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Stevo505 07-02-12 06:22


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 5961489)
BTW, where Pietras gone?

Maybe he died of boredom because of no news :p

Lukass 07-02-12 06:23


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 5961489)
BTW, where Pietras gone?

That's a question...

He probably won't be bothered to post if nothing happens. I promise you, he'll be back next Tuesday :D

Stevo505 07-02-12 06:25


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5961494)
That's a question...

He probably won't be bothered to post if nothing happens. I promise you, he'll be back next Tuesday :D

It's already marked on my calendar. Lara's birthday!! So does Lara turn 21 since the game comes out this year?

Lukass 07-02-12 06:27


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 5961497)
It's already marked on my calendar. Lara's birthday!! So does Lara turn 21 since the game comes out this year?

I guess so! She's still 20 now. I'm in the UK so she should better invite me for her birthday party and I'll tell her what's going to happen :vlol:

Stevo505 07-02-12 06:28


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5961499)
I guess so! She's still 20 now. I'm in the UK so she should better invite me for her birthday party and I'll tell her what's going to happen :vlol:

She'll think you're crazy and but when it actually happens she'll wish she listened to you and never got on that boat.

Lukass 07-02-12 06:31


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 5961501)
She'll think you're crazy and but when it actually happens she'll wish she listened to you and never got on that boat.

I wouldn't tell her. I would go with her and multiplayer fanboys would have Christmas.

Stevo505 07-02-12 06:33


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5961506)
I wouldn't tell her. I would go with her and multiplayer fanboys would have Christmas.


Lukass 07-02-12 06:37

LOL at the comments back in June 2011 like "FALL 2012? WTF???11??" :vlol:

We've survived! It's almost here! Holy fudge!

Stevo505 07-02-12 06:39


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5961511)
LOL at the comments back in June 2011 like "FALL 2012? WTF???11??" :vlol:

We've survived! It's almost here! Holy fudge!

I can't believe it's been over a year... wtf.. it definitely does not seem like that long honestly. To think we only have about 7-8 months.. more or less.. O_O

Lukass 07-02-12 06:40


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 5961513)
I can't believe it's been over the year... wtf.. it definitely does not seem like that long honestly. To think we only have about 7-8 months.. more or less.. O_O

When I look back it does feel like the trailer was revealed yesterday, but the waiting sucks at the moment. But, yeah, it's not over one year now..It's just few months to go.

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