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larafan25 27-02-12 20:32


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6003725)
To ask such an inactive community questions is just deluded, though, as I say they need perspective.

I personally think any community involvement would prove more fruitful here, but I don't think they need perspective nor do I think they do all of their research there, which we know they do not.

Phlip 27-02-12 20:33


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6003740)
I personally think any community involvement would prove more fruitful here, but I don't think they need perspective nor do I think they do all of their research there, which we know they do not.

They're asking all their community questions on a forum that is barely active, when they could do it here, that's the bottom line.

Spong 27-02-12 20:41

I can see why the questionnaire is only over at the Eidos board, it's a clear attempt to get more people joining. But it's stupid not to at least duplicate it at other boards as well, especially ones that are clearly more popular.

Driber 27-02-12 20:42


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6003721)
Mmm no it's not.

They don't do all of their research there.

Yes, this is correct. It is public knowledge.


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6003725)
To ask such an inactive community questions is just deluded, though, as I say they need perspective.


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6003744)
They're asking all their community questions on a forum that is barely active, when they could do it here, that's the bottom line.

All major things are communicated through the official blog, twitter and Facebook account.

Nothing is stopping anyone (well, except perhaps yourself) from getting involved there and contributing some constructive perspective.


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6003718)
How is the relevant to the subject? 0_o

Trying to understand why they would be so unnecessarily negative right off the bat.

Spong 27-02-12 20:49


Originally Posted by Driber (Post 6003771)
Nothing is stopping anyone from getting involved there and contributing some constructive perspective.

As much as nothing is stopping Eidos from going where the people are already at (as well).


Originally Posted by Driber (Post 6003771)
Trying to understand why they would be so unessential negative right off the bat.

Negative? What I stated was something I found mildly amusing, nothing more.
But if you want to chew over the finer points feel free to PM me so we don't derail this thread. I'm happy to chat to you about it, you were always more approachable than your predecessors.

Driber 27-02-12 21:24


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6003793)
As much as nothing is stopping Eidos from going where the people are already at (as well).

Perhaps, but I chose to do it there, for they are the official forums, after all. Plus, having one place to manage everything just makes more sense for me personally.

As for your earlier remark of "it's a clear attempt to get more people joining" - I am indeed working on getting the official forums back on the map. They have been neglected for some time and I intend to change that with initiatives like these. Nothing secretive about it, though; I've very up front about that right from the start.


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6003793)
Negative? What I stated was something I found mildly amusing, nothing more.
But if you want to chew over the finer points feel free to PM me so we don't derail this thread. I'm happy to chat to you about it, you were always more approachable than your predecessors.

I didn't know one can "derail" an OT thread :D

Seriously, though, I'll happily take this into PM if that is what is desired. I may not respond for some days sometimes, due to my busy schedule, but I always do :)

Spong 27-02-12 21:39


Originally Posted by Driber (Post 6003916)
Perhaps, but I chose to do it there, for they are the official forums, after all. Plus, having one place to manage everything just makes more sense for me personally.

I didn't realise that was a decision for you to make. I'd have thought decisions about Q&As like that and where they're hosted came from the higher echelons at Eidos. Obviously it gets posted on the official board, that goes without saying, but I figured that Eidos the company would at least see sense in giving people the choice. More choice will see more feedback. And take people like Phlip & I for example. For our past transgressions (things that happened years ago when the board was under another administration) we can't go to the Eidos board and ask a question.


Originally Posted by Driber (Post 6003916)
As for your earlier remark of "it's a clear attempt to get more people joining" - I am indeed working on getting the official forums back on the map. They have been neglected for some time and I intend to change that with initiatives like these. Nothing secretive about it, though; I've very up front about that right from the start.

I didn't imply that there was anything secretive or furtive about it, it's common practice to pull those kinds of stunts to drum up hits/memberships/interest. But, in saying that, when was the last time this place hosted any such 'attraction'? And yet it's a whole lot more active than the TR board at Eidos has been.

Good luck with whatever your plans are though, I hope they pan out. It all amounts to more interest in the series and that's what counts.


Originally Posted by Driber (Post 6003916)
I didn't know one can "derail" an OT thread :D

LOL, yeah sorry, that's my bad. I thought this was another thread when I posted that and not the TR9GC thread :p

Driber 27-02-12 22:50


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6003945)
I didn't realise that was a decision for you to make. I'd have thought decisions about Q&As like that and where they're hosted came from the higher echelons at Eidos.

Ah, slight confusion there, I see. I was referring to the initiatives in which I am involved, such as the Q&A sessions. I meant to say that I myself could've posted here, too (as I could have on many other fan forums as well) but I believe the official forum is the right place to hold official dev Q&A sessions.


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6003945)
But, in saying that, when was the last time this place hosted any such 'attraction'?

I don't visit here all that much, but I have seen it here, too. Not that it's a bad thing, though; the nature of all forums is to create, maintain and build a strong community :)


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6003945)
It all amounts to more interest in the series and that's what counts.

This is something we definitely agree on :tmb:

Spong 28-02-12 00:05


Originally Posted by Driber (Post 6004054)
Ah, slight confusion there, I see. I was referring to the initiatives in which I am involved, such as the Q&A sessions. I meant to say that I myself could've posted here, too (as I could have on many other fan forums as well) but I believe the official forum is the right place to hold official dev Q&A sessions.

So then the decision is yours over whether or not questions for such Q&A sessions can be submitted here or elsewhere? Thanks for bringing me up to speed.
It's only right that the official site hosts official dev Q&As, but I still think it makes more sense to offer a choice as well. My apologies if I'm wrong in this assumption, but so far as I know you're just the Admin at the Eidos board, why would it be on your shoulders to circulate the info and collate questions if they were submitted elsewhere? Surely that's Meagan's job as Crystal's Community Manager (seeing as it's Crystal who the questions would be fired at)? But regardless of who's responsibility it actually is, the logic still stands that more choice gives the opportunity for more feedback, more communication and a wider interest.

So, what about a compromise? Why not allow people to submit questions from wherever, but host the answers at the Eidos board? You dodged a bullet before by avoiding what I said about Phlip & I (which is fair enough, you don't want to get involved in past messes you weren't involved in), but a compromise like this would render that particular problem completely irrelevant. As for the answers being hosted at the Eidos board alone, well, the results would be posted here within minutes of them appearing, such is the rabid vigilance & diligence of the members at TRF.

Personally, I think having the Q&A (or anything like that) hosted wholesale at the Eidos board alone is somewhat short-sighted and, in certain cases, a little unfair. That's meant as no offence to you as Admin at the Eidos board, but I'd simply be lying if I said anything else.


Originally Posted by Driber (Post 6004054)
I don't visit here all that much, but I have seen it here, too.

I genuinely cannot recall the last time this board hosted any such 'event' in order to generate interest and attract new registrations, unless you count the 'Friday Goodness' threads that used to appear, but God knows how long it's been since we had one of those here.

lcroft_lc 28-02-12 04:19


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6003694)
What is Driber doing here? :eek:


Why you are laughing? He is a guy from Czech Republic too. :)

Wow, Dribber has 10 posts on TRF and he is here for 11 years.
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