^Oh my God. It's so simple. D:
Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson
(Post 6451968)
They obviously need a female host to sacrifice but it failed with Steph so they are trying to use Sam but by the end they will probably try it to Lara or Lara will watch Sam die and it will be all her fault. The diety will be released leading into the paranormal element for the second game. :p
Haha, the possible routes they can take are endless one of the many nice little mysteries of the game I suppose. :)
Ooh yes! I like the word host, and I hope we have to fight something big at the end.
Without QTE.
Originally Posted by Love2Raid
(Post 6451969)
Idk lol. Maybe they didn't plan that far ahead. xD
Maybe she is, according to them, the only one that can stop this Island's 'curse' (they might think it's a curse, but in fact it is not of course (no supernatural stuff, after all). So Steph died for no reason and Sam might too. :o
But they only started inhabiting the island 40 years ago, can they really be that stupid?
I hope there are some real old scavengers on the island, although it would be cooler if they looked more ancient tribal.
Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb
(Post 6451971)
It will obvs be Natla and this island will end up being another remnant of Atlantis that she was talking about in Anniversary. :pi:
My body might actually split into pieces if that happens.