you trigger the cutscene where you hand the block & tackle over (and Jonas gives you the new bow). As it turned out, that was the conversation I'd been missing. |
So Square Enix is at Comic Con tomorow are you guys expecting anything TR related besides the comics at the Dark Horse panel. :)
This would have been so awesome if the game was open world! :D
http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/...in-d5x85u5.jpg |
i wish i could grow a man braid mesh again :(
this time i wont mess it up with bleach :( |
tomorrow at comic con i hope we'll get a glimpse from the new tomb raider comics :P
We will.
I'll be at the Doctor's for 10AM, which means I'll be awake and gone before then, having not touched the computer. I'll be stuck there for some time, probably have to get a physical. It tends to be on days like that, when I do not think of the computer or touch it first thing, that info happens. So, I expect a little something about the future of Tomb Raider comics. |
And comics are aimed at children who shouldn't technically be playing the game in the first place :pi: |
Video games are aimed at children.
I was reflecting on the thirst before the game was released. And now it's been out for months. Now we're going to have to endure that again with the next one.
Omg ya'll, I just had the oddest glitch. D:
The last time I played I stopped at the sort of start of Shanty Town, after Lara cauterizes her wound, the gameplay starts and you start the shoot out. So I loaded up the game and I was just before the downed helicopter, Lara was still holding her side and panting a bunch. So I continued as normal but as I went into the helicopter the cutscene didn't trigger. :eek: Lara was still acting all hurt but I could continue into the shanty town, I went to jump on a pole but Lara didn't swing across, she just stopped and hung there. I couldn't drop, move or anything. So I had to quit to the main menu and start again. I started at the same spot as before, Lara was still panting and hurt, but as I went into the helicopter this time, she just stopped acting hurt and went to normal. So I just skipped that fight sequence. :D |
Lara needs to drive a car in TR2. IMO.
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