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^How would we heal ourselves if we were crawling with damaged legs? :p
Lol... you fall off a cliff and you can just crawl around until you die :D
^Having a bit of control to move around as you're dying would be...sadistic...but so...new.
Oh, who knows? But wouldn't it be unrealistic to be dragging your legs one moment, then fine the next? |
Well, I can imagine healing if she was attacked somewhere near a basecamp, but I can't imagine how she'll heal herself if heavily injured in the middle of the woods. |
But then the game gets completely complicated. for example, we were half way during a mission, then we are required to platform but lara is unable to because of the extent of her injuries UNLESS we are forced to go back and heal ourselves. That actually sounds way better than pulling a med pack with instantaneous results, perhaps have a place to regenerate and actually see lara healing herself with antiseptic herbs and wrapping bandages similar to the trailer. I doubt it would be this complex though.
And stealth og a;lskdfj;als give me combat gameplay pl0x. I was reading comments on the e3 demo video demo: "A woman version of Uncharted? Sick!" This game has potential to win over soooo many new fans who apparently aren't very aware of Tomb Raider's existence in that it came before Unhcarted did. :p But I think its great. Hopefully the game will be good enough to build that strong fan base back that AC and Uncharted etc have. |
I think she'll just show (via animations like in RE..well and any game) that she more hurt, and move slowly, sort of in pain holding herself. Quote:
CAN'T. BELIEVE. MYSELF. It's weird though...if there is a cover system...where is it? o.O Like...I haven't see it in any screenshots, nothing looks like cover..so...maybe there isn't a cover system. |
I hope its a bit like metal gear solid snake eater, with the crawling in the grass and stuff. mgs had a simple cover system i tink, worked well.
Maybe its a cover system without being as obvious as Uncharted is...
Like... maybe you just crouch behind things like trees and boulders and walls and less obvious things? There might not be a cover system of course but its just makes so much more sense from a realism stand point. |
In fact...can this Lara even roll/ crawl? I think a more classic crawling animation would suit this Lara, than the silly squatting in LAU. Quote:
But then again, perhaps with limited cover you're forced to better analyze enemy movement and time your moves just right so you don't get caught. edit: I could totally see this stealth systemm! You just crouch around things like mentioned, and the part where he searches the guy, I could see Lara doing that. |
I wonder how the stealth mechanics work. Is there like a percentage showing how well we are camouflaged with our environment? So many questions lol
I hope her boobs shake when we go into stealth mode like AOD.
I hope there is no "stealth mode".
^Are u being tricky? Because it's confirmed there are stealth affairs.
I hope it's an actual mode/ mechanic though. Not just something we can use here and there when CEE DEE fair. Quote:
Could be a lot like Batman Arkham Asylum/ City... Quote:
That would be boring stealth.
^That sounds dangerous and annoying, I'd rather a button to initiate stealth mode.
Basic I guess. |
^ WTF are you on about? :p
Anyway, about the stealth being "dangerous," Lara's situation is dangerous. Don't you want a sense of danger? :p |
I'm not sure about a 'mode' as such, if it were to be realistic then it has to be dependant on our environment as to when we have the option to use use it. Its not like we can chose to go stealth mode out of the blue unless we find an application that allows us to do so like mentioned before: behind a wall, rock, crawling or even just simply moving around in the night time without a torch or something.
It's like holding down crouch to crawl. |
I want there to be stealth without it being obvious. For example... in uncharted we can sneak by enemies or get closer to them without us noticing if we're sneaky. Apply this concept with silent kills and hiding up in trees, higher areas, behind objects, etc.
Stealth mode is not something I really want. I want the combat, the stealth, and everything to be cohesive and seamless. The bow and arrow could certainly help with more silent kills from a distance. D: |
Bute Nate only plays the stealth animation is it's a stealthy setup.
I don't want to come across enemies in one direction specifically for a stealth encounter, I want to be able to approach the situation from 360 degrees. It's too contextual in Uncharted IMO. |
I agree I don't want her animations to go all stealthy just because the game says so. I'd rather do it myself if that's what you're saying. |
I'd rather, as you said, initiate that animation myself instead of being I'm in some cinematic stealth scenario. In fact I want stealth to be an option anyways. |
Do you think she'll be able to climb trees?
She can maybe perhaps use her survival instinct to mark locations of stealth or something as she becomes more experienced in that field? Just a thought. I want it to grow as an ability but i think most people here would disagree.
I've thought tree climbing would be messy and disorienting, and not something which would be fun TBH. I'd rather spend my time running and jumping across monastery rooftops. I'll see how they do it in Assassin's Creed before opinioning. Quote:
ok when actually is the release date, do we know? or a rough one?
Anywhere from September onwards. edit: But not in September I think. |
Nah joke, im just saying although to an extent we can use stealth, its just like any other skill. i mean i could say the same for combat, anyone can fight but do they know the right techniques of doing so than a more experienced fighter? Or maybe a more experienced hunter knows how to hide better than an amateur lol |
Well.... they'd still know where to hide, just not what to do when caught. :pi: |
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