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Rai 08-05-12 22:01


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6157652)
I took 0 and I couldn't care less because there's not going to be anything exclusive in the magazine. Duh :(

Now you're just making yourself sad. I know it's hard to remain hopeful, but we don't know if it'll be the same stuff, though it seems doubtful after all this time, or if it really is exclusive.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6157732)
And depressing and boring ;__; I'm gonna leave TRF until 31st May :/


just*raidin*tomb 08-05-12 22:25

I might take a short break as well and focus on my art and stuff. But at the same time I feel like something is going to surface very soon and I would hate to miss it.

Ehh it'll always be there anyway. I just might.

Lukass 08-05-12 22:33


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6157754)
Now you're just making yourself sad. I know it's hard to remain hopeful, but we don't know if it'll be the same stuff, though it seems doubtful after all this time, or if it really is exclusive.

I know :(, but I just feel like the time stopped :( I feel so sad and I'm not even looking forward the magazine, because I think it's obvious there won't be anything new and if there would be, we'll find out after E3, so it's kinda pointless. If they had any exclusive content for magazines to build some hype before E3, we would have it by now, trust me :/


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6157774)
I might take a short break as well and focus on my art and stuff. But at the same time I feel like something is going to surface very soon and I would hate to miss it.

Ehh it'll always be there anyway. I just might.

Exactly, that's how I feel. I would love to leave until 31st May, but WHAT IF something is about to happen and I'd miss it :/ That would kill me, because I managed to wait a whole year and now when all the horrible waiting is almost over I'd hate to miss anything.

Stevo505 08-05-12 22:37

Yeah I feel like I want to leave too. Not much going on at TRF except bickering and people going insane. Hmm. I guess it would benefit me to focus on my schoolwork now.

just*raidin*tomb 08-05-12 22:39

Unfortunately I have no excuse like school work because I just finished my last day of my first year of college.

I should throw a party. Like I could cry though. Seriously. Stress...relieved.

Stevo505 08-05-12 22:41


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6157790)
Unfortunately I have no excuse like school work because I just finished my last day of my first year of college.

I should throw a party. Like I could cry though. Seriously. Stress...relieved.

Lucky! That must feel like such a relief. I still have like.... uh.. 23-8=15 ok 15 more days D:

Rai 08-05-12 22:42

:eek: OMG! CD are genius's! They've discovered the cure for teh internetz dependence! .

larafan25 08-05-12 22:47


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6157790)
Unfortunately I have no excuse like school work because I just finished my last day of my first year of college.

I should throw a party. Like I could cry though. Seriously. Stress...relieved.


I still have 2 months of school left (well half of one and another).

Lukass 08-05-12 22:49


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6157796)
:eek: OMG! CD are genius's! They've discovered the cure for teh internetz dependence! .


Love2Raid 08-05-12 22:54

They might as well close this subforum if you guys all leave, lol. :p

Richard_Croft 08-05-12 22:59


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6157790)
Unfortunately I have no excuse like school work because I just finished my last day of my first year of college.

I should throw a party. Like I could cry though. Seriously. Stress...relieved.

I feel like that :o
I've finished high school two months ago and now I have to go to exams in June, in September I'll go to college.

I want October already :p

Weemanply109 08-05-12 23:01

Guys. We're here for TR, not your school break. Just saying. xoxo

Anyway, I can't wait till they start releasing Lara Croft porno mags again.

Stevo505 08-05-12 23:07


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6157824)
Guys. We're here for TR, not your school break. Just saying. xoxo

lawl backseat mod :rolleyes:

Richard_Croft 08-05-12 23:08


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6157824)
Guys. We're here for TR, not your school break. Just saying. xoxo

Luis Augusto 08-05-12 23:14


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6157824)
Anyway, I can't wait till they start releasing Lara Croft porno mags again.

LOL Wut? :vlol::vlol::vlol:

Lukass 08-05-12 23:23

21 days to go...:pi:

Weemanply109 08-05-12 23:26


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6157830)
lawl backseat mod :rolleyes:

Would you prefer a warning from the moderators instead?

I actually enjoy doing it, though. So if you don't like it then you'll just have to deal with it. :rolleyes:

Stevo505 08-05-12 23:28


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6157850)
Would you prefer a warning from the moderators instead?

