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JsotoTRSaga 21-01-12 05:44


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 5929713)
Doubt it. :p COD fans will play the new game over Tomb Raider even if it's absolute **** and gets a 32% rating while TR gets 94%.

Umg, TR getting 94% @.@

LOL :vlol: they will miss on something Big to buy something smaller than a Cockroach which is CoD i really Don't like CoD anymore UGH! It annoys me now after MW3 i hate CoD... :/ Especially when ppl get so obsessed about it and Show off in Facebook typing that they are too happy because they bought CoD or that CoD is the best game eva or that it keeps them awake and such things... :rolleyes:

lcroft_lc 21-01-12 06:02


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 5929713)
Doubt it. :p COD fans will play the new game over Tomb Raider even if it's absolute **** and gets a 32% rating while TR gets 94%.

Umg, TR getting 94% @.@

So true. They will buy a CoD even if Activision re-release Black Ops or Modern Warfare 3 again. :mad: And thats why CoD is now holding biggest selling game title of all time. :mad: :mad:

JsotoTRSaga 21-01-12 06:37


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 5929739)
So true. They will buy a CoD even if Activision re-release Black Ops or Modern Warfare 3 again. :mad: And thats why CoD is now holding biggest selling game title of all time. :mad: :mad:

CoD is Annoying me so much... especially with the fact that people think is Great and that is the best Thing in Gaming which of course isn't True and i hate it even more when i visited Youtube to watch the E3 Trailer and some1 Commented: ''They should stop making this TR games they're are an Excuse of a Game the only great games that they should keep doing is CoD that is one Heck of a Game'' :ohn: Which made my Hate for CoD grow fonder :/ Hope TR teaches a lesson to those annoying CoD fanboys this Fall! U can do it Karl & Crystal Dynamics! i still have Faith on u! Go Lara! :D

lcroft_lc 21-01-12 07:00


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 5929780)
CoD is Annoying me so much... especially with the fact that people think is Great and that is the best Thing in Gaming which of course isn't True and i hate it even more when i visited Youtube to watch the E3 Trailer and some1 Commented: ''They should stop making this TR games they're are an Excuse of a Game the only great games that they should keep doing is CoD that is one Heck of a Game'' :ohn: Which made my Hate for CoD grow fonder :/ Hope TR teaches a lesson to those annoying CoD fanboys this Fall! U can do it Karl & Crystal Dynamics! i still have Faith on u! Go Lara! :D

Activision did some bad things in YouTube. Everytime I posted a bad comments they didn't approve it. Like I posted in MW3 trailer that "MW3 is just a DLC of MW, nothing more" and they didn't approve it. They are the only guy I have seen in YouTube who have to use moderation before comment showing. What a loser they are.

JsotoTRSaga 21-01-12 07:07


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 5929796)
Activision did some bad things in YouTube. Everytime I posted a bad comments they didn't approve it. Like I posted in MW3 trailer that "MW3 is just a DLC of MW, nothing more" and they didn't approve it. They are the only guy I have seen in YouTube who have to use moderation before comment showing. What a loser they are.

Gosh! They think they can rule the gaming industry! :mad: Now i dislike the game and Activision even More :p and they even Block the comments they are Losers and they should be preparing because this Fall they're getting their Butt Kicked by Lara Croft & Crystal Dynamics! yay! :D i'd love to say to Activision Sorry CoD but this is the End of the Line! :ohn:

klona 21-01-12 09:17

FPS games are useless, boring, even more repetitive than TR, or even AC. >_>
Sorry to FPS fans, it's just the simple truth.

Kelly Craftman 21-01-12 13:28

Karl said I had orange teeth :(

Spong 21-01-12 13:33


Originally Posted by Kelly Craftman (Post 5930064)
Karl said I had orange teeth :(

He was probably drunk.

lcroft_lc 21-01-12 13:37


Originally Posted by Kelly Craftman (Post 5930064)
Karl said I had orange teeth :(

Do you really have? :p

Kelly Craftman 21-01-12 13:38

Well I had an orange in my mouth, so :p

Spong 21-01-12 13:42


Originally Posted by Kelly Craftman (Post 5930074)
Well I had an orange in my mouth, so :p

I assumed you'd probably eaten three packets of Wotsits :p

lcroft_lc 21-01-12 13:43


Originally Posted by Kelly Craftman (Post 5930074)
Well I had an orange in my mouth, so :p

That's what I can see as I am your newest follower. :p Maybe he didn't enlarge the picture of you. :p

Kelly Craftman 21-01-12 13:43

^ I think he was joking :p

Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5930076)
I assumed you'd probably eaten three packets of Wotsits :p

An orange as a fruit. Heard of it?

