Originally Posted by jhs270694
(Post 6084275)
But then the game gets completely complicated. for example, we were half way during a mission, then we are required to platform but lara is unable to because of the extent of her injuries UNLESS we are forced to go back and heal ourselves. That actually sounds way better than pulling a med pack with instantaneous results, perhaps have a place to regenerate and actually see lara healing herself with antiseptic herbs and wrapping bandages similar to the trailer. I doubt it would be this complex though.
Given the fact that she jumped after the spike in the opening gameplay, I doubt her abilities will be too affected. Otherwise she'd be growing weaker. :pi:
I think she'll just show (via animations like in RE..well and any game) that she more hurt, and move slowly, sort of in pain holding herself.
Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb
(Post 6084284)
Considering they've said there will be a lot of people on the island, I can imagine there definitely being a cover system. Or at least its a definite possibility. How exciting. D:
And stealth og a;lskdfj;als give me combat gameplay pl0x.
It's weird though...if there is a cover system...where is it? o.O
Like...I haven't see it in any screenshots, nothing looks like cover..so...maybe there isn't a cover system.