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Lukass 19-05-12 23:04

Jesus, this makes me so excited!

Just two week to go...


TippingWater 19-05-12 23:04


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6177582)
Her armpit O_o she has dislocated arm, right?

How about now? :D

SpyrosMonster 19-05-12 23:06


Originally Posted by Lio123 (Post 6177604)
desktop, i found this on google image but f you look for it on deviantart am pretty sure is wall paper.:)

can you send me a link to download it in HQ ?

Lio123 19-05-12 23:09

Lukass 19-05-12 23:10


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6177613)

Yeah, that's better. As I'm looking at her and I see the new Lara on my wall next to my monitor, the old Lara is hilarious creature! :vlol:

TippingWater 19-05-12 23:12


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6177620)
Yeah, that's better. As I'm looking at her and I see the new Lara on my wall next to my monitor, the old Lara is hilarious creature! :vlol:

Meanie! :p:hug:

Stevo505 19-05-12 23:16

Are those all screen shots? Or are the first 2 concept art?

Lukass 19-05-12 23:17

I'm 100% positive the 2 first pics are artworks or concepts.

Lio123 19-05-12 23:18


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6177630)
I'm 100% positive the 2 first pics are artworks or concepts.

I agree:tmb:

Linoshi Croft 19-05-12 23:18


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6177630)
I'm 99% positive the 2 first pics are artworks or concepts.


just*raidin*tomb 19-05-12 23:19


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6177629)
Are those all screen shots? Or are the first 2 concept art?

No one actually knows.

Stevo505 19-05-12 23:21


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6177636)
No one actually knows.

Hmm.. The 2nd one looks like it could be a screen shot but it's hard to tell.

Spong 19-05-12 23:25


Originally Posted by Lio123 (Post 6177617)

That's definitely a waterfall and a river...

Whoever made it has put two images together. Rather badly.

Lio123 19-05-12 23:25


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6177637)
Hmm.. The 2nd one looks like it could be a screen shot but it's hard to tell.

I know, but am sure the first one is a concept art.

Weemanply109 19-05-12 23:44


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6177603)
What a weird image. It looks like she's walking along a wall and dipping her hand into a river. And if you rotate it to show that, you can even see a waterfall in the background behind the tree. Look...

OMFG. :eek:

TRexbait 19-05-12 23:48

If I remember right, it's somebody's artwork from deviantart or something. They said that they were inspired by the room in Cradle of Life where gravity went out the window. I forgot where it was first posted on the forum though. =/

leglion 19-05-12 23:50


Originally Posted by TRexbait (Post 6177667)
If I remember right, it's somebody's artwork from deviantart or something. They said that they were inspired by the room in Cradle of Life where gravity went out the window. I forgot where it was first posted on the forum though. =/

Pic of the day thread by Mikky.

just*raidin*tomb 19-05-12 23:51

I think it was this thread. And then we had a discussion about the concept of Lara somehow being drugged or poisoned, altering her perception of reality. I think it would be a rather interesting concept for a segment of a future game.

TRexbait 19-05-12 23:53


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6177672)
I think it was this thread. And then we had a discussion about the concept of Lara somehow being drugged or poisoned, altering her perception of reality. I think it would be a rather interesting concept for a segment of a future game.

This one! (though apparently Mikky posted it as well).

So I don't think, as Spong said, it was made by somebody who just combined two pictures together badly... unless he just doesn't like the piece itself and we has just expressing his dislike.

Weemanply109 19-05-12 23:54


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6177672)
Lara somehow being drugged or poisoned, altering her perception of reality. I think it would be a rather interesting concept for a segment of a future game.

That would be amazing. This needs to happen.

Spong 19-05-12 23:55


Originally Posted by TRexbait (Post 6177674)
So I don't think, as Spong said, it was made by somebody who just combined two pictures together badly... unless he just doesn't like the piece itself and we has just expressing his dislike.

It seemed like someone had taken a pic of Lara, another of a random background, and stuck them together. It makes more sense now it's been given some context :tmb:

However, now it begs the question; which way up is correct?