Spong 21-01-12 13:46


Originally Posted by Kelly Craftman (Post 5930080)
An orange as a fruit. Heard of it?

Yeah, thanks for the brief game of 'What's My Fruit?'. No idea why you said that. Have you ever heard of Wotsits?

Kelly Craftman 21-01-12 13:50


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5930084)
Yeah, thanks for the brief game of 'What's My Fruit?'. No idea why you said that. Have you ever heard of Wotsits?

Wotsits, what is a wotsit? :confused:

Spong 21-01-12 13:52


Originally Posted by Kelly Craftman (Post 5930092)
Wotsits, what is a wotsit? :confused:

Seriously!? You live in the UK and you never once had a packet of Wotsits as a kid!? I'm shocked and stunned :eek:

They're bright orange crisps, cheese flavour...

Reggie 21-01-12 13:54

Wotsits are disgusting.

So yeah, back on topic...I'm wondering:

The last TR game to take 5 years + to make was TR1. Will TR Origins/Reboot having taken so long to make, match its success?

Spong 21-01-12 13:55


Originally Posted by Reggie (Post 5930099)

This really is a very GENERAL discussion thread. :p

Lara likes them :tmb:

Or something.

Kelly Craftman 21-01-12 13:55


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5930095)
Seriously!? You live in the UK and you never once had a packet of Wotsits as a kid!? I'm shocked and stunned :eek:

They're bright orange crisps, cheese flavour...

They're cheetos :p

Originally Posted by Reggie (Post 5930099)

This really is a very GENERAL discussion thread. :p

Lara might find a packet on the island.

Reggie 21-01-12 13:57

Damn you guys are fast. See my edited post. :p

Spong 21-01-12 13:58


Originally Posted by Kelly Craftman (Post 5930104)
They're cheetos :p

Wash your mouth out, that's a cheap American imitation :smk:
Lara would discard them if she found those :ohn:



Originally Posted by Reggie (Post 5930099)
The last TR game to take 5 years + to make was TR1. Will TR Origins/Reboot having taken so long to make, match its success?

I don't think it will. Not because I think the game might be rubbish, but because it's simply not 'new' like TR1 genuinely was. Plus, the market these days is fat and bloated with choice (regardless of quality). TR9 might do well, it might do really well, but I don't think it can repeat the success of TR1.

Kelly Craftman 21-01-12 14:06


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5930113)

I don't think it will. Not because I think the game might be rubbish, but because it's simply not 'new' like TR1 genuinely was. Plus, the market these days is fat and bloated with choice (regardless of quality). TR9 might do well, it might do really well, but I don't think it can repeat the success of TR1.

No doubt about that, No other game in the series can repeat the success of TR1. TReboot could even win GotY but it still wont reach the success of TR1. TR1 was the game that made the series popular and kick started the franchise. If it wasn't successful then Tomb Raider would have been stop being made ages ago.

Reggie 21-01-12 14:12

Having completed Uncharted 3 yesterday, it makes me doubt whether Crystal can ever be capable of producing something of the same calibre as what Naughty Dog can produce. TR:Underworld was such a cheap-ass fail of a game. I knew that before it even got released though.

Having got bored of replaying the old TR games and avoiding the latest ones because I just don't like them, I hope Crystal gives me a good reason to buy their rebooted game. I still think its a shame the whole TR series has seemingly grown underneath TR1's shadow. :/

Phlip 21-01-12 14:17


Originally Posted by Reggie (Post 5930139)
Having completed Uncharted 3 yesterday, it makes me doubt whether Crystal can ever be capable of producing something of the same calibre as what Naughty Dog can produce. TR:Underworld was such a cheap-ass fail of a game. I knew that before it even got released though.

Having got bored of replaying the old TR games and avoiding the latest ones because I just don't like them, I hope Crystal gives me a good reason to buy their rebooted game. I still think its a shame the whole TR series has seemingly grown underneath TR1's shadow. :/

I didn't like Uncharted 3. =/ I hope TR pushes interactivity, if they could match that of the classics then it'd be fierce, because with UC3 the line between cinematics and gameplay was so blurry that it was pretty annoying. =/

Tonyrobinson 21-01-12 14:19

So it's a long way off but how would everyone like the game to end?

