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Lukass 09-05-12 18:14

I'd like to ask Meagan about that. Where is she when you need her? I haven't seen her in a while now :(

Linoshi Croft 09-05-12 18:15

delayed by how long?

just*raidin*tomb 09-05-12 18:15

Everything that surfaces is pointless. We keep running into dead ends and brick walls. WHEN WILL IT END? There has to be crumbling wall somewhere around the corner. .__.

TR also has ACIII for competition btw.

_Awestruck_ 09-05-12 18:17


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6159165)
delayed by how long?

Till February.

And people, I said less competition. Not no competition. :p

amiro1989 09-05-12 18:18


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6159163)
^TR still has massive competition (CoD, tbh). :pi:

CoD slays all franchises.

CoD and Lara Croft don't reach the same audience I think though.

The only direct competitors would be Resident Evil and Assassin's Creed.

xLara_Nathanx 09-05-12 18:18


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6159163)
^TR still has massive competition (CoD, tbh). :pi:

CoD slays all franchises.

ONLY when it comes to sales tbh...

Weemanply109 09-05-12 18:24


Originally Posted by amiro1989 (Post 6159173)
CoD and Lara Croft don't reach the same audience I think though.

Pretty much everyone plays CoD or has played it. It's the biggest franchise ever in history. So I'd say that CoD's audience is varied. Not all of them are FPS mad, I'm sure they play other genre's too.


Originally Posted by xLara_Nathanx (Post 6159175)
ONLY when it comes to sales tbh...

That's what I was kinda meaning too, but not everyone can afford to buy a multitude of games, and the fact that it's a CoD game ensures that people who liked the last game will automatically be interested in the next game. Same can't be said for Tomb Raider, hence the point in a reboot. They need to captivate people with media and promo, which is almost non-existent at this point.

xLara_Nathanx 09-05-12 18:26


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6159186)

That's what I was kinda meaning too, but not everyone can afford to buy a multitude of games, and the fact that it's a CoD game ensures that people who liked the last game will automatically be interested in the next game. Same can't be said for Tomb Raider, hence the point in a reboot. They need to captivate people with media and promo, which is almost non-existent at this point.

Even more proof how hard it is for CD. Poor guys :vlol:

amiro1989 09-05-12 18:27

Maybe, but it doesn't reach their core audience. If CoD is a sure purchase, if CD manages to release TR 3-4 weeks prior the release of CoD, they'd be absolutely fine.

Something tells me this is exactly what they plan on doing.

They make the most of their sales in the first four weeks, anyways.

lcroft_lc 09-05-12 18:31


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6159125)
What's in that quote is so unbelievable! I thought that stuff gets pushed forward and not back. Especially this close to E3. :confused:

They probably want to unveil the best thing infront of huge crowd and E3 is the best stage for it.

Lukass 09-05-12 18:33


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6159199)
They probably want to unveil the best thing infront of huge crowd and E3 is the best stage for it.

Why they printed the magazine then? And they (CD) must have known when the mag is going to be out. This was last minute decision.

just*raidin*tomb 09-05-12 18:34


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6159199)
They probably want to unveil the best thing infront of huge crowd and E3 is the best stage for it.

It better be damn amazing.

I mean damn amazing. Seriously drop dead amazing.

Tonyrobinson 09-05-12 18:34

Tomb Raider will undoubtedly be amazing at E3 it will have to be after the lack of news. E3 would indeed be the best time to show combat but they should show multiplayer too and give it the upper edge on some of the other competition. If Multiplayer is in the game is needs to be announced to appeal to other gamers. I know they will be at Comic Con in July but I feel that setting is more appropriate for introducing the characters. :)

lcroft_lc 09-05-12 18:35


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6159205)
Why they printed the magazine then? And they (CD) must have known when the mag is going to be out. This was last minute decision.

Its only cover. Probably they made the cover about 20 days ago. Anyway, their new issue will come out tomorrow.

King.Louie 09-05-12 18:35

This anticipation is killing me D:

just*raidin*tomb 09-05-12 18:37

20 more days and it'll be one day till GTTV where hopefully a gametrailer will premier and make me faint.

Lukass 09-05-12 18:37

Why we still keep talking just about the combat? I know it's probably the most exciting part we're hyped about, but there are other things they could reveal weeks or months ago. What about enemies, what about healing, what about whatever else? There are thousands of things to learn yet. I'm so very curious how they're going to reveal and explain so many things at E3. It's going to be mayhem! I know there are other events after E3, but still, E3 is the biggest and most important one.

lcroft_lc 09-05-12 18:38

Retailers leaked Hitman: Absolution release is September 17, 2012. And another title from Square Enix, Sleeping Dogs, is dated August 14, 2012. If this is true and they can keep 4 weeks distance for each of their title then Tomb Raider might released on October 9, 2012.:D

Lukass 09-05-12 18:41


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6159212)
Its only cover. Probably they made the cover about 20 days ago. Anyway, their new issue will come out tomorrow.

Only cover? What do you mean only cover? And what about the content that is in the magazine? Are those retailers going to work night shift to tear out the pages about Tomb Raider? :confused: I think I still don't really understand what's going on.

Weemanply109 09-05-12 18:47

I hope the enemies are creepy. Are they still the same as the one's in the leaked concept art in 2009? Or did they announce that it was scraped alongside the horse idea?

