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Gamd1011 01-06-12 19:42


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6211098)
I think the trailer is good and all don't get me wrong, but it has raised a lot of concerns for me, and I'm not one to complain. Since this is the tr general discussion thread, I'll discuss those concerns here.

It looks like a scripted mess. Environments look small and linear so far...that's incredibly disappointing. Please tell the island is still huge with lots of interesting places to explore? I really need to see hub spaces pronto.

I understand that they want to be all Oooh and ahhh with their first proper trailer but it was ALL ACTION BAM BAM BAM. If that's any indication of what the game is going to be like then what the hell, Crystal? It looks like a movie. Sure, okay the story looks interesting, but everything looks forced. There seems to be no choice at all. If you're going to capture people's attention show them a Tomb Raider with a good story AND good gameplay. Show them the huge environments and mechanics that are less rigid. Let them know that's not JUST another action thriller.

The graphics...I'm not going to complain about them at the moment, but I expect more from a gameplay trailer. They still look half-done. I can see why they need extra time. Hopefully it just means they've had more emphasis on the gameplay and open environments. But...I honestly doubt it. But seriously, some of the graphical aspects need refining.

When I first saw the trailer, of course I was ecstatic but now that my stupid little "fanboy" phase is over I can see that I'm honestly really disappointed. I can't believe I'm saying this but the game does not look like Tomb Raider. Not in the slightest. It looks great but it does not look like a Tomb Raider game.

Hopefully they'll be a lot of nice surprises when I play it, to prove me otherwise, and perhaps it's better that I'm less excited for the game. I'll watch the demo at E3 and then I'm done with all media until I get the game and play it myself. But I am not impressed by narrowly escaping death at every waking moment of the game. Uncharted 3 was like that and it was disappointing. Please don't make Tomb Raider, Uncharted with a female protagonist.

I kind of agree. :(

Maybe ACTUAL gameplay will prove us wrong?:o

Cpuguy18 01-06-12 19:43


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6211161)
Sorry, you're going to see it a lot because it looks exactly like an Uncharted game. Scripted shallow gameplay with action after action after action.

I hate saying that. It's very disappointing.

Somewhat. The writing is way worse than Uncharted.

just*raidin*tomb 01-06-12 19:44


Originally Posted by Cpuguy18 (Post 6211176)
Somewhat. The writing is way worse than Uncharted.

I can't really judge what the writing is like yet, but the acting seems decent enough to me. Not as good as Uncharted's acting though. And some of Lara's peers are clearly immature morons. :p


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6211169)
I kind of agree. :(

Maybe ACTUAL gameplay will prove us wrong?:o

I sincerely hope so. And ya know? It's not just me. There are a lot people in the gaming community that aren't tomb raider fans with the same exact concerns. People are concerned that it's just going to be another Uncharted as they're starting to realize how shallow the game truly is in terms of gameplay complexity. If tomb raider can still deliver on the huge environments, exploration platforming, complex puzzles, and good combat and good AI, then I won't be disappointed. I hope see some of that next week. Hopefully. :/

spyrostr 01-06-12 19:48


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6211161)
Sorry, you're going to see it a lot because it looks exactly like an Uncharted game. Scripted shallow gameplay with action after action after action.

I hate saying that. It's very disappointing.

u saw a trailer that was on purpose action oriented to attract many gamers... we'll have to wait until Monday..
there is a similarity of course but it's not a clone... jee u people calm down

Bomb Fighter 01-06-12 19:49


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6211001)
well i think the Russians are shipwrecked pirates...

I hope so. And I hope that scavengers will hunt them as much as they hunt Lara!

larafan25 01-06-12 19:54


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6211161)
Sorry, you're going to see it a lot because it looks exactly like an Uncharted game. Scripted shallow gameplay with action after action after action.

I hate saying that. It's very disappointing.

Ah yes, truth.

spyrostr 01-06-12 19:56


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6211224)
I hope so. And I hope that scavengers will hunt them as much as they hunt Lara!

now i can see how the multiplayer is going to work

just*raidin*tomb 01-06-12 19:59


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6211260)
Ah yes, truth.

I'm so disappointed larafan, ahhh. D': I'm just hoping there's more at E3 to prove me wrong. The best part of the trailer was hunting the deer in my opinion. At least it was gameplay.

larafan25 01-06-12 20:01


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6211289)
I'm so disappointed larafan, ahhh. D': I'm just hoping there's more at E3 to prove me wrong. The best part of the trailer was hunting the deer in my opinion. At least it was gameplay.

The sad thing is, I just saw someone say that the hunting bit was the clip that showed dang...that's combat. >_>

It's just...I have no issue with the story, graphics, or any of that jazz. I just don't see where the real gameplay comes into play.

Also too many crumbling things for my taste, even though I wanted crumbling things.

_Awestruck_ 01-06-12 20:04

Forgive me, but it's a little jarring to see LF25 so skeptical of things. :vlol: He was always on the defensive for this game, it's weird to see him pick out something he doesn't like for once.

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