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Tonyrobinson 06-10-12 23:12


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6468680)
That's a great idea, why did I never think of this!? :D




Hahaha glad you like it. Just made one I'm only hoping people keep it PG-13 enough so it doesn't get closed. :o

I'll take these discussions there so I don't spam too much in here. :p

trlestew 06-10-12 23:19


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6468458)
Isn't that just some random forum member? no1curr

As an off and off member on the Steam forums myself, he's actually a respected member who is (or was, I guess) a big TR fan.

just*raidin*tomb 06-10-12 23:24


Originally Posted by trlestew (Post 6468696)
As an off and off member on the Steam forums myself, he's actually a respected member who is (or was, I guess) a big TR fan.

Thank you. ._.

Tabuu 06-10-12 23:37

Ok what are you guys up to now :p

just*raidin*tomb 07-10-12 00:04


Originally Posted by Tabuu (Post 6468724)
Ok what are you guys up to now :p

Offering sacrificial forum members to Lara Croft.

Tabuu 07-10-12 00:08


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6468756)
Offering sacrificial forum members to Lara Croft.

Whose next on the list

Evermore 07-10-12 06:01


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6468756)
Offering sacrificial forum members to Lara Croft.

OH MY GOD I CAN'T. dying

tomee 07-10-12 06:19


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6468665)
I though you'd all appreciate the unintentional hilarity in this new CC! :D

They got something right.

Unfortunately. ._.

LNSNHGTDS 07-10-12 07:25


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6468756)
Offering sacrificial forum members to Lara Croft.

I want to be sacrificed to Lara too :p !!!

SpyrosMonster 07-10-12 12:56

Male version of Lara Croft . :| Discuss...


pipermaru 07-10-12 12:58

Looks like a go-go boy.

LNSNHGTDS 07-10-12 12:58

Wow, he actually looks good, and eye-candy-ish :p !

But he's not laying hands on Lara :mad: !

tomee 07-10-12 13:01


Spong 07-10-12 13:01


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6469349)
Male version of Lara Croft . :| Disgusting


Lukass 07-10-12 13:02

There's nothing to discuss. It's disgusting.

tomee 07-10-12 13:03

I think it's a model made by someone from TRF.
It's called gay raider or something like that.

Vinkula 07-10-12 13:03

Wut? It's hawt. The first one.

tomekkobialka 07-10-12 13:04


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6469356)

Male version of Lara Croft . :| Disgusting

:vlol::vlol::vlol: Agreed! :tmb:

Female Lara only interests me. :pi:

CBS_TombRaider 07-10-12 13:07


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6469349)
Male version of Lara Croft . :| Discuss...


He's got nothin' on the real LC :pi: Well, actually, he's got nothing period. Those shorts look skimpier than Lara's :p

SpyrosMonster 07-10-12 13:21


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6469357)
There's nothing to discuss. It's disgusting.

Actually you just discussed about it :p

Spong 07-10-12 13:23


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6469379)
Actually you just discussed about it :p

Clever :cool:

Tabuu 07-10-12 14:58

He is a cross-dresser now!:eek: Nathan, i expect more. give me my big boobied daughter back ( lara croft)

Tabuu 07-10-12 15:01


Originally Posted by tomekkobialka (Post 6469361)
:vlol::vlol::vlol: Agreed! :tmb:

Female Lara only interests me. :pi:


italibabee 07-10-12 15:02

I can't.

Zebra 07-10-12 15:38

He is kinda hot apart from those texture/rendering glitches. More guys should start wearing hot pants (but please only those who actually have nice legs :p).

FloTheMachine 07-10-12 15:44

Lmao :vlol:
Love that picture :')

BrandonFlowers 07-10-12 16:06

He needs to be hairier, no happy trail the no happy me :(

Evan C. 07-10-12 16:30

Ewww, the only male Lara it's me, period. And I am bald, bitches, good enough for avoiding hair troubles U-U

larafan25 07-10-12 16:31


tomee 07-10-12 16:34


Originally Posted by Tabuu (Post 6469474)
He is a cross-dresser now!:eek: Nathan, i expect more. give me my big boobied daughter back ( lara croft)

How is that cross-dressing? lol

Tabuu 07-10-12 16:35

I am lara's boyfriend How do you think she mastered on how to make those sounds

he is cross dressing in a sense that he is wearing my girlfriends shorts.

larafan25 07-10-12 16:35

OMG I didn't see that! :vlol:

I wear shorts and no shirt too! :eek:

edit: OMG Now the above post, I can't handle ths.

Tabuu 07-10-12 16:38


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6469660)
How is that cross-dressing? lol


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6469663)
OMG I didn't see that! :vlol:

I wear shorts and no shirt too! :eek:

edit: OMG Now the above post, I can't handle ths.

lol its true

Zebra 07-10-12 17:05


Originally Posted by Tabuu (Post 6469661)
I am lara's boyfriend How do you think she mastered on how to make those sounds

he is cross dressing in a sense that he is wearing my girlfriends shorts.

I'd say those shorts don't have anything distinctly feminine about them. They're unisex shorts :p.

Tabuu 07-10-12 17:07


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6469734)
I'd say those shorts don't have anything distinctly feminine about them. They're unisex shorts :p.

I really didnt know lol i said that cause i have never seen a man wear that i am now disgusted after that

larafan25 07-10-12 17:23

I'm just jelly of his seamingly hairless legs.

tomee 07-10-12 18:00


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6469789)
I'm just jelly of his seamingly hairless legs.


The choices are endless. Hairy legs are better though. :Y

larafan25 07-10-12 18:04


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6469846)

The choices are endless. Hairy legs are better though. :Y

I'm not shaving my legs, that would take years, I have enough places to shave as it is.

Wax tho.


Tabuu 07-10-12 18:13

Here is a good question, in the 2012 e3 press conference why does she have infinte arrows? do you think its a skill, because if it is i am not going to get that skill. I dont understand this if you want realism why infinte arrows or ammo. in real life i have a bow and arrow where are my infinte arrows
:o it doesnt make sense. I think its a skill though to get infinite arrows,ammo etc. if it i dont want it

larafan25 07-10-12 18:40

Just cause you don't want to run out of arrows on a press stage.

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