R.I.P. Horse, you would've been amazing if implemented properly.

NRO. 09-05-12 18:48


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6159233)
I hope the enemies are creepy. Are they still the same as the one's in the leaked concept art in 2009? Or did they announce that it was scraped alongside the horse idea?

R.I.P. Horse, you would've been amazing if implemented properly.


Lukass 09-05-12 18:50


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6159233)
I hope the enemies are creepy. Are they still the same as the one's in the leaked concept art in 2009? Or did they announce that it was scraped alongside the horse idea?

R.I.P. Horse, you would've been amazing if implemented properly.


Can we expect to see a variety of enemies? or will it be exclusive to the islanders and animals? (ie no more mythological creatures?) and/or boss battles?

KS: “I don’t want to keep giving away spoilers. There is obviously an element of mystery to the island that you have to play to properly experience. I can say that there are plenty of people on the island, and lots of diversity in your encounters. I look forward to fans seeing the bow in action, and to hunting. That’s what you do on an island, right? Hunt.”
So hard to tell....I think the humanoids from the leaked concept are not in the game.

just*raidin*tomb 09-05-12 18:50

I still don't believe they are 100% scrapped.

"I don't want to keep giving away spoilers..." is a sign of that imo.

Weemanply109 09-05-12 18:52


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6159238)

****. ****. ****. ****.

It was one of the aspects I was looking forward to seeing.

just*raidin*tomb 09-05-12 18:53

There is absolutely no proof of them being scrapped. :confused:

Lukass 09-05-12 18:54

I don't think we will see exactly those monsters from the concept art, but there must be more than just scavengers and wolves, right? Scavengers are dangerous and all, but they're not as creepy as some monsters. I don't want TR to be like Alan Wake with its Taken. There are more types of them with different weapons, but they just seem the same and they got boring after two hours of playing.

Mikky 09-05-12 18:55


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6159253)
There is absolutely no proof of them being scrapped. :confused:


I really hope they make it into the game.

just*raidin*tomb 09-05-12 18:57

Of course there are enemies in the game that we won't even know of until we play the game. You can't just make assumptions like that as if they're fact. :/

larafan25 09-05-12 19:06


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6159233)
I hope the enemies are creepy. Are they still the same as the one's in the leaked concept art in 2009? Or did they announce that it was scraped alongside the horse idea?

R.I.P. Horse, you would've been amazing if implemented properly.

1. This is Tomb Raider not Silent Hill.

2. This is Tomb Raider not My Little Pony.


edit: The leaked monsters were totes scrapped, people just don't believe it because there's too long of a gap between Karl saying concepts and monsters, and some believe he woukd go to the extent of calling them mutants if they were, as opposed to goblins.

Mikky 09-05-12 19:14


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6159274)

2. This is Tomb Raider not My Little Pony.


People don't ride the ponies in that show, though. Not a very accurate comparison. You should something like, "This is Tomb Raider not Zelda." You fail.

just*raidin*tomb 09-05-12 19:14

Is larafan joking? o.0

larafan25 09-05-12 19:16


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6159291)
Is larafan joking? o.0

Yes I'm joking, I hate it when people say "this isn't..."


just*raidin*tomb 09-05-12 19:18

Sorry, I thought so, but it was rather hard to tell that time. :vlol:

Weemanply109 09-05-12 19:54

Oh, LaraStan. How much I adore you. I c wut u did thur.


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6159255)

I really hope they make it into the game.

Me too, normal scavengers seem boring. Where's the variety?


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6159291)
Is larafan joking? o.0

He's getting back at me for saying "This isn't Street Fighter" yesterday when he mentioned button combinations for combat. :pi:

Tonyrobinson 09-05-12 20:08

I hope there are some monsters there. They are obviously sacrificing Lara to some sort of God so hopefully it makes an appearance although having only realistic enemies could work well too. Introducing supernatural enemies, swimming and vehicles or horses in the sequel could be a good selling feature for the game even know they've been in the previous instalments as a new franchise there is a lot not in this game that can be big features in others. :)

In terms of sale think of it as the iPhone the capabilities are already there but not implemented so they have new features and more sales for the next one. Unfortunately that is the way the business works. :p

Weemanply109 09-05-12 20:22

I predict that they'll add a horse in one of the future games and use it as a selling point.

"OMG, TR has a new horse to ride, y'all!"

larafan25 09-05-12 20:25

They'll do it with swimming.

Mikky 09-05-12 20:27


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6159442)
They'll do it with swimming.

This is so true. >.>

Tonyrobinson 09-05-12 20:29

Yep, unfortunately the minuscule things that should be there in the first place will be applauded as new features in future instalments. They can say stuff like "They don't fit with the story we want to tell" as a cover up all they want but when they appear in the sequel as "great new features" the gamers and reviewers will eat that up and the reviews will rocket up calling it "fresh and new". :vlol:

Lukass 09-05-12 20:32


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6159451)
Yep, unfortunately the minuscule things that should be there in the first place will be applauded as new features in future instalments. They can say stuff like "They don't fit with the story we want to tell" as a cover up all they want but when they appear in the sequel as "great new features" the gamers and reviewers will eat that up and the reviews will rocket up calling it "fresh and new". :vlol:

:vlol:! OMG!

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