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SpyrosMonster 22-04-12 19:55


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6124275)
Ignore it. Delusional rantings of desperate fans. :o

Are you sure you've heard all the podcasts????? :p

Mikky 22-04-12 19:56


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6124280)
Are you sure you've heard all the podcasts????? :p

I was joking. xD And yes, I have. I also remember Karl saying that they had no plans of releasing an uncut version. :p

NRO. 22-04-12 19:59

The uncut was the same thing except different angles.

But I would love to see the one with Roth talking. :P

Bomb Fighter 22-04-12 19:59


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6124263)
I tried. :P

Might need to alter the brightness a lil bit.

She is so beautiful! <3 I'm dying for more screens, renders...just something!

Lukass 22-04-12 20:04


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6124287)
She is so beautiful! <3 I'm dying for more screens, renders...just something!

Just a few weeks to go...:pi:

Weemanply109 22-04-12 20:07

I'm about to crey for info. Even the smallest bit of info is enough to get me hot and bothered, tbh.

Bomb Fighter 22-04-12 20:10


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6124293)
Just a few weeks to go...:pi:

I canīt even imagine the extasy Iīll be in when E3 finally arrive. I remember last year when they showed the demo, I was watching it live and I wasnīt even breathing. And after Turning Point I almost cried.

Lukass 22-04-12 20:13


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6124307)
I canīt even imagine the extasy Iīll be in when E3 finally arrive. I remember last year when they showed the demo, I was watching it live and I wasnīt even breathing. And after Turning Point I almost cried.

The famous TRFer Rai once said that we have been pregnant 9 months now and a survivor is gonna be born soon! Well, May is going to be the labour, the waiting is gonna be long and painful :D

Bomb Fighter 22-04-12 20:18


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6124312)
A famous TRFer Rai once said that we have been pregnant 9 months now and a survivor is gonna be born soon! Well, May is going to be the labour, the waiting is gonna be long and painful :D

Donīt give them a way how to explain their wierd strategy!!!!
We all will be survivors of this long and painful waiting.

Weemanply109 22-04-12 20:20


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6124312)
The famous TRFer Rai once said that we have been pregnant 9 months now and a survivor is gonna be born soon! Well, May is going to be the labour, the waiting is gonna be long and painful :D


Stevo505 22-04-12 20:22


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6124312)
The famous TRFer Rai once said that we have been pregnant 9 months now and a survivor is gonna be born soon! Well, May is going to be the labour, the waiting is gonna be long and painful :D

So we're going to be in labor from May to the release date?? Oh god, that's gonna suck.

just*raidin*tomb 22-04-12 20:24

Lol at her kitty calendar thing. :p

Lukass 22-04-12 20:29


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6124335)
So we're going to be in labor from May to the release date?? Oh god, that's gonna suck.


And without an epidural, bitch! :vlol:

*like Lara* gonna hurt!

just*raidin*tomb 22-04-12 20:36


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6124271)
What is this uncut trailer you guys are talking about?

The trailer was originally about 5 minutes but when it was edited, they cut some of the scene sections and sort of dissected it into smaller pieces. There is not actual "cut trailer".

Stevo505 22-04-12 20:37


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6124358)

And without an epidural, bitch! :vlol:

*like Lara* gonna hurt!

:vlol: you make waiting fun.

Rai 22-04-12 21:26


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6124312)
The famous TRFer Rai once said that we have been pregnant 9 months now and a survivor is gonna be born soon! Well, May is going to be the labour, the waiting is gonna be long and painful :D

:vlol: :vlol:

She'd better come out screaming for attention! :p

Lukass 22-04-12 21:33


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6124520)
:vlol: :vlol:

She'd better come out screaming for attention! :p

Agreed! :D Don't you think we've passed our due date already? :vlol:

SpyrosMonster 22-04-12 21:35


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6124530)
Agreed! :D Don't you think we've passed our due date already? :vlol:

there's a delay on our pregnacy

Lukass 22-04-12 21:36


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6124532)
there's a delay on our pregnacy

Too big baby = info galore!

SpyrosMonster 22-04-12 21:49


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6124537)
Too big baby = info galore!

