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Evan C. 27-11-13 01:32


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6949546)

I do hope the plot evolves. There is no way it was just... an ancient sole being all oogly boogly and stuff.

Of course it will. Trinity = Lara's magatama+Amelia's pendant+Richard's dickie.


Lukass 27-11-13 07:54


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6949549)
Of course it will. Trinity = Lara's magatama+Amelia's pendant+Richard's dickie.



Spong 27-11-13 19:13


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6949546)
There is no way it was just... an ancient sole being all oogly boogly and stuff.

Ancient shoes? :confused:

larafan25 27-11-13 19:15

oh ****.:vlol:

Well I guess this explains why Lara fell so many times.

It was an ancient sole being all oogly boogly and stuff.

The1andOnlyTR 28-11-13 03:20

As expected:


**LARA LOVER** 28-11-13 04:35

So I take it Camilla's annnoincing Lara croft reflections or the definitive edition?

larafan25 28-11-13 04:36


Ma Gorl. :D

The1andOnlyTR 28-11-13 05:50

I hope so! I hope she's not just there cause of the nominations.

Spong 28-11-13 06:41


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6950178)

Expected in the sense that there's always loads of booth babes at those events.

The1andOnlyTR 28-11-13 06:44


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6950229)
Expected in the sense that there's always loads of booth babes at those events.

And in the sense that she's nominated for best VA and Tomb Raider is nominated for four other awards. :p And expected in the sense that Meagan said to keep an eye on the shows in early December and LC: Reflections and Tomb Raider: DE need unveilers. :cln: :p

Edit: The tweet is back and Karl and Camilla have both replied. They're making me crazy!

Spong 28-11-13 06:46


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6950230)
And in the sense that she's nominated for best VA and Tomb Raider is nominated for four other awards. :p And expected in the sense that Meagan said to keep an eye on the shows in early December and LC: Reflections and Tomb Raider: DE need unveilers. :cln: :p

Camuddington being a booth babe is more believable to be honest.

The1andOnlyTR 28-11-13 06:52


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6950232)
Camuddington being a booth babe is more believable to be honest.

Pissin on my dreams, Spong.. Pissin on em.

Spong 28-11-13 06:53


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6950235)
Pissin on my dreams, Spong.. Pissin on em.

Never lose hope. She might win an Oscar one day for flashing her boobs in Californication :p

The1andOnlyTR 28-11-13 06:56


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6950237)
Never lose hope. She might win an Oscar one day for flashing her boobs in Californication :p

I'd give her an Oscar for being alive.

klona 28-11-13 08:07

VGX can you not be soon pls. (:

Lukass 28-11-13 08:10

What's going to happen at VGX?

_Ninja_ 28-11-13 09:38

Nothing interesting.

Zebra 28-11-13 10:13

We don't know exactly but the rumour is that we'll either see an announcement of the Definitive Edition (the next-gen port of Tomb Raider 2013) or of Lara Croft: Reflections, whatever that is.

Valentino 28-11-13 10:21

The amount of times the floor crumbled beneath Lara leading her to slide down a slope, or the amount of times Lara falls but there's always someone grabs her on time or she grabs on to the last ledge or rock just before that breaks and falls. It was annoyingly repetitive and pointless because it's wasn't suspenseful at all because I knew she would just end up grabbing something just in time.

_Ninja_ 28-11-13 11:45

If they announce Lara Croft: Reflections but not the full sequel, would it be confusing to people who don't follow all the details?

Spong 28-11-13 19:29


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6950298)
The amount of times the floor crumbled beneath Lara leading her to slide down a slope, or the amount of times Lara falls but there's always someone grabs her on time or she grabs on to the last ledge or rock just before that breaks and falls. It was annoyingly repetitive and pointless because it's wasn't suspenseful at all because I knew she would just end up grabbing something just in time.

Playing through the game the other day I realised that was Crystal's go-to excuse to get Lara from A to B at any given moment. She falls through stuff about a million times. It's pretty comical at first, but by the time you get to the Chasm Monastery at the end, it starts grating.

larafan25 28-11-13 19:33

I'd prefer they just give us a path there.

