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larafan25 20-05-12 20:43


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6179135)
This is CD we are talking about, though. They love to make things dramatic and QTE's help emphasize that.

It doesn't need giant button prompts to be a cinematic and epic moment though.

Lara can be hanging onto that plane and we could still have control, essentially making it a variation of QTE to some people, but I don't consider it to be.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6179138)
I don't mind the QTE's as long as they are not there TOO often. It's certainly better to be involved in cutscenes too etc. Still, the plane scene doesn't necesserily have to be QTE.

I hope Cam is ready to be announced :D

OMG it took me forever to realize who you were talking about.

Weemanply109 20-05-12 20:44

^Oh, I thought he was talking about the camera feature to be announced. :vlol: He's talking about Camilla, right?

I never hated QTE's initially, I loved them in Legend and I even kept killing myself to repeat them again, but I think it makes a game feel more restricted, I'd prefer more flow and freedom.

skylark1121 20-05-12 20:46


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6179135)
This is CD we are talking about, though. They love to make things dramatic and QTE's help emphasize that.

That is certainly true. I love the dramatic, intense, cinematic feeling, but there must be some sort of way to incorporate it without QTE's. Personally, I don't have a problem with QTE's, but they're becoming an old trend/fad, so an overuse of them might affect the rating. :/

Khaled 20-05-12 20:46


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6179106)
I expect the plane scene to be QTE, tbh.

I expect as well . I'm super excited to see Lara aiming into the deer , climb with axe , walking around the island , talking to her self like E3 demo , which we seen last year .…
and playable demo for us lol . I'm happy now , because the team won't be silent like after E3 2011 .

Lukass 20-05-12 20:46

Of course I was talking about Camilla. :D

Stevo505 20-05-12 20:47


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6179138)
I hope Cam is ready to be announced :D

I can't wait to see interviews with her... :D

Lukass 20-05-12 20:50


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 6179156)
That is certainly true. I love the dramatic, intense, cinematic feeling, but there must be some sort of way to incorporate it without QTE's. Personally, I don't have a problem with QTE's, but they're becoming an old trend/fad, so an overuse of them might affect the rating. :/

Luckily for us...


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6179164)
I can't wait to see interviews with her... :D

She is so ready! :D OMG! I still remember how we were debating that she's certainly going to be announced next month, then we have changed it for ok, then maybe next month finally and it was like 8 month ago :vlol:

Weemanply109 20-05-12 20:52

I'm not sure to take CD's word for it, tbh. I just can't after the overload of QTE's in the past games.

Stevo505 20-05-12 20:55

Did Underworld really have all that many QTEs? I don't remember a lot in TRU to be honest.

Weemanply109 20-05-12 20:56


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6179185)
Did Underworld really have all that many QTEs? I don't remember a lot in TRU to be honest.

Not sure, but it did have QTE's (Slow motion).

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