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Stevo505 05-04-12 00:40


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6084391)

Of course it's possible. If **** = in ma enemees weigh + Lurur behynd stuff = eye no c u.

Basic I guess.


Anyway, about the stealth being "dangerous," Lara's situation is dangerous. Don't you want a sense of danger? :p

jhs270694 05-04-12 00:41

I'm not sure about a 'mode' as such, if it were to be realistic then it has to be dependant on our environment as to when we have the option to use use it. Its not like we can chose to go stealth mode out of the blue unless we find an application that allows us to do so like mentioned before: behind a wall, rock, crawling or even just simply moving around in the night time without a torch or something.

larafan25 05-04-12 00:42


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6084400)

Ruffth. Rawth.


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 6084401)
I'm not sure about a 'mode' as such, if it were to be realistic then it has to be to depend on our environment as to when we have the option to use use it. Its not like we can chose to go stealth mode out of the blue unless we find an application that allows us to do so like mentioned before: behind a wall, rock, crawling or even just simply moving around in the night time.

But a mode would simply be a button that initiates stealthier movements. Anyone can tip-toe whenever they like in real life, so we should be able to do, with the press of a button.

It's like holding down crouch to crawl.

just*raidin*tomb 05-04-12 00:43

I want there to be stealth without it being obvious. For example... in uncharted we can sneak by enemies or get closer to them without us noticing if we're sneaky. Apply this concept with silent kills and hiding up in trees, higher areas, behind objects, etc.

Stealth mode is not something I really want. I want the combat, the stealth, and everything to be cohesive and seamless.

The bow and arrow could certainly help with more silent kills from a distance. D:

larafan25 05-04-12 00:44

Bute Nate only plays the stealth animation is it's a stealthy setup.

I don't want to come across enemies in one direction specifically for a stealth encounter, I want to be able to approach the situation from 360 degrees. It's too contextual in Uncharted IMO.

jhs270694 05-04-12 00:46


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6084403)
Ruffth. Rawth.

But a mode would simply be a button that initiates stealthier movements. Anyone can tip-toe whenever they like in real life, so we should be able to do, with the press of a button.

It's like holding down crouch to crawl.

if that's what you mean then that's just like saying lets put a fight mode in, its inevitably going to be there. You essentially mean the same thing as everyone else i guess.

larafan25 05-04-12 00:47


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 6084408)
if that's what you mean then that's just like saying lets put a fight mode in, its inevitably going to be there. You essentially mean the same as everyone else i guess.

I just mean, I want to press a button for Lara to enter a quiet walking mode, in which she crouches a bit like in AOD, so I can sneak up on enemies and kill them stealthily.

just*raidin*tomb 05-04-12 00:48


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6084405)
Bute Nate only plays the stealth animation is it's a stealthy setup.

I don't want to come across enemies in one direction specifically for a stealth encounter, I want to be able to approach the situation from 360 degrees. It's too contextual in Uncharted IMO.

But if they see you... its not happening stealth wise. How could you go 360 degrees?

I agree I don't want her animations to go all stealthy just because the game says so. I'd rather do it myself if that's what you're saying.

larafan25 05-04-12 00:50


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6084410)
But if they see you... its not happening stealth wise. How could you go 360 degrees?

I agree I don't want her animations to go all stealthy just because the game says so. I'd rather do it myself if that's what you're saying.

In Uncharted the game is mostly linear, so if you're going to approach an enemy, it's probably from one direction (this is the case a few times I guess, but not always) so Nate can be like "Oh, shhh..." and then an animation of being being sneaky plays.

I'd rather, as you said, initiate that animation myself instead of being I'm in some cinematic stealth scenario.

In fact I want stealth to be an option anyways.

Lukass 05-04-12 00:51

Do you think she'll be able to climb trees?

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