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Lukass 01-09-12 15:04

What really makes me excited is the fact, that we haven't seen a lot from the game. All we've seen so far was basicaly just the beginning of the game. The first hour maybe? Oh my God, just imagine what other areas and hubs are there! :'D The forest is beautiful, the cavern is beautiful too. There must be more! I seriously can't wait to get into the old Japanese village with the fallen pagodas and explore every one of them! I'll be jumping, running, and screaming like an idiot! :vlol:


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6411298)


You're lucky I know you well enough to know you liked it. Just don't want to admit it! Shame on you! :p

TippingWater 01-09-12 15:07


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6411301)
What really makes me excited is the fact, that we haven't seen a lot from the game. All we've seen so far was basicaly just the beginning of the game. The first hour maybe? Oh my God, just imagine what other areas and hubs are there! :'D The forest is beautiful, the cavern is beautiful too. There must be more! I seriously can't wait to get into the old Japanese village with the fallen pagodas and explore every one of them! I'll be jumping, running, and screaming like an idiot! :vlol:

Don't worry Camilla already did that first :vlol:. Not alone! :D

I swear I will take my time with this game. Oh my, it has been such a long wait, and that reminds me, we still have to wait a bit more.

Lukass 01-09-12 15:09

I know, the waiting sucks. We could have the game some time by now...oh well :/ But I'm sure the waiting is for good :D

SpyrosMonster 01-09-12 15:14

This talk got me all excited again! It's going to be worse when we are going to be like a month or a week away from the release!
Everyone will have TOMB RAIDER on their mind.... like ALL THE TIME!

Lukass 01-09-12 15:16

TippingWater makes me constantly excited. Looks like he always know what to say :D

Tonyrobinson 01-09-12 15:18

I hope we see something exciting soon that really will sell the game. In my opinion the December 2010 announcement was too early and then the silence period seemed to make it fade into Oblivion another one could be hazardous as new games make the market. Here's hoping CD pull out something spectacular soon. The game looks great but there are a lot of big titles coming up that look promising too. :o

In four days it's only half a year to go! :p

Spong 01-09-12 15:19


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6411301)
What really makes me excited is the fact, that we haven't seen a lot from the game. All we've seen so far was basicaly just the beginning of the game. The first hour maybe?

I kind of agree. Like I was saying yesterday, it's the opposite of what they did with Underworld, which is a good thing. But it's frustrating as well because what we have seen has been so samey and seemingly linear. I'd would've happily sacrificed half an hour of that footage for ten minutes of 'free' gameplay where Lara's doing some proper exploring/traversal.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6411301)
You're lucky I know you well enough to know you liked it. Just don't want to admit it! Shame on you! :p

It was just someone running about in that forest area near the first base camp. Nothing to write home about really.

Lukass 01-09-12 15:24


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6411324)
I kind of agree. Like I was saying yesterday, it's the opposite of what they did with Underworld, which is a good thing. But it's frustrating as well because what we have seen has been so samey and seemingly linear. I'd would've happily sacrificed half an hour of that footage for ten minutes of 'free' gameplay where Lara's doing some proper exploring/traversal.

I have to agree with this. I don't understand why they showed us the first kill instead of exploring some area. In the combat demo, when she slides the rope, there's an area on her right side, which looked pretty explorable and Jay also said, you can explore that area. That would be more exciting than to see the cinematic first kill. Oh well.

Tonyrobinson 01-09-12 15:37

Wonder when the second episode of Final Hours will come out I like that they are doing them this time it's kinda like the Gametap documentary they did for TRA! :D

Lukass 01-09-12 15:38


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6411352)
Wonder when the second episode of Final Hours will come out I like that they are doing them this time it's kinda like the Gametap documentary they did for TRA! :D

Someone said it's going to be about the story or something. Rhianna is somehow involved in the second FH. And it should be out by now...

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