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Stevo505 23-05-12 03:20


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6183626)
Yeah, my only beef with underworld, the animations. :\

Same.. and the camera :p

larafan25 23-05-12 03:22

I noticed in Med Sea (as far as I happily get after loathing Croft Manor, loving Med Sea and finding Thailans plain and boring) that the camera never seems to be a pest for me, it's not until Thailand that it starts moving on it's own to be all pretty and crap.

Hopefully in TR9 we spend less time on ledges. In fact Dark_Messiah even mentioned that they didn't see very many if any ledges at all in the wolf demo. I think CD may have totally ditched them, which is nice.

leglion 23-05-12 03:24


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6183627)
The animations are like...the heart of the movements it seems. If they don't look right then for some reason it doesn't feel right, and it becomes less enjoyable.

Fix the animations in TRU, get rid of combat entirely, shove in tons more tombs and puzzles because the puzzles with blocks were awesome, and I'd love TRU.

Combat in TRU isn't really bad if you know how to strategize.

larafan25 23-05-12 03:26


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6183633)
Combat in TRU isn't really bad if you know how to strategize.

Running while aiming the guns is fun. Pressing the grapple button to dive off the enemy and initiate a headshot is fun. Rolling out of the way is fun, but tigers maul you nonstop. Kicking is fun.

But everything else is meh. ._.

Oh, and that little thing where we could automatically jump over an obstacle in Thailand, which was only done like twice in the game, and only by chance in Amanda's Ship was fun.

just*raidin*tomb 23-05-12 03:26

Very nice indeed. And i feel many things improve/get worse depending on the level in Underworld. It's really strange. Like the animations in Mexico somehow feel better than the Med, but the camera seems to work better in the Med. It's strange. Ehh. And I need combat. If the combat was like Anniversary in Underworld it would be alot better too. I'm just glad this is delayed. It gives me hope that it'll be nice and polished.

leglion 23-05-12 03:28


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6183634)
Running while aiming the guns is fun. Pressing the grapple button to dive off the enemy and initiate a headshot is fun. Rolling out of the way is fun, but tigers maul you nonstop. Kicking is fun.

But everything else is meh. ._.

Oh, and that little thing where we could automatically jump over an obstacle in Thailand, which was only done like twice in the game, and only by chance in Amanda's Ship was fun.

My strategy for the tigers is to use the tranquilizer and kill them, or the sticky grenades.

Stevo505 23-05-12 03:28

Underworld really isn't a bad game... it just gets repetitive and dull sometimes, but overall it's still good.

larafan25 23-05-12 03:28


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6183635)
Very nice indeed. And i feel many things improve/get worse depending on the level in Underworld. It's really strange. Like the animations in Mexico somehow feel better than the Med, but the camera seems to work better in the Med. It's strange. Ehh. And I need combat. If the combat was like Anniversary in Underworld it would be alot better too. I'm just glad this is delayed. It gives me hope that it'll be nice and polished.

I tend to move slower and be more relaxed in the med sea, so to me the animations seem better as I don't rush. I think it has to do with the swimming segment beforehand. The same in the Arctic Sea, I move slower in the air holes while platforming, and Lara's moves seem nicer. The game is beautiful in wet places and each time I replay I truly don't think TRU Lara is ugly, especially not in game. <3


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6183636)
My strategy for the tigers is to use the tranquilizer and kill them, or the sticky grenades.

That would bore me. I like to dance around and crap.

leglion 23-05-12 03:29

The only people i hear calling underworld Lara is ugly are her fans... All my friends think she's beautiful/hot.

Stevo505 23-05-12 03:30


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6183638)
I truly don't think TRU Lara is ugly, especially not in game. <3

Not ugly. Just not realistic. TRU Lara looks like an alien goddess or something.

just*raidin*tomb 23-05-12 03:32


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6183638)
I tend to move slower and be more relaxed in the med sea, so to me the animations seem better as I don't rush. I think it has to do with the swimming segment beforehand. The same in the Arctic Sea, I move slower in the air holes while platforming, and Lara's moves seem nicer. The game is beautiful in wet places and each time I replay I truly don't think TRU Lara is ugly, especially not in game. <3

That would bore me. I like to dance around and crap.

