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leglion 17-03-12 17:49

Still 2012. In the podcast when Karl was addressing the rumors he said everything was still running smoothly.

lcroft_lc 17-03-12 18:09
Tomb Raider can go Gold at the end of May so it could release in Summer as well. :D

Khaled 17-03-12 18:31


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6043593)
Tomb Raider can go Gold at the end of May so it could release in Summer as well. :D

This person makes me excited . :D

mikesamillion2 17-03-12 18:32

totally random but seeing as lara will find items around the island do you think it's more than likely there will be some sort of voice over depending on what you find?

for example i just watched the trailer and i noticed her hair band and in my head i thought it would be funny if she found her make-up bag (if she has one) and said "guess I won't be needing this anymore" :L

Adrenaline 17-03-12 18:40


Originally Posted by mikesamillion2 (Post 6043638)
totally random but seeing as lara will find items around the island do you think it's more than likely there will be some sort of voice over depending on what you find?

for example i just watched the trailer and i noticed her hair band and in my head i thought it would be funny if she found her make-up bag (if she has one) and said "guess I won't be needing this anymore" :L

Yeah I hope we get more Lara voice overs on stuff I love hearing her :P

lcroft_lc 17-03-12 18:46


Originally Posted by Khaled (Post 6043636)
This person makes me excited . :D


Maybe they will announce the release date one week before releasing the game on June. :jmp:

Khaled 17-03-12 19:04


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6043667)

Maybe they will announce the release date one week before releasing the game on June. :jmp:

I'm not saying ( Maybe ) . I will say they will announce the release date before E3 . ;)

Mikky 17-03-12 20:00


Originally Posted by Khaled (Post 6043693)
I'm not saying ( Maybe ) . I will say they will announce the release date before E3 . ;)

Most likely they'll announce the release date at E3.

NRO. 17-03-12 20:02


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6043835)
Most likely they'll announce the release date after the game is released.


Mikky 17-03-12 20:04


Lukass 17-03-12 20:06

If only.

Adrenaline 17-03-12 20:09

They'l release it a week ago. :tea: Meow.

Lukass 17-03-12 20:16

No1 cares anymore.

larafan25 17-03-12 20:17

Combat + Release date at E3 = tons of people adding it to their list.

NRO. 17-03-12 20:17

In other news, I found this hilarious. For a second I thought it said "Meagan" :vlol:

Killercowz 17-03-12 20:21

Wait... there's a new Tomb Raider coming out? :confused:

Lukass 17-03-12 20:22

There appeared some pics, but we don't know if it's official or not. There are Crystal Dynamics logos, but it still may be fake. I'm confused. We'll have to wait when and if they announce the game.

Here are the pics.


[IMG]http://desmond.**************/Himg16/scaled.php?server=16&filename=001bvx.jpg&res=mediu m[/IMG]

I don't like it! Where's her braid? Where are her dual pistols? Look at the color of her top! It's not Lara anymore! They ruined Tomb Raider!!!!! :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Mikky 17-03-12 20:29


I remember back then when those pics first got leaked, I was hoping so much that they were real and now we know that they are. Woohoo! :D I just wish they kept the horse and I hope they've kept the monsters. It would be boring without them. :/

Lukass 17-03-12 20:32


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6043904)

I remember back then when those pics first got leaked, I was hoping so much that they were real and now we know that they are. Woohoo! :D I just wish they kept the horse and I hope they've kept the monsters. It would be boring without them. :/

I disagree! She has no back pack! It's not Toom Raydah anymore! :hea::hea::hea:

:cen: you, Crystal Dynamics!!!!!!11"!!!!!!!:cen:!!!!1

Mikky 17-03-12 20:33


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6043909)
I disagree! She has no back pack! It's not Toom Raydah anymore! :hea::hea::hea:

:cen: you, Crystal Dynamics!!!!!!11"!!!!!!!:cen:!!!!1

I also remember a lot of posts like that. :p

larafan25 17-03-12 20:34

Monsterz!? D:

Monsterz!? IN MEYE TUMB RAYDUR GAYM! :mad:


Lukass 17-03-12 20:35


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6043911)
I also remember a lot of posts like that. :p

And they still keep coming ;____;

Mikky 17-03-12 20:36


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6043915)
And they still keep coming ;____;

Not really. Seems people just stop caring all together, tbh. :p

leglion 17-03-12 20:38


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6043892)
There appeared some pics, but we don't know if it's official or not. There are Crystal Dynamics logos, but it still may be fake. I'm confused. We'll have to wait when and if they announce the game.

