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-Roli- 02-07-08 18:52


Originally Posted by Lara Croft Fan Joe (Post 2832103)
This is my first Underpus image edit so be nice... :D



Lara_Fan 02-07-08 19:02


Originally Posted by Kiss-Bite (Post 2810623)
Some great creations!:vlol:

I thought I'd create some Underpus images.:D

:vlol: Very original :vlol:

just croft 02-07-08 21:24


Originally Posted by KC Mraz (Post 2830997)
ZOMG!. Underpus is into politics! :eek:

(Made it using

Does he have your vote? ;)

LOL 5 stars!
Great editing

Blackmoor 02-07-08 21:53


Originally Posted by black_sheepa (Post 2825038)
Have you seen Underpus' MySpace site?

I didn't make it by the way.

I love it! Especially the blurb...


Originally Posted by Underpus's blurb
Underpus here. Getting used to this "Myspace" thing, not much internet connection in an underwater Ruined Temple but I've got good at stealing people's wireless connections. I'm a Kraken and I have almighty trancing powers which is why you stare at my page as if there's nothing else around you. I live in Ruined Temple in the Med. Sea. Hope to see some of you soon lately when you swim by. I'll make some lunch. Lara for lunch anyone? Talking about her all she does is jump about and break things. It took me 29 years to get this place just right and she comes and ruins it. It's a shame as well as I'm a bit blind :(. Oh well, cowabunga dudes.

"It took me 29 years to get this place just right and she comes and ruins it." lol :vlol:
"I'm a Kraken and I have almighty trancing powers which is why you stare at my page as if there's nothing else around you." :D

Tidus 03-07-08 04:30

Omg...that thing is pretty adorable....I really want one...but then again I want every nasty beast Lara faces as a pet...

and I got pretty upset when I realized I couldnt have Fluffy, Boaz, and the guardian of the Talion as pets...

perhaps a longhaired white cat I can pet all day while sitting with my face concealed?

-Roli- 03-07-08 09:37


Kiss-Bite 03-07-08 10:19

Hehe :vlol::vlol:

kryptonite23 03-07-08 11:49

-Roli- ~ LMAO!! :vlol:

-Roli- 03-07-08 12:33

I glad you enjoy Kiss-Bite and Kryptonite :D

Atlantisfreak666 03-07-08 12:37


Originally Posted by Lara Croft Fan Joe (Post 2832103)
This is my first Underpus image edit so be nice... :D



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