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Athukraz 18-10-19 23:36


Originally Posted by OrangeJuice (Post 8141768)
just finished another playthrough of this game and yeah it's still a special one to me. it's got many many flaws but it's such a memorable, fresh, thrilling experience and nothing feels overdone (lookin at yall rise and shadow).

I recently did another one too. It can get so emotional toward the end, especially thinking about how rise and shadow failed to continue what this game had set up if u know what i mean

OrangeJuice 19-10-19 15:51


Originally Posted by Athukraz (Post 8141777)
I recently did another one too. It can get so emotional toward the end, especially thinking about how rise and shadow failed to continue what this game had set up if u know what i mean

yeah they don’t even feel like sequels to this game. idk the thing with tr2013 is that you can feel it’s got a clear direction in mind - whether you like or dislike that direction is another topic.

Daft Raider 22-10-19 17:14


Originally Posted by OrangeJuice (Post 8141912)
yeah they don’t even feel like sequels to this game. idk the thing with tr2013 is that you can feel it’s got a clear direction in mind - whether you like or dislike that direction is another topic.

Yep, like you've said in a previous thread, you can really tell it was a labor of love, there was so much passion in what they created for the reboot. Sadly this has since been lost. Rise feels like the beginning of a new reboot, it doesn't feel connected to reboot at all, it's so bizarre.

I also think making Lara's "origin" story a trilogy was such a huge mistake. I wouldn't have minded continuing to see Lara's growth in future games, but to center each and every game around so called "growth" was a big mistake, specially considering there was no growth after reboot, lmao.

biscuits 22-10-19 17:58

TR13 is a game I have an irrational love for despite its flaws.

VictorXD 22-10-19 18:33

Its an amazing experience, and for me the only one that delivered everything it set out to. It has its flaws but it is no way disappointing unlike Rise and Shadow.

It has been among my favourites for a good while too.

Zsott 27-11-19 23:46

Does anyone knows what is this? Is this something like stadia's streaming?

TR1249 29-11-19 09:08

It's for Nvidia Shield TV

Ms.LaraCroft 27-12-19 05:28

Just finished the game for the first time, and I really enjoyed it. RIP Roth and Alex though :(

Legends 01-01-20 13:50


Originally Posted by Ms.LaraCroft (Post 8161542)
Just finished the game for the first time, and I really enjoyed it. RIP Roth and Alex though :(

And RIP Lara. She wasn't even in the game. :(

TRExpertgamer 04-01-20 21:35

Is there any soundtracks that sound very similar to Aleksandar Dimitrejevic's soundtracks that he composed from the pre-alpha version of Tomb Raider 9? I especially always love to impact on putting a number into this particular Tomb Raider game because this here is the 9th Tomb Raider game obviously!! :cool:

yansazonov 30-01-20 12:36

I'm playing the Steam version and at the moment where Lara is sliding down the ropes after the ambush up high (episode after forest and helicopter crash).

The problem is I can't attach to the rope after second fall (press B). The game forces you to drop and the distance is too big-there's no way to make it smaller or wait until Lara slides enough to make a jump.There's a slow-motion moment and after Lara falls. I dunno what to do.

charmedangelin 03-02-20 02:02

Is there a point to doing the hard mode in this game?

Costel 03-02-20 03:06


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8170130)
Is there a point to doing the hard mode in this game?

If you are looking for challenge and to struggle a bit with the enemies no it is not.

Samz 03-02-20 09:04


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8170130)
Is there a point to doing the hard mode in this game?

Not really.

The AI Just gets pin-point accurate, they're still dumb as hell and just pop-up down from the exact same spot making shoot them in the face easy.

I did most of my playthrough on Hard on an attempt to not get bored to death, had to turn it down because the boss QTE's are incredibly difficult on Hard, so no, this isn't like a classic shooter/Ghost in the shell on the PS2 where enemies are changed around to make things harder, it's just a tweaking of some numbers that doesn't mean much.

So yeah the only challlenge is doing the QTE's once you shoot the bosses in the face because you pretty much have only a second to press the button on PC at least.

Outside of that, it was basically just Normal mode but you spend longer time behind cover.

Kapu 09-02-20 17:30


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8170130)
Is there a point to doing the hard mode in this game?

I replay on hard these days. Just makes the enemies harder to kill. First time I played on hard I died a lot, but in a good way. :vlol: It was like going back to my first playthrough when I struggled with the combat a bit. It was fun. If you feel like you've masted the combat, playing on hard will (briefly) bring you back to feeling like a newbie.

