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jhs270694 11-02-12 01:42


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5968781)
I love you!

And yay, it was your 100th post! :yah:

THANX :vlol::vlol:

Another 900 and i will have a 1000 :D

jhs270694 11-02-12 01:46

omg i stumbled on this post on the TR forums, its pretty interesting. talks about the sacrifices and stuff, very relevant to the topic we were on about.

Maybe we can add more to this thread from that one. Actually it's too long to read :vlol:

Lukass 11-02-12 01:47

^ Yay! :jmp: :vlol:

4 day to go to Lara's birthday bitches! :D

Stevo505 11-02-12 01:56


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 5968769)
im not an atheist lol, i read a lot of holy books myself and yes i do believe in ghosts :D. what im trying to explain is that of course when you believe something supernatural you believe it by faith and faith alone, that does not mean they a necessarily true (i sound hypercritical i know lol) as there is no clear evidence to say the contrary, maybe the scavengers believe they're supernatural but in reality they're not. or maybe there is some kind of twist which might explain why lara says at the end "i found a truth", what kind of truth? that we dont know.

I imagine "I found a truth and knew what I must become" was just referring to her finding out what her situation was and that she has to become a survivor in order to, well, survive. The truth she finds is probably just who she truly is.

Also congrats on your 100 :D!


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5968793)
^ Yay! :jmp: :vlol:

4 day to go to Lara's birthday bitches! :D

Oh snapppp.

21. She can legally drink in America now.

jhs270694 11-02-12 02:04


"A subtrope of Human Sacrifice, Virgin Sacrifices typically fall under three main categories:
As payment to a god or some other power, either to keep them functioning or to win their favor in general.
As payment to a god or some other power for the exclusive use of some powerful Applied Phlebotinum."

i read from a website, there is definitely some sort of myth behind these scavengers and obviously these might be some use as an explanation as to why they sacrifice people. i know this has probably been mentioned before, i just want to confirm this belief. i wonder what lara will do when she finds 'the truth', what ever that means.

jhs270694 11-02-12 02:07


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 5968805)
I imagine "I found a truth and knew what I must become" was just referring to her finding out what her situation was and that she has to become a survivor in order to, well, survive. The truth she finds is probably just who she truly is.

Also congrats on your 100 :D!

Oh snapppp.

21. She can legally drink in America now.

Thanx, and your probably right but will she leave the scavengers as they are? on their twisted plot to sacrifice people? i doubt lara could kill every last single one of them, maybe she can but atleast she wont be able to find all of them to do so.

karl did mention that there is a mystery of the island that needs to be solved. Your right aswell in respect to her becoming a survivor but we can see two main themes growing within the game. the first one: her survival, the second: finding out about this mysterious island.

sorry i didnt read all your post untill now, all forums on the internet need an automatic refresh button honestly i dont know when people post a reply by the time i am finished posting.

Mikky 11-02-12 02:21

@jhs270694 Please try to not to double post too much. :p


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 5968789)
omg i stumbled on this post on the TR forums, its pretty interesting. talks about the sacrifices and stuff, very relevant to the topic we were on about.

Maybe we can add more to this thread from that one. Actually it's too long to read :vlol:

LOL, the reaction the OP had to the posts. xD

jhs270694 11-02-12 02:32

my bad, wont happen again Lol

lcroft_lc 11-02-12 04:26


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 5968789)
omg i stumbled on this post on the TR forums, its pretty interesting. talks about the sacrifices and stuff, very relevant to the topic we were on about.

Maybe we can add more to this thread from that one. Actually it's too long to read :vlol:

Oops. From Underworld section!
I love reading Mayan culture though. :) "The End Of The World". :p


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 5968805)
21. She can legally drink in America now.

She doesn't need to age up to drink in Japan.

jhs270694 11-02-12 07:03


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 5968949)
Oops. From Underworld section!
I love reading Mayan culture though. :) "The End Of The World". :p

She doesn't need to age up to drink in Japan.

me to, i just think they got tired or writing their calendar so they thought 'cba with this, lets leave it at the end of 2012' lol

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