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Lukass 26-04-12 22:28


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6132735)
I think they said it. :)

They didn't. I would remember that.

Pietras 26-04-12 22:28

We don't do "I think" anymore. Hardcore receipt only gurl!

slavo120 26-04-12 22:29


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6132735)
I think they said it. :)

link or never happend :ton:

larafan25 26-04-12 22:29


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6132737)
They didn't. I would remember that.

You would...

and you wouldn't.

Where have you been?

I Goodness...

How many times have we remembered Karl saying one thing only to find it was another thing?

Manual grab, multiplayer...

SpyrosMonster 26-04-12 22:30


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6132735)
I think they said it. :)

They definitely didn't... (i think)
If they did then what's the reason of b****ing around about the lack of news for almost a year ?

larafan25 26-04-12 22:30


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6132743)
They definitely didn't... if they did then what's the reason of b****ing around about the lack of news ? :ohn:

People always bitch about the lack of news.

Lukass 26-04-12 22:32


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6132743)
They definitely didn't (i think)... if they did then what's the reason of b****ing around about the lack of news ?

Exactly. If they said anything about a year gasp, I would ****ing remember that and wouldn't be moaning now.

Weemanply109 26-04-12 22:33


Originally Posted by Pietras (Post 6132739)
Hardcore receipt only gurl!

Hmm. Lemme go look.

SpyrosMonster 26-04-12 22:35


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6132745)
People always bitch about the lack of news.

They do.. YES! but not when they were warned about the time that they will actually have something new!


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6132749)
Exactly. If they said anything about a year gasp, I would ****ing remember that and wouldn't be moaning now.

Karl said that they are going to take a break for couple of months!

Weemanply109 26-04-12 22:36

Ok, we get the point now, guys. They said a few months, not a year. We don't have to constantly repeat ourselves now. :/

Are Square Enix planned to be attending E3?

larafan25 26-04-12 22:36

^Tomb Raider will be at E3, and yes SE is attending.

I'm not denying that they said they'd break for a couple of months.

But I remember someone saying a year, after we had waited some months.

We knew we were waiting for 2012.

SpyrosMonster 26-04-12 22:37


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6132765)
Ok, we get the point now, guys. They said a few months, not a year. We don't have to constantly repeat ourselves now. :/

So.. uhm.

if we don't want to repeat ourselves.. there's only one thing that it must happen!

GET SOME NEWS!!! :tea:

Stevo505 26-04-12 22:38

SE is a major publisher, of course they'll be at E3. That would be corporate suicide if they didn't attend.

slavo120 26-04-12 22:39


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6132765)
Ok, we get the point now, guys. They said a few months, not a year. We don't have to constantly repeat ourselves now. :/

yeah, but after a few months they said "soon, on the horizont, not so far distance bla bla bla ...and last: a few weeks more(31.march)",why do pull they fans for nose ?

SE will be on E3, but is weird that only campaign what they started before a few weeks/months is for Hitman Absolution and Sleeping Dogs..two big AAA titles for SE on Fall...seems like Tomb Raider could be delay

We will be see something on E3 but i still donīt trust for Fall date

Weemanply109 26-04-12 22:40


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6132767)
^Tomb Raider will be at E3, and yes SE is attending.

Good stuff. :tmb:

TippingWater 27-04-12 01:30

Have you guys seen this (old) preview? :ton:


For instances a wicker man is slowly burning in a nearby shrine.

Her voice, the beeping or the light or the sounds of Lara's footsteps attracts the beast who immediately jumps forwards towards Lara, it grabs her leg before pinning her to the ground. I noticed several people in the room jumping when the wolf appeared, it was actually quite terrifying, especially if you're in a darkened room. To kill the wolf, the player must complete an interactive cutscene. Lara draws a knife and stabs the creature, however it is still dangerous and it is still trying to kill Lara and therefore she stabs it continuously either to fulfil her blood lust that is apparent in the older Lara or (and the more likely reason) out of fear to make sure she would survive. As she stumbles to her feet she whispers to the wolf "I'm sorry, it was you or me. . . ."