Lio123 20-05-12 00:10


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6177678)
It seemed like someone had taken a pic of Lara, another of a random background, and stuck them together. It makes more sense now it's been given some context :tmb:

However, now it begs the question; which way up is correct?


I say both ways is correct.

TRexbait 20-05-12 00:16


The universe is Lara-Centric. Her way is the correct up. Duh.

Spong 20-05-12 00:17


Originally Posted by TRexbait (Post 6177715)
The universe is Lara-Centric. Her way is the correct up. Duh.

Not in the scenario depicted in Cradle of Life though, which that pic represents :p

larafan25 20-05-12 00:20

It was first posted in Pic of the Day by Mikky, then I saw it and made this thread...

TRexbait 20-05-12 00:22


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6177719)
Not in the scenario depicted in Cradle of Life though, which that pic represents :p

Always have an answer for everything, don't you? >.>

Spong 20-05-12 00:24


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6177722)
It was first posted in Pic of the Day by Mikky, then I saw it and made this thread...

Oh right, so the Cradle of Life thing was just an imagination on your part and not on behalf of the artist?
In that case, the image goes back being a weird composite of two images (until I hear otherwise).


Originally Posted by TRexbait (Post 6177725)
Always have an answer for everything, don't you? >.>

Most of the time :cool:
But as I just posted, seems like my Cradle of Life thing was wrong. But that's larafan's fault. Nice of him to take the bullet for me :D

larafan25 20-05-12 00:31

Here is the artist's arty art-like stuff...

This is bad ass and makes me think of TR9...

just*raidin*tomb 20-05-12 00:32

So jealous. :/

TRexbait 20-05-12 00:32

...I hate you always-right people. YOU MAKE ME ALWAYS WRONG.


Spong 20-05-12 00:33


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6177741)
Here is the artist's arty art-like stuff...

Apart from the fact the pic's title has the word "surreal" in it, the artist/uploader makes no mention of the skewed perspective. But not being a DA browser, the artist might do pics like that all the time for all I know.

larafan25 20-05-12 00:36


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6177747)
Apart from the fact the pic's title has the word "surreal" in it, the artist/uploader makes no mention of the skewed perspective. But not being a DA browser, the artist might do pics like that all the time for all I know.

I think it's just a painting with a strange perspective, I'm sure it was purposely done that way.

Spong 20-05-12 00:37


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6177749)
I think it's just a painting with a strange perspective, I'm sure it was purposely done that way.

I can't be bothered to read through the comments on the pic, but I wonder if anyone else noticed & asked about it?

larafan25 20-05-12 00:39


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6177751)
I can't be bothered to read through the comments on the pic, but I wonder if anyone else noticed & asked about it?

Someone appears to have noticed...


Originally Posted by Some comment
Really(!) impressed by the concept and can't stop tilting my head when looking at it.

Spong 20-05-12 00:47

I guess the painter never responded. In the absence of an explanation, your Cradle of Life idea fits best :tmb:. Otherwise it's just a bit of a weird pic.

CrisSioux 20-05-12 00:50

tomb raider's cocktail :vlol: :vlol: :vlol: :vlol:

just*raidin*tomb 20-05-12 00:50


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6177763)
I guess the painter never responded. In the absence of an explanation, your Cradle of Life idea fits best :tmb:. Otherwise it's just a bit of a weird pic.

I'm very sure it was intentional. Especially if they mention surrealism...

larafan25 20-05-12 00:52


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6177770)
I'm very sure it was intentional. Especially if they mention surrealism...

I think he means whether it's just purposely weird, or meant to be like the Cradle of Life or is inspired by that phenomenon.

just*raidin*tomb 20-05-12 00:53


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6177774)
I think he means whether it's just purposely weird, or meant to be like the Cradle of Life or is inspired by that phenomenon.

Oh...I don't know. Spong is very confusing.

larafan25 20-05-12 00:54


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6177776)
Oh...I don't know. Spong is very confusing.




I hope hope hunting is just like combat, but we don't want to die...U no guise?

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