Plazma 03-03-20 00:35

The YAMATAI Patch supposedly disables the camera shake from this game which gives me a headache and makes it unplayable. There are some other cool options in the hack but camera shake is the one I'm interested in. However, every link I've seen via google search is either broken or the file is corrupt. Anyone know of a good link or still has this file?

ozzman 07-03-20 04:13

finally getting around to playing this on PC, i got a new PC and it looks absolutely amazing, and runs so smooth, i'm surprised my laptop can handle tressfx too,

MelikeLara 08-03-20 21:29

Just had my umpteenth play through on XB1x and I really enjoyed it! It's been at least a year since I last played, and I noticed quite a few glitches on this console, didn't get any before so I don't know what happened there, but I finished it and I might have to play Rise next

TRExpertgamer 24-03-20 05:04

Himiko is absolutely the Queen of weather effect climates!! :D And her own storms is her own gun to be shooting at. Now the way I picture this concept in my head is that, I believe that Himiko knows Samantha very well like she certainly really doesn't have any weather climate power effect to give to her at all. That's why Mathias insisted to create all of that unnecessary drama.

redfox45 24-03-20 12:45

I really love the original Lara face in this compared to the DE botox Lara.

That sweet round baby face with that
"boy am I tired of falling over" look on it. It's so perfect for this game.:D

Spyglass 09-04-20 03:24

Lara's DE face is so weird. I mean, why did they did that to her? She looks gorgeous in the original release.
And about the hard difficulty: I've played the whole game in hard since my first play and it was very frustating at the start, not difficult at all, just frustating that I died a lot of times (mostly because of Lara's movements being stuck).

Pendrak 13-04-20 15:27

Hi, I recorded behind the scenes of the first camp in this game

Chamayoo 09-05-20 13:32

First time I play the definitive edition, I'm currently at Chasm Monastery.

- The remaster works, it didn't age badly graphically. The cutscene still feel premature though, a bit robotic, and the water still looks subpar.
- Lara's model... She's more beautiful in-game than the original, but in cutscenes wooow did she know how to express feelings ? Or it is an hommage of the resting bitch face of Classic Lara ?
- I do not think anymore the level design is abysmal. It's quite good in hubs and Mountain Temples. The rest still is painfully on rails. So mixed feelings about that, I will just say it's inconsistent.
- The pace and men battles were alright in the first half of the game in my great surprise. I guess it's Shantytown and the rest of the game which ruined everything.
- The optional "tombs" still are so minimal ! It should totally be on the main path ! It wouldn't hurt those who don't like puzzles (they are so inoffensive) and would definitely improved the pace and variety of gameplay. A missed opportunity to have been even better receive critically.
- I'm not tired of action setpieces yet. Still a bit intrusive but they're short and varied. Not sure I will say the same when I will finish the game. Radio Tower still is boring but I don't really care anymore.
- Metroidvania gameplay was more present then I thought. The highlight of hubs. I don't understand why they tone down them each games later and instead increase the number of collectibles. It should be the other way !
- I still don't understand the decision to get rid of the survival aspects of the old Tomb Raider games in a game who pretend to be survival horror. In the results, it's maybe the less survival game of the entire franchise, with its lack of manual healing, underwater swimming and traps. The irony !
- I like when we follow every minute of Lara's journey with no time-out and certainly no ellipses ! I also appreciate that everything is connected despite to be mainly linear.
- Leave me alone, survival instinct !!
- The art style is nice and consistent, but pigeon poos everywhere still spoil everything. It's sad it almost ruined all the hard efforts of the artists behind the game.

It seems I'm more in peace with this game than before. It's really a good news, because now I can say I enjoyed all the games of the franchise, even if it's my least favourite one !

FanosCroft 11-05-20 22:57

was it ever ever explained why the DE version runs at 60fps on PS4 and at 30fps on Xbox One?

Kidd Bowyer 13-05-20 22:12


Originally Posted by FanosCroft (Post 8196154)
was it ever ever explained why the DE version runs at 60fps on PS4 and at 30fps on Xbox One?

I've recently heard that a lot of game devs are coding/optimizing their games for PS4 before they work on optimizing the XBOne versions. Supposedly, it's a "flip" of what happened last generation, where a lot of PS3 ports of multi-platform games would inexplicably be slower and buggier than the XBox360 versions. I'll try and find a source for that.

By the way, does anyone know if multiplayer still works? I completely ignored it when I first got the game, but I'm planning on re-playing the entire TR series, and I never got any of the multiplayer Steam achievements.

Comments online indicate the multiplayer's been pretty much dead since 2014, but if I tried to fire it up right now...would there be bots I could fight against, or would I just be waiting in the lobby forever?

RodneyMac12 19-05-20 06:43


Originally Posted by Pendrak (Post 8186698)
Hi, I recorded behind the scenes of the first camp in this game

Thank you so much for this! It's really interesting seeing the free camera version of my favorite game.

