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TippingWater 24-02-13 23:05


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6668324)
Ok, no offence, but if you're all "seriously ill with spoilerophobia" , that doesn't mean that everyone else is too!

We like to watch stuff, that doesn't mean anything, it's a completely different experience when you play and when you watch a game.

So please, continue moaning about how some people post spoilers and let us be as naive as we want.

Exactly! Not everyone cares about spoilers. I don't, but I won't watch the ending if it is uploaded on youtube though.:tmb: I am more interested in the reviews than the game itself.

Valentino 24-02-13 23:08


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6668324)
Ok, no offence, but if you're all "seriously ill with spoilerophobia" , that doesn't mean that everyone else is too!

We like to watch stuff, that doesn't mean anything, it's a completely different experience when you play and when you watch a game.

So please, continue moaning about how some people post spoilers and let us be as naive as we want.

Were you around when Underworld came out?? Because I was the same and I regreted it. As did probably every single forum user. And by all means watch as much as you like but I wouldn't post about it.

LNSNHGTDS 24-02-13 23:09


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6668335)
Exactly! Not everyone cares about spoilers. I don't, but I won't watch the ending if it is uploaded on youtube though.:tmb:

This, the edning is sacred! I haven't even watched anything new actually, I mean I tried but I only found a demo from European Gamer, lol :p !

That was nice too because I hadn't seen it before and Lara shot Vlad's dick (I'm still laughing when I think about it :vlol: ) but I'd still like to see the actual new stuff.

Not right now though, I'm enjoying other leaked awesomeness (I almost had a heart attack when TR and Color the Cover leaked at the same day xD ! ) .

ItIsOkBro 24-02-13 23:11

Mwahaha. I remember the last time I watched a game before playing. Things that should have been surprising, weren't. I knew what would happen next. I knew where all the enemies were. I knew exactly where to go. Worst mistake ever won't let it happen again :hea:

TippingWater 24-02-13 23:13


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6668341)
Were you around when Underworld came out?? Because I was the same and I regretted it. As did probably every single forum user. And by all means watch as much as you like but I wouldn't post about it.

Underworld would have been a disappointment either way imo :o. Its story sucked big time.

Peep Show 24-02-13 23:15


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6668335)
Exactly! Not everyone cares about spoilers. I don't, but I won't watch the ending if it is uploaded on youtube though.:tmb: I am more interested in the reviews than the game itself.

Funny because I remember how you bitched about CD showing too much.

I personally don't care if you anyone watches the videos, I just don't wanna see any of you bitching about it once you play the game because it was your own choice.

I mean remember Underworld? people knew the ending and all...

LNSNHGTDS 24-02-13 23:16


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6668341)
Were you around when Underworld came out?? Because I was the same and I regreted it. As did probably every single forum user. And by all means watch as much as you like but I wouldn't post about it.

No, but knowing TRF I imagine that a handful of members would have been overreacting for no reason, pretty much just like now.

It's not like you don't know there will be spoilers, it's a forum, and a rather active one, if there ain't gonna be spoilers here there won't be anywhere (except Tumblr) .

It's the final countdown, this thread has no purpose other than expecting spoilers and leakages and speculation about what will happen in the next game, oh and hair, don't forget the hair ;) !


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6668349)
I personally don't care if you anyone watches the videos, I just don't wanna see any of you bitching about it once you play the game because it was your own choice.

I mean remember Underworld? people knew the ending and all...

Ok, why are you talking about things that haven't happened, and propably won't?

DaNoNeMoKiId 24-02-13 23:17


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6668307)
I watched a tiny bit of the beginning cutscene. I couldn't help myself. XD What I'll say is that -spoilerzz-. :confused:

i rewatched that part where the crew meets up with lara after seeing sam and i hate how alex doesn't say "hang in there LC" anymore. that little bit of dialogue was so cute :hea::hea::hea::hea::hea::hea::hea:

Mikky 24-02-13 23:18

I've been spoling myself too. I told myself I wouldn't, but it's hard to resist. :vlol: The game does look really amazing, though. I wanna play it. ;__;


Originally Posted by DaNoNeMoKiId (Post 6668351)
i rewatched that part where the [/COLOR] anymore. that little bit of dialogue was so cute :hea::hea::hea::hea::hea::hea::hea:

IKR?! I'm so disappointed they took that out. :/

Peep Show 24-02-13 23:20


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6668350)
Ok, why are you talking about things that haven't happened, and propably won't?

Maybe because similar things have happened before?

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