"I'll walk, thankz".

Spong 28-11-13 19:35

I'd rather climb and jump and do other stuff as well. But I'm guessing that's what you mean ;)

larafan25 28-11-13 19:36

Yeah. Though I'd expect one of those... sequences in which you must walk and talk at the same time.

But I hope not.

Spong 28-11-13 19:43

I don't mind those moments too much really, they're timed well so they don't get in the way of any exploratory movement, and you can still open crates and stuff while she's got the radio in her hand. But then I like the forced walking as you enter a tomb as well, I'm weird like that :p

Evan C. 28-11-13 19:45

^ Argh, I hated those.

Spong 28-11-13 19:55


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6950579)
^ Argh, I hated those.

So many people do.
I thought they were brilliant the first time I entered a tomb and they haven't lost their appeal in subsequent playthroughs. I think they compliment the atmosphere and sense of nervous anticipation brilliantly.

I've much preferred those parts in repeated playthroughs than things like climbing the radio tower. That's arguably an intense story moment, something that's meant to purposely convey a load of different things, but as a gamesplayer, after the first time, it's completely tedious to sit through. In comparison, the forced walking as you enter a tomb isn't a story moment at all, yet it packs much more oomph (IMO) :tmb:

The1andOnlyTR 30-11-13 22:09

Someone hold meeeeeee!!!

Mikky 30-11-13 22:11

Both?! As in two?! So they WILL be showing a new game! Hdnfurnfuntugmtutngyti! Saturday come already! ;________;

Patrick star 30-11-13 22:19

ohhhhhhhhhhhh goooooooooooood !!!!!!!!!!!! a Trailer from TR2 ?????

Mikky 30-11-13 22:23

You mean Tomb Raider 10. :pi:

Spong 30-11-13 22:25


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6951903)
Both?! As in two?! So they WILL be showing a new game!

It means they've got two trailers to show, anything beyond that is speculation :p

Patrick star 30-11-13 22:25

sometimes I love to call it TR2 I don't know why :D
oh wait , maybe a trailer for the definitive edition and one for Reflections or the sequel ??

EscondeR 30-11-13 22:27

For pure annoyance, I guess :pillow:

Mikky 30-11-13 22:29

I want Reflections to be the sequel. I can't be arsed with a side-game to keep us busy until the proper sequel. T_T


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6951916)
It means they've got two trailers to show, anything beyond that is speculation :p

So in other words, what you're really trying to say, Spong, is... They'll be showing a trailer for a new Tomb Raider game.

Anja 30-11-13 22:30

The lack of "James Bond" , "Batman" or "soon" in the tweet is shocking. We sure this isn't fake? :pi: :p

Spong 30-11-13 22:31


Originally Posted by Patrick star (Post 6951918)
oh wait , maybe a trailer for the definitive edition and one for Reflections or the sequel ??

It might be two different trailers for one thing. We don't know.


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6951921)
So in other words, what you're really trying to say, Spong, is... They'll be showing a trailer for a new Tomb Raider game.

LOL, no. That's what you're assuming :p

amiro1989 30-11-13 22:37


Dad, VP of Marketing, Square Enix, North America/Europe
He's not working at CD, anymore. He got promoted. He's talking about two projects, in different studios probably….

The1andOnlyTR 30-11-13 22:39


Originally Posted by amiro1989 (Post 6951929)
He's not working at CD, anymore. He got promoted. He's talking about two projects, in different studios probably….

Square Enix is the publishing company for Tomb Raider... I'm sure it's Tomb Raider.. Haha.
Especially since just the other day he tweeted about how excited he was to be at VGX with Camilla.

Spong 30-11-13 22:45


Originally Posted by amiro1989 (Post 6951929)
He's not working at CD, anymore. He got promoted. He's talking about two projects, in different studios probably….

Good point, I'd forgotten that Crystal got rid of him.

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