I have really enjoyed reading this :).

Gamd1011 27-04-12 01:36

^ That's new to me! :eek:

larafan25 27-04-12 01:39

The wicker man ...Hmm...

TippingWater 27-04-12 01:42


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6133245)
The wicker man ...Hmm...

"The village looks as though it has just been abandoned, however I have my doubts. The wicker man disturbs me, it looked as though it was on fire, however it could have just been the lighting in that specific section and there was a fire nearby, nevertheless the place did look as though it had been lived in. Or if it is actually deserted, it was abandoned recently, which may mean that there might be a backstory to some of the scavengers in the game. But we'll have to play the final version of the game to find out."

aussie500 27-04-12 01:43


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6133245)
The wicker man ...Hmm...

Well if the person writing the preview got the knife bit wrong, I would not be getting too attached to the idea we see a wicker man burning. It could have just been a pile of kindling, he thought looked like a wicker man.

TippingWater 27-04-12 01:44


Originally Posted by aussie500 (Post 6133252)
Well if the person writing the preview got the knife bit wrong, I would not be getting too attached to the idea we see a wicker man burning. It could have just been a pile of kindling, he thought looked like a wicker man.


lcroft_lc 27-04-12 18:38

OPM_UK just tweeted this:


OPM 71 gone to the presses. Secret game 1 on the cover, secret game 2 as lead news. Plus AC3, DmC, GOW, Crysis 3, Vita's future. Out 15 May.
Could any of the secret game be Tomb Raider? We might see it around first week of May. :)

NRO. 27-04-12 18:44


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6134753)
OPM_UK just tweeted this:

Could any of the secret game be Tomb Raider? We might see it around first week of May. :)

LOL, was about to post this. xD

Lukass 27-04-12 18:46

Could be...

lcroft_lc 27-04-12 18:52

Not the 2nd one though,

I asked them:

Secret game 2 is Tomb Raider right?
They said:

Nope. Something as yet unannounced.

Someone ask if the cover will be Tomb Raider or not. :p


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6134765)
LOL, was about to post this. xD

Me win. :D

Rai 27-04-12 19:00

I very much doubt secret game 1 is Tomb Raider. Tomb Raider isn't a secret, just the next set of info.

Lukass 27-04-12 19:03

No, TR is not gonna be on the cover. TR covered this mag already, so...

Pietras 27-04-12 19:30

Someone ask if TReboot is secret #1, just to be sure

NRO. 27-04-12 19:35

I asked them, but I doubt they'll answer.

Mikky 27-04-12 19:38

It wouldn't be much of a secret if they told you what it was. :p

Lukass 27-04-12 19:50

I doubt there's anything TR related.

larafan25 27-04-12 21:33

Yall get dis **** sorted pleeze. D:

I wonder....

Lukass 27-04-12 21:36

But, one of them could be one of those new IP's I think.

larafan25 27-04-12 21:55

Meh, TR is more important.

Phlip 27-04-12 22:00


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6135363)
Meh, TR is more important.

You might find a new game franchise you love 10x more than TR.

Stevo505 27-04-12 22:24


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6135379)
You might find a new game franchise you love 10x more than TR.

CD is making it so there's no doubt I'll love it.

larafan25 27-04-12 22:24


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6135379)
You might find a new game franchise you love 10x more than TR.

If so it would probably be doing TR right when TR is doing TR wrong.

Phlip 27-04-12 22:28


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6135454)
CD is making it so there's no doubt I'll love it.

Wow. Actual wow...

JsotoTRSaga 27-04-12 22:35


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6135454)
CD is making it so there's no doubt I'll love it.

I'l love the game as well perhaps, but the Long boring campaigns before a game releases it's not something i would like to repeat with CD.

Spong 27-04-12 22:47


Originally Posted by phlip (Post 6135466)
wow. Actual wow...



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