I actually enjoy doing it, though. So if you don't like it then you'll just have to deal with it. :rolleyes:

I'd rather get a warning from a real mod, not a wannabe one.

Lukass 08-05-12 23:29

Ugh, stop it guys :hug:

larafan25 08-05-12 23:29

Guys, we're here for Tomb Raider, not your bickering.



Stevo505 08-05-12 23:31


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6157855)
Ugh, stop it guys :hug:

YAY hugs! :hug:

Yeah this forum has driven me crazy... I'm just gonna take a break for a while. See you guys May 31.

Weemanply109 08-05-12 23:31

Watching the trailer again. ;_;

Bliss. <3


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6157851)
I'd rather get a warning from a real mod, not a wannabe one.

Hun, I honestly don't care. I wasn't even talking to you anyway. So sit. You wouldn't be saying that if you ever happened to be in a situation where you accidentally broke a rule that would warrant a ban and no member was there to inform you of the incident before a moderator catches it.

Also, derailing the thread. Tut, tut, tut.

Rai 08-05-12 23:31


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6157856)
Guys, we're here for Tomb Raider, not your bickering.



Touché :vlol:

Um...anyhoo. Tomb Raider...

larafan25 08-05-12 23:32

Not that there's actually anything TR-related to discuss.


Weemanply109 08-05-12 23:33

^I blame you. :pi:

You've analysed everything! :mad:

larafan25 08-05-12 23:34


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6157865)
^I blame you. :pi:

You've analysed everything! :mad:

I have but you haven't, I'm sure there's something left for you to know.

Weemanply109 08-05-12 23:38

So true, but my constricted mind can't comprehend such complex matters. ;_;

I'm dumb.

or maybe I'm too lazy to analyse videos and media.

larafan25 08-05-12 23:46

A wee man wants to talk about how hot Roth is.

I don't think he's going to die.

Weemanply109 08-05-12 23:49

Hmm. :pi:

Roth seems quite sexual. I wonder if him and Lara will hook up and have a "moment". :whi:

larafan25 08-05-12 23:49

I highly doubt it.

Gamd1011 08-05-12 23:52

Some funny things that I've noticed:

Is that supposed to be mud splashing?:p

Footprint? She hasn't walked there yet!
She's floating!!:vlol:

Weemanply109 08-05-12 23:53

Those images aren't doing the game any boast-worthy favours.

Love2Raid 08-05-12 23:57

Well, the game was far from finished back when those screens were taken, so a few bugs here and there is acceptable. ^_^

You know, that's something about this whole waiting that's going to be very interesting. We haven't seen anything in a whole year. I wonder how the game will look now. Small upgrades aren't so easy to spot when you get new screens on a regular basis, but after an entire year I bet there will a lot of visible changes. This is quite exciting.

Linoshi Croft 08-05-12 23:57

Also pre-alpha.

Luis Augusto 09-05-12 00:10


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6157883)
Some funny things that I've noticed:

Is that supposed to be mud splashing?:p

Footprint? She hasn't walked there yet!
She's floating!!:vlol:

Those are little details that you don't even see when you're playing the game. I mean, the splashing mud for example is so small that when you see it in the game it doesn't have to be that detailed to look good.

I don't know if I explained myself well. :pi:

larafan25 09-05-12 00:11


Originally Posted by Luis Augusto (Post 6157901)
Those are little details that you don't even see when you're playing the game. I mean, the splashing mud for example is so small that when you see it in the game it doesn't have to be that detailed to look good.

I don't know if I explained myself good. :pi:

I understand what you mean and I agree.

Luis Augusto 09-05-12 00:13


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6157902)
I understand what you mean and I agree.


Lukass 09-05-12 00:17


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6157887)
Well, the game was far from finished back when those screens were taken, so a few bugs here and there is acceptable. ^_^

You know, that's something about this whole waiting that's going to be very interesting. We haven't seen anything in a whole year. I wonder how the game will look now. Small upgrades aren't so easy to spot when you get new screens on a regular basis, but after an entire year I bet there will a lot of visible changes. This is quite exciting.

This post made me excited! I cannot wait to see improved Lara!

larafan25 09-05-12 00:22

I think it's going to be sooo weird seeing Lara aim the pistol.

Lukass 09-05-12 00:28

If the combat is so unique according to them, I'd love to be able to use the pistol with one hand and the climbing axe as a weapon with the second one. Both at the same time...

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