I could see Lara have her pistols everyone she love's has died, maybe "A great explorer once said..." speech over again and her flying off in a rescue helicopter through the mountains and off the island with the familiar echoes of the main "Tomb Raider theme" sounding.

That'd be epic! :p

lcroft_lc 21-01-12 14:30


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5930095)
Seriously!? You live in the UK and you never once had a packet of Wotsits as a kid!? I'm shocked and stunned :eek:

They're bright orange crisps, cheese flavour...

She doesn't live in UK. She lives under your bed. :p

Kelly Craftman 21-01-12 14:30


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 5930167)
She doesn't live in UK. She lives under your bed. :p

Which is in the Uk. :p I know sometimes Spong seems like he is from Planet Mars but really he is one of us.

lcroft_lc 21-01-12 14:47

BTW, on GameTrailers, Tomb Raider has a 9.8 rating from the trailers. :jmp:

Tonyrobinson 21-01-12 14:50

That's brilliant, hoping this will be a good year for Lara! :D

Out of interest does anyone think she's gonna get a backpack in this game? :o

Mikky 21-01-12 15:36


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 5930221)

Out of interest does anyone think she's gonna get a backpack in this game? :o

It hasn't been officially confirmed if she is or not. CD are staying very hush-hush over those kinda things.

Larson_1988 21-01-12 15:43

Right, so i uhm watched the tuning point trailer just now, been having it on my PS3 for several weeks. And it does indeed look really good.

Mikky 21-01-12 15:45


Originally Posted by Larson_1988 (Post 5930340)
Right, so i uhm watched the tuning point trailer just now, been having it on my PS3 for several weeks. And it does indeed look really good.

You just watched it? I thought everyone here had by now. ;__;

Larson_1988 21-01-12 15:46

Yep, kind of lost interest in the newer TR games.

Kelly Craftman 21-01-12 15:47


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 5930221)
That's brilliant, hoping this will be a good year for Lara! :D

Out of interest does anyone think she's gonna get a backpack in this game? :o


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5930321)
It hasn't been officially confirmed if she is or not. CD are staying very hush-hush over those kinda things.

I think it might be, because Karl was saying about significant moments within the games like Lara getting dual pistols. It's all down to the player. So I think you can choose whether or not you want dual pistols and same with the back pack I think :p

klona 21-01-12 16:14


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 5930152)
So it's a long way off but how would everyone like the game to end?

I could see Lara have her pistols everyone she love's has died, maybe "A great explorer once said..." speech over again and her flying off in a rescue helicopter through the mountains and off the island with the familiar echoes of the main "Tomb Raider theme" sounding.

That'd be epic! :p


Originally Posted by Larson_1988 (Post 5930350)
Yep, kind of lost interest in the newer TR games.

Reggie 21-01-12 16:17

Yeah, kill everyone off. Like when they killed Sully and Elena from Uncharted 1. XD Not to sound harsh but it leads me into a point on other characters -

If Crystal are serious, they need to think about the longevity and significance of each character they introduce so that they can last in the series. Amanda was Crystal only real attempt at that.

Adrenaline 21-01-12 16:33


Originally Posted by Kelly Craftman (Post 5930353)
I think it might be, because Karl was saying about significant moments within the games like Lara getting dual pistols. It's all down to the player. So I think you can choose whether or not you want dual pistols and same with the back pack I think :p

OoOoOoOh!!! I'd love that very much!!! ♥
Or we get these items in a very incredible scene.


Originally Posted by Larson_1988 (Post 5930340)
Right, so i uhm watched the tuning point trailer just now, been having it on my PS3 for several weeks. And it does indeed look really good.!......LOST...INTEREST!?!??

Stevo505 21-01-12 19:27


Originally Posted by Larson_1988 (Post 5930340)
Right, so i uhm watched the tuning point trailer just now, been having it on my PS3 for several weeks. And it does indeed look really good.

Have you watched the gameplay?? Epic stuff.

larafan25 21-01-12 21:59

Oh look, the gameplay, conveniently here...

NCFirebolt21 22-01-12 04:35

^Does that contain the leaked footage as well?

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