:vlol: We really need news :pi:

Lukass 22-04-12 21:52

^ We seriously do :'(

Weemanply109 22-04-12 21:54

~Creys~ Need dat info soon

Stevo505 22-04-12 22:09


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6124530)
Agreed! :D Don't you think we've passed our due date already? :vlol:

Weird how we're giving birth to a 21 year old.

Love2Raid 22-04-12 22:43

That's probably the reason why it's taking so long.

motoleo 22-04-12 23:25

How long can a person really wait for a game? What's your limit?

larafan25 22-04-12 23:28


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6124779)
How long can a person really wait for a game? What's your limit?

If the game gets delayed, and we don't hear about it anymore for another year, it's safe to say I'll need something more to occupy my time with. :/

Lukass 22-04-12 23:30


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6124786)
If the game gets delayed, and we don't hear about it anymore for another year, it's safe to say I'll need something more to occupy my time with. :/

Pretty much this. If it gets delayed, I would need to forget about TR completely for a year or so...I wouldn't visit TRF, but I'd probably play all the classics and trilogy and LCGoL, but I wouldn't want to discuss the upcoming game.

motoleo 22-04-12 23:31


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6124786)
If the game gets delayed, and we don't hear about it anymore for another year, it's safe to say I'll need something more to occupy my time with. :/

So, that'd be... um, 3 years for you?

For me, it'd be officially 1 year. This is my first time actually waiting for a Tomb Raider game. :jmp:

Why do I feel like I'm at an iPhone launch?

Phlip 22-04-12 23:57

I could wait another 5 years, tbh.

Stevo505 23-04-12 00:08


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6124794)
So, that'd be... um, 3 years for you?

For me, it'd be officially 1 year. This is my first time actually waiting for a Tomb Raider game. :jmp:

Why do I feel like I'm at an iPhone launch?

It's my first time too. I really got interested in Tomb Raider again in like 2009 and then when I heard about the new game a year later I was like... "YAY."

I plan to be at the midnight release if there is one :D

Weemanply109 23-04-12 00:34


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6124779)
How long can a person really wait for a game? What's your limit?

My max waiting time so far is 5 years with the Half Life franchise, still waiting for Ep3 or Half Life 3 Valve. >:I

Spong 23-04-12 00:35


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6124779)
How long can a person really wait for a game? What's your limit?

Any Duke Nukem fans in here?

princebenidere 23-04-12 00:39

The reason ppl are tired of waiting because the past LAU game are spreading news from time to time too soon like videos vignettes concept screenshot ,even spoilers

TRefers used to that spoilage that's why when they change their campaign strategy it staggers so many fans and they think that they are soo silent

just look at the media thread and scroll it down its so many actually even though 80% are mostly recycled but still its better than nothing

but i like it this way

trlestew 23-04-12 00:50


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6124882)
My max waiting time so far is 5 years with the Half Life franchise, still waiting for Ep3 or Half Life 3 Valve. >:I

Especially with that ending. They might as well have reached through our monitors, slapped us in the face, then rolled the credits.

Anyway, time flies. It will be here...

SOONmost likely 5-7 months

MangelinaJolie 23-04-12 02:34


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6124883)
Any Duke Nukem fans in here?

Present. :wve:

I can only hope similar misfortune doesn't come out of this.

AimlessThunder 23-04-12 02:37


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6124834)
I could wait another 5 years, tbh.


motoleo 23-04-12 02:41

I could do a good fan made trailer out of the material we've got and make it interesting. But my Windows 7 computer just doesn't have that kind of power. I think I would need a Mac for that..

Stevo505 23-04-12 02:53


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6124986)
I could do a good fan made trailer out of the material we've got and make it interesting. But my Windows 7 computer just doesn't have that kind of power. I think I would need a Mac for that..

You could use a trial of Sony Vegas. That's a pretty good program for video editing.

_Awestruck_ 23-04-12 02:54

Yeah, iMovie is just as limited as WMM in my opinion.

motoleo 23-04-12 03:02

I was using the old version of WMM, which works better than the current one, which is crap. Dealing with a Mac would probably be hard too now that I think about it, with all the restrictions and all.

The only problem I keep getting is it keeps crashing. I could try Sony Vegas.

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