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dream raider 22-02-14 23:05


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 7006335)
Yeah. It definitely would've made us build up more of a connection to the characters and made their deaths actually mean something to us. They also should've kept the Lost Fleet story and let the whole Yamatai plot come as a surprise later on. That way the story wouldn't have felt as empty and predictable. But yeah, if we were gonna list all the things they should've done with the story, we'd be busy for a few days :p.

The Lost Fleet story?

Zebra 22-02-14 23:05


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 7006340)
That prologue video looks exactly like the TRU one. Explosions, Lara escaping through strictly linear corridor *shrugs*

I wouldn't mind a short prologue with Croft Manor or wherever she does live now. We could explore the house, go to gym to learn moves and after certain point we'd get infront of the large main gate of the house (like in the classics) and Lara would get a call from Roth if she want to join the Endurance. That would be just great.

Good luck finding a gym inside her small student flat :p.


Originally Posted by dream raider (Post 7006354)
The Lost Fleet story?

They were originally supposed to be looking for the lost fleet of Kublai Khan, not Yamatai. And then they would've gotten into the storms and pretty much accidentally stumbled into the whole Yamatai stuff. But then they decided to cut that at some point during development and made the whole thing about Yamatai from the beginning which was an amazingly bad decision IMO but oh, well.

larafan25 22-02-14 23:15

The ships looked so good too, in the MP:

HowConvenient 23-02-14 06:15


Originally Posted by HeavyGagaLover (Post 7006203)
Wow, that cutscene was so cool! How did he do that?
I wished the audio got synced too :(

Edit: Maybe you've seen it, but he has posted some demo versions of the games also. Like here, you can see that the very end is a little different.

Double Edit: He even got some deleted conversations... damn. This was a bit annoying though haha. But it's obviously from the Endurance flashback that got deleted.

Got to love the voice acting... In that first one she sounds about as upset by watching her friends die while trying to save her, as she would be by like a rip in her shirt... :rolleyes:

The1andOnlyTR 23-02-14 07:19


Originally Posted by suckerpunch (Post 7003692)
Sorry, but, what the hell is she still doing with those weapons? Shouldn't she be using pistols now? I do like the bow and the pickaxe, but still...

The bow is her signature weapon now. I'm sure the dual pistols will make an appearance somewhere, but the bow is gonna be in cover art because it's iconic of this new Lara.

Spong 23-02-14 16:06


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 7006622)
The bow is her signature weapon now.

LOL, no it isn't. If it was they wouldn't have made such a huge deal of the dual pistols at the end of the game (to the point that they replaced the dual pistols with the bow & ice axe when they used that well-known shot from the end of the game in the TR9 launch trailer).

Lukass 23-02-14 16:16

I can't tell if the bow is now her signature weapon, but it was at least in the reboot. I'm certain she will have a bow in the sequel too along with dual pistols. I also would love CD to give her the pick-axe for the sequel too.

Spong 23-02-14 16:21

The game took so long to make that I think they missed the boat entirely. I'm sure the notion held weight when it was 2010, but every man and his uncle uses a bow in videogames now, Crystal are far too late if they think can make it Lara's signature weapon. Plus it's always been completely unbelievable in all those gunfights. Worse than Rambo in fact, and that's saying something because Rambo is about as rubbish as it gets.

tomee 23-02-14 16:49

TBH the shotgun is more of a signature weapon than anything else. It's almost always the second weapon that you acquire and it was included in every single game unlike the duals. (I'm glaring at you AoD)

motoleo 23-02-14 16:56


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 7006848)
I can't tell if the bow is now her signature weapon, but it was at least in the reboot. I'm certain she will have a bow in the sequel too along with dual pistols. I also would love CD to give her the pick-axe for the sequel too.

I never used the bow. She would always pull it out and I'm like, NOPE!

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