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CiaKonwerski 28-05-12 03:16

This game is just looking so gorgeous at the moment. :) I am so happy with CD. Comparing this Lara to any of their previous games is just...amazing. The graphics look great, the gameplay looks fun and fresh (for a TR game), and I love her voice. She definitely sounds different from the other E3 gameplay, but I still like it. Cannot wait to see and hear more.

slavo120 28-05-12 17:06



Square Enix USA CEO Mike Fischer: ...That type of technology takes time to get right, and we took our time to get it right. The same thing applies to Tomb Raider, right? We just announced the game’s going to be coming out in 2013. We could ship that game now, it’s so good. So imagine how awesome it’s going to be when it hits the market.

GamesBeat: Is there an explanation for that, too? As far as why it needed to go out further?

Fischer: I can look you in the eye and tell you, honest to goodness, we want this to be the best game of the generation. And the time that we’re giving it is going to allow that to happen. Look, you’re going to see the game at E3. Tell me if you think I’m blowing smoke your way. It’s really that good.

Killercowz 28-05-12 17:07


I'm so excited.


I can look you in the eye and tell you, honest to goodness, we want this to be the best game of the generation. And the time that we’re giving it is going to allow that to happen. Look, you’re going to see the game at E3. Tell me if you think I’m blowing smoke your way. It’s really that good.
However I'm a little skeptical. :pi:

Only TR lover 28-05-12 17:08

:jmp: :jmp: It would be not wise to believe everything they say but this made me happy and nervous at the same time. :D

Lukass 28-05-12 17:09

@slavo120 :eek: I'm speechless! Jesus, I'm so hyped! :yah: :yah: :yah:

Beautiful <3

slavo120 28-05-12 17:09

Hope this is not only PR talks...I hope that CD convinces everyone on E3 :)

Rai 28-05-12 17:12


Originally Posted by slavo120 (Post 6198276)
Hope this is not only PR talks...I hope that CD convinces everyone on E3 :)

Well as the CEO of SE, he is going to be hyping the game a lot...but - he's not CD and PR or not it's good he is showing a lot of faith in the game, imo. He's as good as saying 'see TR at E3 and tell me I'm wrong'.

Only TR lover 28-05-12 17:13


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6198273)
@slavo120 :eek: I'm speechless! Jesus, I'm so hyped! :yah: :yah: :yah:

Beautiful <3

Where did this came from?

BinRaider 28-05-12 17:14

They're setting themselves up alright. I just really hope they can back it up because i'm pinning my hopes on this game...

^That's a competition entry in the official Eidos forums.

Rai 28-05-12 17:15

That picture looks like someone made Lara and Conrad dolls and positioned them on a fence like that. It's pretty good :).

Lukass 28-05-12 17:16


Originally Posted by Only TR lover (Post 6198296)
Where did this came from?

Only TR lover 28-05-12 17:18


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6198310)

He did a great job :D I laughed at the one where they are on the tree branch :vlol: Great detalis :)

Lio123 28-05-12 19:02


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6198273)
@slavo120 :eek: I'm speechless! Jesus, I'm so hyped! :yah: :yah: :yah:

Beautiful <3

I Love this!:D

larafan25 28-05-12 19:09


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6198273)
@slavo120 :eek: I'm speechless! Jesus, I'm so hyped! :yah: :yah: :yah:

Beautiful <3

OMG! I want! D:

Captain Rob 28-05-12 19:36


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6197257)

Can we assume from this picture that Lara is no longer left-handed?
I know that she's been left-handed because she's operated the M-16 left-handed the same way I do. And I'm left-handed.

larafan25 28-05-12 19:37

I suppose if the actress is right handed, now Lara is.

She holds the torch with her right hands too.

Rai 28-05-12 19:41


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6198826)
I suppose if the actress is right handed, now Lara is.

She holds the torch with her right hands too.

She holds the torch with her left hand, clutching her left side with her right.

I'm right handed and I hold the match box with my right hand and strike the match with the left. The opposite to Lara.

