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Lukass 05-03-12 18:30


Originally Posted by princebenidere (Post 6017757)
guys why would all of you just wait for E3 its allot more clear and informed that CD will reveal something

not like this GDC that take your hopes up and then end up disappointed when none new info was released

And don't you think it's a bit late to start revealing info at E3 when the game comes out in Q3 2012? All the games that are going to be released at the same time like TR will have more time to build a hype before E3. Not TR though lol

just*raidin*tomb 05-03-12 18:38

Okay, in my honest opinion there are a great deal of incredible games coming out this year. I just watched the AC:III trailer and it isn't coming out until Oct. 30. But seriously...

Bioshock Infinite
The Last of US

I'm starting to think Tomb Raider should start back up with the campaign so that its light isn't completely overshadowed. Maybe?

Lukass 05-03-12 18:43

^ Where did you watch the ACIII trailer? O_o

Edit: Just finished it! :-OOO It looks amazing!!!! :yah:

just*raidin*tomb 05-03-12 18:48

Linoshi Croft 05-03-12 18:49

Beaten :p


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6017939)
^ Where did you watch the ACIII trailer? O_o

Edit: Just finished it! :-OOO It looks amazing!!!! :yah:

Lukass 05-03-12 18:49

Edited my post! Thanks anyway! :hug:

:jmp: :jmp: :jmp: It looks flawless, gorgeous!!11!

jhs270694 05-03-12 19:16

The assassins look hot in their hoodies and when you cant see their upper face. But when you see them take it off then they're 'normal' lol (idk girl thing maybe, OMG i fantasize too much, i wanna be tough like lara but i want a bf as tough as the assassins :o), any girls i can sympathize with on these forums :(

Aside from that, trailer is awesome... they just showed us the first piece of info, and in less than a year we're getting the game (7 months). CD please pick up the pace.

i don't feel fully comfortable killing my fellow brits XD. (just jokin)

slavo120 05-03-12 19:18

Karl, Meagan and all CD should consider if everything is okay with promotion Tomb Raider when people on tomb raider forum have more interest about AC III etc....
btw AC III will be great !!! :ton:


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6017932)
Bioshock Infinite
The Last of US

...Borderlands 2, Far Cry 3, Resident Evil 6, Brothers in Arms: Furious 4,Prey 2, Sleeping Dogs, South Park: The Game and lot more.
....these games beat Tomb Raider if CD not wake up :hea:

jhs270694 05-03-12 19:24


Originally Posted by slavo120 (Post 6018029)
Karl, Meagan and all CD should consider if everything is okay with promotion Tomb Raider when people on tomb raider forum have more interest about AC III etc....
btw AC III will be great !!! :ton:

I will rofl if someone creates an AC III thread in this section since we got no better to do :vlol:

just*raidin*tomb 05-03-12 19:32


Originally Posted by slavo120 (Post 6018029)
Karl, Meagan and all CD should consider if everything is okay with promotion Tomb Raider when people on tomb raider forum have more interest about AC III etc....
btw AC III will be great !!! :ton:

...Borderlands 2, Far Cry 3, Resident Evil 6, Brothers in Arms: Furious 4,Prey 2, Sleeping Dogs, South Park: The Game and lot more.
....these games beat Tomb Raider if CD not wake up :hea:

This is year is probably the best year for gaming that I've been hyped for since I got really got into gaming.

I'm going to trust in CD. They're the professionals, not me. I can only hope that what they're doing is right, but I'm sure it will work out regardless.

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