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supasaba 28-11-12 23:55


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6540044)
I dont know when I should stop looking at media. I feel like i've seen loads but if its a long game and there is more to see I might sneak a peek at a few more things coming up. But like I said I keep forgeting how much i've seen. Den gameplay, leaked night hub gameplay, parachute gameplay, cliff side gameplay, deer gameplay, cabin gameplay, wolf gameplay, and Lara being captured with Whitman and escaping gameplay. Thats quite a list :/

I was thinking this too :s but then again at the same time most of the media we have seen is from the first hour of the game. And considering the game is supposedly 12-15 hours long I think we will have plenty surprises in store :cln:

Weemanply109 28-11-12 23:59


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6540061)
I think the thing we really need to see is traversal. It's one of two things we haven't seen much of.

Yes, Combat and traversal, I forgot that.


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6540062)
What if those 'first 3 hours' are nothing but all the demos we've seen combined? ._.

All the demo's combined all add upto an hour, AFAIK.

Bomb Fighter 29-11-12 10:30


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6540062)
What if those 'first 3 hours' are nothing but all the demos we've seen combined? ._.

They aren´t. The report says world exclusive opportunity (I forgot to add it in the translation) to play the first three hours of the game.

And as Weemanply said above, all the stuff we´ve seen is about 1 hour long.

Stevo505 29-11-12 11:27

Are we going to get to watch those 3 hours..?

TippingWater 29-11-12 11:33


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6540479)
Are we going to get to watch those 3 hours..?

I doubt it.

Bomb Fighter 29-11-12 11:56


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6540479)
Are we going to get to watch those 3 hours..?

Yeah, I doubt it too. And I dont mind, it would show to much from the game, at least for me.
We may get magazine articles, screens, trailer or short sneakpeak showing combat or traversal like we did for TRU.

Lukass 29-11-12 12:03

I want the trailer Dec 7th. Holy hell it has to happen.

Underhoe 29-11-12 12:11

If I'm completely honest I'd rather see screenshots shown than videos. Simply because when I see a screenshot, I try to create my own gameplay around it, and it gives some sort of excitement - which may be either good or bad of course, but in the end it's a surprise anyway. This is a good way not to spoil anything (or at least not as much). Also I find it more pleasuring to see a HQ screenshot than a very bad quality video. ._.
All in all it looks like Crystal is thinking in a different way, as they seem to give no damn about screenshots or whatsoever.

LNSNHGTDS 29-11-12 12:13

^ Screenshots are really boring so I wouldn't blame them, and their videos are not that crappy, therefore I'd definately prefer a video.

klona 29-11-12 12:43


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6540530)
If I'm completely honest I'd rather see screenshots shown than videos. Simply because when I see a screenshot, I try to create my own gameplay around it, and it gives some sort of excitement - which may be either good or bad of course, but in the end it's a surprise anyway. This is a good way not to spoil anything (or at least not as much). Also I find it more pleasuring to see a HQ screenshot than a very bad quality video. ._.
All in all it looks like Crystal is thinking in a different way, as they seem to give no damn about screenshots or whatsoever.

I wholeheartedly agree with you.

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