Unfortunate for me the game crashes my PS3 in a couple of places. Mostly just the final level. When you're traversing to get to the gate and then later in the hallway when the thralls just keep coming and coming. The game just kept crashing. It was stuff like that and the animations and all those small things, that if improved would have made it a much better game. I will never get over what a shame that is. :/

Hopefully TR will be polished, fluid, and fun. There's so much we don't know still.

Oh and Underworld Lara can look beautiful and ugly depending on the lighting. I think for the most part, they did a good job making her look good in cutscenes. Especially this one:

larafan25 23-05-12 03:35


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6183640)
The only people i hear calling underworld Lara is ugly are her fans... All my friends think she's beautiful/hot.

I think people stopped playing the game and forgot what it looked like.


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6183642)
Not ugly. Just not realistic. TRU Lara looks like an alien goddess or something.

lol, alien goddess. to me she just seems like TR1 Lara, but more rounded out and detailed. So...alien goddess.


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6183644)
Unfortunate for me the game crashes my PS3 in a couple of places. Mostly just the final level. When you're traversing to get to the gate and then later in the hallway when the thralls just keep coming and coming. The game just kept crashing. It was stuff like that and the animations and all those small things, that if improved would have made it a much better game. I will never get over what a shame that is. :/

Hopefully TR will be polished, fluid, and fun. There's so much we don't know still.

I luckily never had any crashes with TRU, or many bugs either.

Stevo505 23-05-12 03:35


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6183644)
Unfortunate for me the game crashes my PS3 in a couple of places. Mostly just the final level. When you're traversing to get to the gate and then later in the hallway when the thralls just keep coming and coming. The game just kept crashing. It was stuff like that and the animations and all those small things, that if improved would have made it a much better game. I will never get over what a shame that is. :/

Hopefully TR will be polished, fluid, and fun. There's so much we don't know still.

TRU used to freeze sometimes for me in Mexico during motorcycle parts. Irritating. I hope there are no game-breaking bugs like that.

^^ You're right about the lighting. They did a fantastic job with that in the Xbox DLC. She looked amazing in those.

larafan25 23-05-12 03:38


I always saw these..."doorways" or Japanese archeways thingies and thought they were just that, but this one looks taller to me, and like it's a "ladder" type of thing.

Plus there is totally a building in front of it.

From this shot...

Stevo505 23-05-12 03:39


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6183652)

All I notice in that screen shot is Lara's fabulous hair.... dang it looks fantastic.

larafan25 23-05-12 03:41


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6183653)
All I notice in that screen shot is Lara's fabulous hair.... dang it looks fantastic.

It's odd how there is just that one tree with ropes tied around it. I wonder if it has significance.

I remember something being said about a rope mechanic.

I need to sleep, the truth is driving me cray cray!


Stevo505 23-05-12 03:42


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6183655)
It's odd how there is just that one tree with ropes tied around it. I wonder if it has significance.

I remember something being said about a rope mechanic.

I need to sleep, the truth is driving me cray cray!


....I wonder if Lara can commit suicide if we get frustrated. The ropes would be handy... :vlol:

leglion 23-05-12 03:43


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6183655)
It's odd how there is just that one tree with ropes tied around it. I wonder if it has significance.

I remember something being said about a rope mechanic.

I need to sleep, the truth is driving me cray cray!


I think that i heard somewhere that in japan that a rope tied around a tree means it's a sacred tree.

There should be a secret button sequence to make Lara commit suicide in a brutal way depending on the weapon we're carrying. :pi:

leglion 23-05-12 03:47

double post

Lukass 23-05-12 08:40

Just finished last 7 pages and OMFG your ideas guys! <3

Nemo_91 23-05-12 08:54

One question: will there be day/night cycle in the game?

I hope it won't be raining all the time.

just*raidin*tomb 23-05-12 08:57


Originally Posted by Nemo_91 (Post 6183834)
One question: will there be day/night cycle in the game?