Here are the pics.


[IMG]http://desmond.**************/Himg16/scaled.php?server=16&filename=001bvx.jpg&res=mediu m[/IMG]

I don't like it! Where's her braid? Where are her dual pistols? Look at the color of her top! It's not Lara anymore! They ruined Tomb Raider!!!!! :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

It's definitely real. The only difference between what we have now and those concepts are that the horse and monsters were removed(maybe).

Lukass 17-03-12 20:39


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6043927)
It's definitely real. The only difference between what we have now and those concepts are that the horse and monsters were removed(maybe).

It's been confirmed the horse has been removed from the game and I bet the monster were too.

All we'll have are those scavengers (of different type I hope), wolves...and I dunno what else.

larafan25 17-03-12 20:41

Horse was removed fo sho. Which pisses my off. But hey, maybe it was just gunna be a freaking QTE.

Also, dang. CD said the concept hasn't changed much, so it's possible that if those monsters did have a large role (in theory cuz it wus theory duudes) then they could still have a large role, dealing with the same mythology, but just not showing up as actual monsters.

Lukass 17-03-12 20:42


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6043937)
fo sho.


leglion 17-03-12 20:43


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6043934)
It's been confirmed the horse has been removed from the game and I bet the monster were too.

All we'll have are those scavengers (of different type I hope), wolves...and I dunno what else.

I know, i was trying to say the horse was removed and maybe the monsters were removed. I have a hunch the monsters are still in there though.

Linoshi Croft 17-03-12 20:46

Monsters will be in it, I just know.

larafan25 17-03-12 20:48

Mutants. I callz it.

So there is a main discovery to be made, wut do u think it iz?

leglion 17-03-12 20:50


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6043953)
Mutants. I callz it.

So there is a main discovery to be made, wut do u think it iz?

I called it way before you called it so no. :pi:

I think it's what's causing the island to be the way it is.

Lukass 17-03-12 20:54


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6043953)
Mutants. I callz it.

So there is a main discovery to be made, wut do u think it iz?

I don't wanna speculate about it now. I don't wanna know.

Don't ya think the monster on the left has deers antlers instead of hands? :eek: There are deers...

leglion 17-03-12 21:08

I think it's a growth. BTW: he does have hands.

tomee 17-03-12 21:11


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6043927)
It's definitely real. The only difference between what we have now and those concepts are that the horse and monsters were removed, and lara looks differently, with different clothing. So about everything is different.


Mikky 17-03-12 21:12


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6043953)
Mutants. I callz it.

I think they're mutants, too. I think it's the people on the island that mutate into those things. Maybe.


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6043953)
So there is a main discovery to be made, wut do u think it iz?

Well, the secret behind the island, of course.

leglion 17-03-12 21:16


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6044027)

Look at the description that came with the concepts. 99% of it is the same.
And we don't know if the "monsters" were removed. Karl said there are things that you might consider monsters. Mutants fit that description. They took heavy inspiration from the descent and the monsters in that movie are mutant.

tomee 17-03-12 21:24


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6044041)
Look at the description that came with the concepts. 99% of it is the same.
And we don't know if the "monsters" were removed. Karl said there are things that you might consider monsters. Mutants fit that description. They took heavy inspiration from the descent and the monsters in that movie are mutant.

Didn't they confirm that that there won't be anything supernatural?

leglion 17-03-12 21:25


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6044072)
Didn't they confirm that that there won't be anything supernatural?

Mutants aren't supernatural.

Mikky 17-03-12 21:33

Actually, nevermind.

Lukass 17-03-12 21:36


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6044079)
Mutants aren't supernatural.

Since when? :confused:

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