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Lukass 05-03-12 23:53

When is the PAX? And what is it anyway?

larafan25 05-03-12 23:59


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6018749)
They even said that revealing the actress too early would take away the "fun" of letting us speculate about who it is. Cruel... :vlol:

Oh right. :/


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6018750)
When is the PAX? And what is it anyway?

PAX East is in April, PAX Prime is in August. CD is showing behind doors at one of them. If it's the august one then it seems odd that they're showing behind doors after E3. :/

Lukass 06-03-12 00:05

Showing stuff behind close doors in April is also nonsense.

slavo120 06-03-12 00:07

If is my memory correctly then they told us nothing official about E3 last year and that was suprise when we saw Tomb Raider on MS maybe is here still a hope...GDC is into friday

Rai 06-03-12 00:09

Wait, they reveal a trailer at last year's E3 and this year what they're showing is behind closed doors? :confused: What does that mean, that fans and people who are to buy the game only see that stuff a few months later? There's no sense in it :vlol:

Lukass 06-03-12 00:10

But we at least had the GI showing the image of crushed Endurance and the famous sign A survivor is born. It was a small hint, but still was. We have absolute **** now.

leglion 06-03-12 00:11

But that has absolutely nothing to do with E3. :p if anything that had to do with the GI feature.

Lukass 06-03-12 00:13

But it was a sign of something was coming.

Stevo505 06-03-12 00:14


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6018830)
But it was a sign of something was coming.

No, we do have something.

They told us "soon." :pi:

leglion 06-03-12 00:15


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6018830)
But it was a sign of something was coming.

Well, isn't Meagan at GDC? That's a good enough sign, no?

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