I hope it won't be raining all the time.

There won't be like AC style day/night cycle, but yes. When you revisit areas there will be different weather/time of day. It's been confirmed. It definitely won't be raining the whole time. I don't even think it's raining in the two recent screens.

Nemo_91 23-05-12 09:03


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6183841)
There won't be like AC style day/night cycle, but yes. When you revisit areas there will be different weather/time of day. It's been confirmed. It definitely won't be raining the whole time. I don't even think it's raining in the two recent screens.

Ah, thanks. It's better than nothing, I guess. :p

just*raidin*tomb 23-05-12 09:05


Originally Posted by Nemo_91 (Post 6183848)
Ah, thanks. It's better than nothing, I guess. :p

Well the way they're telling the story, certain scenarios are only going to make sense in a certain weather/time/setting. Because of this I just think a day/night cycle would be a bit out of place.

Nemo_91 23-05-12 09:08


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6183850)
Well the way they're telling the story, certain scenarios are only going to make sense in a certain weather/time/setting. Because of this I just think a day/night cycle would be a bit out of place.

LMFAO. Sorry, I read it with your signature.

But yeah, it makes sense.

just*raidin*tomb 23-05-12 09:11


Originally Posted by Nemo_91 (Post 6183852)
LMFAO. Sorry, I read it with your signature.

But yeah, it makes sense.

Bahaha :vlol:

NYCL@R@ 23-05-12 10:21

I'm so proud of myself, I'm not buying into all the TR hype. I guess its my defense mechanism to not be disappointed again

_Awestruck_ 23-05-12 10:45


lcroft_lc 23-05-12 11:49


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6183927)

Have you told your definition of 'Horribly Wrong' to Karl Stewart yet? :confused:

What CD & Meagan are upto?

Originally Posted by MeaganMarie
I'd really like to do the E3 podcasts again this year! To be honest it will be a bit difficult, as I'm going to be tied up most of the show on a semi-secret community project I'll be ready to talk about this week.

Yep! TR-related! I'm almost ready to share it with you guys. I've been working on it for a few months now, as a means of helping ensure TR fans feel like they've got inside access and representation at E3. You'll see what I mean in a few days.

Gladous 23-05-12 15:17


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6183993)
Have you told your definition of 'Horribly Wrong' to Karl Stewart yet? :confused:

What CD & Meagan are upto?

Sooo... does that mean we could have whatever she's talking about by the end of the week?

Bomb Fighter 23-05-12 16:39

Oooh, this sounds exciting. Can't wait! :jmp:

just*raidin*tomb 23-05-12 16:43

How would we have representation at E3 I wonder? O_o

Maybe they'll be live feed. :p

Lukass 23-05-12 17:13


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6184468)
Oooh, this sounds exciting. Can't wait! :jmp:

What sounds exciting?

Spong 23-05-12 17:16


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6184541)
What sounds exciting?

I'm guessing they're talking about that info from Meagan that lc quoted.

Bomb Fighter 23-05-12 17:18


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6184544)
I'm guessing they're talking about that info from Meagan that lc quoted.


lcroft_lc 23-05-12 17:21

If live feeds then it might be through new TR site.

Meagan's tweet:

E3 is going to be amazing. If I survive the next week and a half. 0_o
Oh I envy that job.

Lukass 23-05-12 17:29

@Spong Thanks ;)

Um, yes...that does sound interesting, but...I wouldn't expect anything big. Not until May 31st.

klona 23-05-12 17:32


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6184573)
@Spong Thanks ;)

Um, yes...that does sound interesting, but...I wouldn't expect anything big. Not until May 31st.

I expect some teasers in a few days.

Lukass 23-05-12 17:36


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6184581)
I expect some teasers in a few days.

Teasers :eek:

I wouldn't get angry if it was a little documentary film, something like behind the E3 scene. I would love them to show us how they prepare stuff for the show, and making decorations of the stage etc. That would be interesting to see :) Well, at least for me.

lcroft_lc 23-05-12 17:40

CD could do some stuff like this:
Assassin's Creed III: Road To E3

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