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Zebra 11-06-08 15:31


Originally Posted by Keir_Eidos (Post 2769490)
LMAO! Hahaha :D

I've decided I'm going to give a prize out for the best one of these :D

Oh....I've already won :p.

Just joking :D. Well if the worst will be the winner I'll win.

Rivendell 11-06-08 15:36


Originally Posted by Keir_Eidos (Post 2769545)
In other news, I was talking to Mr. Lindstrom yesterday about various matters, and this thread came up and Eric mentioned that Rivendell posted that he heard Crystal call the Kraken 'Clyde'.

:vlol: I was joking about it being called Clive! :D

Three cheers for it being un/officially dubbed the Underpus, though :jmp: !

thevman 11-06-08 15:39

Pretty cool that underpus the name is becoming official at eidos/CD... :eek::tmb::D

Encore 11-06-08 15:39

for fellow LOST fans!!!
We finnaly know who is in


Oh my God!!

x2crazyidiot 11-06-08 15:42


Originally Posted by Lara-Ferguson (Post 2769068)
Underpus the last Waterbender xD



simply great!
now if we can get a fire enemy..... :p

Rexie 11-06-08 15:47

'kay people, I can't be arsed enough to go trough the other 20 pages left from yesterday night, so if you want be in this, gimme a link to your post.
I will edit this post.

Things to add:

one, two & three., four

updates tommorrow.. mycomputer just got raped -.-'''

thevman 11-06-08 15:50

Pick any one you like! :jmp: I'd be honored to be in your colage! :hug:

Rexie 11-06-08 15:51


Originally Posted by thevman (Post 2769684)
Pick any one you like! :jmp: I'd be honored to be in your colage! :hug:

you're already there :wve:

dannyb 11-06-08 15:53


Originally Posted by Rexie (Post 2769678)
'kay people, I can't be arsed enough to go trough the other 20 pages left from yesterday night, so if you want be in this, gimme a link to your post.

Both of my underpus images are in the colage. this has MADE MY DAY :hug:

john_york 11-06-08 15:55


Originally Posted by Rexie (Post 2769678)
'kay people, I can't be arsed enough to go trough the other 20 pages left from yesterday night, so if you want be in this, gimme a link to your post.

I will edit this post.

Hi Rexie,

here be mine:


Originally Posted by john_york (Post 2769531)



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