Mikky 28-05-12 19:47

Yeah, but the way she handles the bow in this screenshot, pulling the string (or whatever you call it) on the bow with her right hand means that she's right handed. I'm not sure how to explain the torch handling, though. :/

Rai 28-05-12 19:48


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6198867)
Yeah, but the way she handles the bow in this screenshot, pulling the string (or whatever you call it) on the bow with her right hand means that she's right handed. I'm not sure how to explain the torch handling, though. :/

This is true, maybe she's ambidextrous? :p

LNSNHGTDS 28-05-12 19:51

She was left handed before? I hadn't actually noticed :O !

Maybe she does some stuff with the right hand and some others with the left hand.

larafan25 28-05-12 19:51


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6198841)
She holds the torch with her left hand, clutching her left side with her right.

I'm right handed and I hold the match box with my right hand and strike the match with the left. The opposite to Lara.

Oh right, it is her left hand. Hmmm...

Only TR lover 28-05-12 19:53

I would say that she holds a torch in her left hand 'cause she'll hold an axe or some other weapon in her right hand while still holding the torch.

NRO. 28-05-12 19:58

I always thought Lara was ambidextrous, tbh.

tomblover 28-05-12 20:14

Lara was shanked in the left side of her gut so logic dictates that she would hold the torch with her left while clutching the wound with her right, and vice versa had she been shanked in the right side. :p

She's surely right-handed. :)

tomee 28-05-12 20:14


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6198891)
She was left handed before? I hadn't actually noticed :O !

Maybe she does some stuff with the right hand and some others with the left hand.

She suddenly became left handed in TRU, and she was also left handed in GOL I think.

She holded the torch in her left in the demo. Although the way she wields the bow makes me think she's right handed + the matches now.

Mikky 28-05-12 20:20


Originally Posted by tomblover (Post 6198988)
Lara was shanked in the left side of her gut so logic dictates that she would hold the torch with her left while clutching the wound with her right, and vice versa had she been shanked in the right side. :p

She's surely right-handed. :)

I think we have a winner. :D

LNSNHGTDS 28-05-12 20:23


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6198990)
She suddenly became left handed in TRU, and she was also left handed in GOL I think.

She holded the torch in her left in the demo. Although the way she wields the bow makes me think she's right handed + the matches now.

I don't know, maybe she hit her head somewhere :p ...

klona 29-05-12 06:44

Did anybody notice the section's description?
Maybe because I sent a message to the admin. :p

lcroft_lc 29-05-12 07:13


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6200127)
Did anybody notice the section's description?
Maybe because I sent a message to the admin. :p

2013! Great job!! :ton:

klona 29-05-12 07:21

I can totally feel what made the hype to the people in E3.

Stevo505 29-05-12 07:30


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6200164)

I can totally feel what made the hype to the people in E3.

Whoah, it's cool to see a video of the demo from the audience. It makes me more excited while watching it for some reason :D

just*raidin*tomb 29-05-12 07:38

Way cool to watch it like that. It somehow makes it so much better and exciting. Visually it even looks better somehow.

Stevo505 29-05-12 07:40


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6200187)
Way cool to watch it like that. It somehow makes it so much better and exciting. Visually it even looks better somehow.

My thoughts exactly... it's almost as if I'm in the audience watching it for the first time at the Microsoft Conference :p

lcroft_lc 30-05-12 14:42
TR missed July issue of PSM3 as well. :(

BinRaider 30-05-12 14:48

^ They're probably livid that TR is going to upstage their exclusive games :tea:

Tonyrobinson 30-05-12 15:41

Tomb Raider have probably signed an exclusive to begin with then the following month the other magazines will be getting in on the action. :)

Evan C. 30-05-12 16:04

Furthermore, Tomb Raider won't be launched until next year, so there's plenty of time for coverage on magazines.

CLF 30-05-12 16:14

Call of Duty just keeps getting sadder and sadder, doesn't it?

tomee 30-05-12 16:28


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6200164)

I can totally feel what made the hype to the people in E3.

I've got to admit, it looks pretty cool like that. Not sure why. 0:

Originally Posted by CLF (Post 6202795)
Call of Duty just keeps getting sadder and sadder, doesn't it?


klona 30-05-12 16:39


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6202825)

Because it's repetitive and horrible? :p

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