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leglion 10-04-12 02:45


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6094250)
Won't happen... =/

Why's that?

just*raidin*tomb 10-04-12 06:09

This is a bit random, but I've been watching Tomb Raider related videos like the demo/trailer on youtube and there are thousands of comments, many of which were commented only a few hours ago.

I think that's proof enough that people haven't forgot about this game. I think CD know what they're doing with this campaign. I would love to see some goodies as much as anyone, but this anticipation up to E3 is great.

Stevo505 10-04-12 06:12


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6094384)
This is a bit random, but I've been watching Tomb Raider related videos like the demo/trailer on youtube and there are thousands of comments, many of which were commented only a few hours ago.

I think that's proof enough that people haven't forgot about this game. I think CD know what they're doing with this campaign. I would love to see some goodies as much as anyone, but this anticipation up to E3 is great.

You might be right. If CD were constantly shoving stuff about TR in our faces, I think the non-fans (and maybe even some fans) would get sick of it pretty quick. They might be holding off on drowning us in info to keep the suspense going and to keep us wondering about the game.

NCFirebolt21 10-04-12 06:37

After reading about TR being in the alpha stage, the game's release could be less than a year away.
My prediction for the game release is between September-October.
What does everyone else think?

just*raidin*tomb 10-04-12 06:39

The released date is supposed to be in the Fall of this year so...yeah that sounds about right. I'm thinking November though.

scremanie 10-04-12 07:02

October-November release.

MyRaider4Life 10-04-12 07:04

I think October, since it's like, in the middle.

lcroft_lc 10-04-12 07:16

September 25, 2012 or October 9, 2012. :)

Adamaru 10-04-12 09:05


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6094427)
September 25, 2012 or October 9, 2012. :)

Why so?

Khaled 10-04-12 10:32


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6094427)
September 25, 2012 or October 9, 2012. :)

so, no way to release the game before " Fall " . Fall starts in Sep 22 .
I hope that TR release in Sep . :pi:

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