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Lukass 19-04-12 00:13

I can't wait for June magazines issues which are going to be out in May. Today is April 19th and magazines are usually out around 10th day of a month, so there are like 21 days to go and find out if there is anything...D:

Stevo505 19-04-12 00:13

What does wifi have to do with TR media :confused:

Oh you guys... :vlol:

Love2Raid 19-04-12 00:17


Gamd1011 19-04-12 01:40

My fan art is on the Official tumblr!!!!



just*raidin*tomb 19-04-12 01:41


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6116361)


But I must admit...when it transitioned from AOD to Legend I got a bit scared. O_O

larafan25 19-04-12 01:43

Oh my God how it hurts to be.

just*raidin*tomb 19-04-12 01:44

WiFi thing is probably just to make sure no one is hacking into they're system?

It has nothing to do with the game...

larafan25 19-04-12 01:45

Fudge I hope someone steals TR and leaks it to me and nobody else.

just*raidin*tomb 19-04-12 01:46

Guys. Chill out.

Grab a cup of hot cocoa.

...says JRT as he silently also goes mad from the suspense of TR news lackage.

larafan25 19-04-12 01:48

It's just so cold in here, I need some ice.


... I really hope that Lara is fun to control in this game, and nice to control...because I've been playing some games lately...and they're just pissing me off. ._.

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