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Only TR lover 22-01-13 13:49

Definitely want a bigger version :tmb: Can't decide which to use as desktop background :p

SpyrosMonster 22-01-13 13:51



YOU HAD THE SUPER HD VERSION OF THE COVER ALL THIS TIME!?!!?!?!!?!? ermahgerd! She looks so real!

FearEffect 22-01-13 13:53

Did anyone else notice that Lara's hair is the same in both of these pictures ? :eek:

-Roli- 22-01-13 13:54


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6616740)
Did anyone else notice that Lara's hair is the same in both of these pictures ? :eek:

Really! Nice find! :tmb:

Lukass 22-01-13 13:59


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6616740)
Did anyone else notice that Lara's hair is the same in both of these pictures ? :eek:


I can't tell if it's sad or laughable.

Rai 22-01-13 14:01


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6616745)
I can't tell if it's sad or laughable.

It's good. It means there's consistency in the two renders. but hardly surprising as she looks the same anyway.

LNSNHGTDS 22-01-13 14:01

It's not the same! It looks similar yes, but there are obvious differences!

Especially her fringe, the left part is longer in the left picture and thr right part is lower than in the right picture. Her hair is also windblown in the right picture and can be seen behind her shoulder in the same picture. And last but not least, those weird strands that everybody wishes were in the ingame model are a lot longer in the left picture.

FearEffect 22-01-13 14:03


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6616748)
It's not the same!


I'm sure it is

Look :

LNSNHGTDS 22-01-13 14:05

Edited my post to point out why they are not the same.

And even some of your circled areas are actually different.

They are the same in some parts for all I care but they aren't the same, if that makes any sense, lol :p

ivaneiroX 22-01-13 14:08

it is the same i cant see any differences

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