Pendrak 24-05-20 13:08

Hi! Another behind the scenes, this time from this fire ritual and the bloody river

Pillis 28-05-20 10:05

Replaying it now. Omg it was so bad. She just doesn't stop whining, whispering and making stupid annoying noises. The "levels" are a boring corridor with trees and leaves all around. Yes the game still looks pretty on ps4, especially CGI cutscenes but it does look too plasticky and shiny for a game going for photo realism. I think underworld looks better.

Also I remember the controls being better. Shadow did really improve a lot from this in terms of mechanics and design.

Omg I can't stand this game why am I even playing this again?

Blackmoor 28-05-20 10:34

The shooting mechanics are good in TR2013 though I think.

But yeah, I tried to replay this myself recently and I can't stand the self-chatter and characterisation of Lara. She is definitely 200x better in the following games.

I think anyway.

Pillis 28-05-20 12:22

Yes people who say she's the same in Shadow like seriously?? It's totally a different game. I had to turn this off, so bad, sloppy, easy corridors, mindless hunting poor animals and shooting baddies. No tombs, no ruins, no exploration, boring backtracking and a bunch of useless and boring cutscenes. Terrible game how it went on to become the biggest selling hit in the franchise is appalling. And I can't at how bad Lara looks, chubby, short with a big nose and chubby arms and ugly clothes. Also the gore and "horror" elements are so forced and cheap. So bad. I cringed when she starts shivering because of some wind. Like gurl. Angie drove a dog sled in Syberia with her bare feet and tits hangin out at -20, please ain't nobody got time for this cry baby.

Kapu 29-05-20 23:53


Originally Posted by Pillis (Post 8201388)
And I can't at how bad Lara looks, chubby, short with a big nose and chubby arms and ugly clothes..

I would love to see you share your opinion of Lara's body and looks with some of the women in your life.

It's fine that you didn't like that game dude, it's not for everyone. But I have a hard time taking you seriously when you start referring to a thin, realistically proportioned body as "chubby." I'm not trying to change your opinion, but maybe next time "I don't care for the way Lara looks" will suffice.

If Lara has a big nose, then I'm walking around with the Eiffel tower on my face.

SnatchingEdges 29-05-20 23:57

No way she's chubby :confused:

Tomb Raidering 30-05-20 14:08


Originally Posted by Kapu (Post 8201961)
I would love to see you share your opinion of Lara's body and looks with some of the women in your life.

It's fine that you didn't like that game dude, it's not for everyone. But I have a hard time taking you seriously when you start referring to a thin, realistically proportioned body as "chubby." I'm not trying to change your opinion, but maybe next time "I don't care for the way Lara looks" will suffice.
If Lara has a big nose, then I'm walking around with the Eiffel tower on my face.

Preach... especially the bolded part. :p

Originally Posted by SnatchingEdges (Post 8201962)
No way she's chubby :confused:

AoD Lara is chubby if we compare her to TR2013 Lara. :ponder:

Seriously? “Chubby” because of the baggy pants? I can’t—

Pillis 31-05-20 07:26

I don't want a realistic, generic and average looking body type for Lara. We're talking about a videogame not about healthy standards for women who of course come in all shapes and forms like any of us. But Lara was supposed to be thin and muscular not chubby and average looking. And I used the word chubby not fat, chubby because she has fuller arms, a rounder face and thick thighs. I don't want a virtual bad ass character to be a body positivity manifesto.

Jamise_Croft 31-05-20 09:45


Originally Posted by Tomb Raidering (Post 8202078)
Preach... especially the bolded part. :p

AoD Lara is chubby if we compare her to TR2013 Lara. :ponder:

Seriously? “Chubby” because of the baggy pants? I can’t—

We? literally she is an skinny legend lmaoo

Lara_Fan1 31-05-20 23:45

Curvy is the word I think you’re looking for.

Patrick star 01-06-20 00:45

Okay I can barely swallow the "chubby" thingy because you might be searching for a different word....

....but big nose ?? Come the **** on .

LNSNHGTDS 01-06-20 12:43

Not having a Dita Von Teese waist doesn't mean Lara is now chubby oh my god :vlol:

suli 01-06-20 14:04

guys let's incels be incels. that's all they can do. cry on the internet :vlol:

Pillis 01-06-20 17:14

I don't know what weight standards do you have but Tr2013 Lara definitely looks on the chubbier side and very short, she just doesn't look that good. She's average and bulky. Not the type of body you would expect from a fierce badass athletic VIRTUAL AND FAKE heroine. But now the trend is REALISTIC, HUMAN, RELATABLE and that if I wanted that I would have gone to the supermarket trying to solve the puzzle of the missing toilet papers...

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