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JsotoTRSaga 18-03-12 22:07


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6046705)
^They can still do all of that outside of a cutscene though. :)

You mean maybe they made Lara's expressions very Cinematic? I think they could do that instead of making too many Cutscenes i hope it isn't i certainly don't want it to be a entirely Cinematic game *Cough L.A. Noire *Cough with more cutscenes than Gameplay.

Stevo505 18-03-12 22:20


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6046705)
^They can still do all of that outside of a cutscene though. :)

Maybe it's just like in TR1 where you pick up an item and the camera moves so it looks like a cutscene.

JsotoTRSaga 18-03-12 22:22


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6046738)
Maybe it's just like in TR1 where you pick up an item and the camera moves so it looks like a cutscene.

That would be great.

Lukass 18-03-12 22:36

I feel dizzy. It's completely dead here :/

Spong 19-03-12 08:33

I hope the save system in TR9 is better than the rubbish one in LAU. I hope they bring back save crystals like TR1 on PSOne, that was proper hardcore, not saving at checkpoints every twenty seconds or letting people save whenever they want like massive girls. TR9 needs to get rid of the casual players with brutal and unforgiving saves, get some credibility back. Screwed something up? You have to play half an hour of the game again. That's the punishment, the penalty, that's why you're not supposed to die, you loser. I'm sick of deaths in TR having absolutely no consequence whatsoever :mad:

Lukass 19-03-12 08:38


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6047414)
I hope the save system in TR9 is better than the rubbish one in LAU. I hope they bring back save crystals like TR1 on PSOne, that was proper hardcore, not saving at checkpoints every twenty seconds or letting people save whenever they want like massive girls. TR9 needs to get rid of the casual players with brutal and unforgiving saves, get some credibility back. Screwed something up? You have to play half an hour of the game again. That's the punishment, the penalty, that's why you're not supposed to die, you loser. I'm sick of deaths in TR having absolutely no consequence whatsoever :mad:

I couldn't agree more! But...from what I've seen in the demo, there's the same checkpoint system like in LAU. I don't want that too. I want to be "punished" when Lara die, but I don't see it happening. Not to mention I've read that the checkpoints are placed densely through the game.

Spong 19-03-12 08:52

If it was up to me I'd only allow saving at the basecamp(s). And they'd be manual, you'd have to choose to save, it wouldn't happen automatically when you walked in. Then you'd have to visit whatever new area, complete whatever objective, without saving at all. If you mess up...back to the basecamp you go.

The only concession I'd make is if there's secrets. Those would be automatically saved to a system file so you don't have to collect them again during that playthrough. But it should only save the fact you found the secret. If Crystal returned to the classic system of having secrets containing bonus pickups, then the items shouldn't be saved. If you die, the secret is still listed as found, but you won't have the items.

Lukass 19-03-12 08:57

^ Well, since the island is going to be really huge, saving just in could be a bit frustrating to travel long distances in case of death. But all in all, I agree. I just don't see it happening. Maybe it's going to be optional. Manual save/checkpoints.

Spong 19-03-12 09:17

Save restrictions should be covered in the difficulty setting. God knows completing Underworld on Master Survivalist was a joke, the game almost plays itself. My brutal brand of saving wouldn't suit everyone, but that's the point. It'll get rid of the lightweights who shouldn't be playing games, and it'll bring back a portion of the challenge. It's a win-win situation :tmb:

Lukass 19-03-12 09:23


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6047440)
Save restrictions should be covered in the difficulty setting. God knows completing Underworld on Master Survivalist was a joke, the game almost plays itself. My brutal brand of saving wouldn't suit everyone, but that's the point. It'll get rid of the lightweights who shouldn't be playing games, and it'll bring back a portion of the challenge. It's a win-win situation :tmb:


Let's hope that there are more than just one saving system.

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