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Stevo505 12-03-12 22:21


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6033714)
E-cigarette is electronic cigarette. There are no carcinogens like in normal cigarette. It cause no harm to me and others. It smells nice and you can choose from thousands of flavours (I'm vaping Coca-Cola and cinnamon). It feels like normal cigarette, but it doesn't. You can smoke it anywhere - at cinema, plane, train, store when waiting in a queue....and the smoke is not a smoke, but cold mist. The same that is being used in theatre or disco...

Smoking Coca-Cola? That sounds really fun actually :D lol.

Catracoth 12-03-12 22:22

I might have to get myself one of them. It'll help me quit smoking too. :tmb:

Stevo505 12-03-12 22:24


Originally Posted by Catracoth (Post 6033720)
I might have to get myself one of them. It'll help me quit smoking too. :tmb:

Good luck :hug: my mom is quitting right now.

Catracoth 12-03-12 22:25

Best of luck to her!
It's very challenging, but equally rewarding I'm sure. :D

Lukass 12-03-12 22:25


Originally Posted by Catracoth (Post 6033720)
I might have to get myself one of them. It'll help me quit smoking too. :tmb:

It surely will! I can't stand the smoke coming out from normal cigarette now. It makes me vomit. My smell is better, I have no more really is good thing! :tmb: And it's deffo a lot cheaper than normal cigarettes.

just*raidin*tomb 12-03-12 22:28

Is this open chat now? ._.

Adrenaline 12-03-12 22:29


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6033697)
I had a dream about the new Tomb Raider. I've never had one until last night. It was terrifying! I remember just the last 5 minutes of it. I remember the scenery and environments were beautiful, but the situation wasn't. Like at all!

LUCKY!!!!! I would give anything to dream about TR and be on that incredible island.... XD


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6033698)
What's an e-cigarette? Sounds interesting. Your day was better than mine.

I went to school.

I went to school too. :/ Boring ****e.

jhs270694 12-03-12 22:29

meh a vodka with karl would make all my troubles go away :vlol:

i have to wait for a couple a months though, not 18 yet lol

Lukass 12-03-12 22:30


Originally Posted by Adrenaline (Post 6033741)
LUCKY!!!!! I would give anything to dream about TR and be on that incredible island.... XD

I remember Lara staying on the roof of some really high building and the island was incredibly huge!!!

Stevo505 12-03-12 22:30


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6033739)
Is this open chat now? ._.

Just about. There's nothing to talk about. Nothing.

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